I call this whale ballet, from Valentine's Day! Definitely a lot of singing going on too!
VC: Dig Me Deb
Hawaii Ocean Rafting @hawaii_ocean_rafting
Three breaches within the first ten minutes out on Thursday 2-20-25. Video shared by Cristina Almeroth. Hawaii Ocean Rafting
Curious calf 2-12-25
This curious little calf came right over to the raft and then bolted back to his momma who is down out of sight.
VC Dig Me Deb 2-12-25
Hawaii Ocean Rafting
Very loud singer on Valentine's Day! Did you know that you can guess which males might be singing? If you see a lone whale surface, take a couple of breaths, do a slow fluke up dive, and stay down for awhile, it might be a male singer! Sure enough, we watched that happen, turned off our engines, and we could clearly hear it singing without even a hydrophone!
VC Dig Me Deb
Hawaii Ocean Rafting
In honor of World Whale Day yesterday, enjoy! There is so much going on in this video. Definitely turn on the sound and listen to all of the different whale social sounds plus all of that singing. The singing is not from the two whales we are watching but those social sounds probably are and they are loud! Then you will hear another boat's engine as it comes towards us.
This is from the 11:05 whale watch on Friday, 2/7/25.
VC: Dig Me Deb
Hawaii Ocean Rafting
Swim by
Valentines swim by! Video by crew Jess. Hawaii Ocean Rafting
Bottlenose 2-13-25
Very calm out there today with some VOG and bottlenose dolphins. Dolphins count on a whale watch as they are technically toothed whales just like orcas.
Fun with chin slaps! It's typical for a humpback to breach once and then follow that with 4-6 chin slaps. This whale just launched with a chin slap and then did 4 more. Same as the video we previously shared but that only had two of the chin slaps in it.
PC Dig Me Deb 2/7/25 9:05 whale watch
Hawaii Ocean Rafting
Oopsey poopsey! Not too often you see this down here since they are not feeding. Sure looks like a pregnant female to my eye :))))
VC: Dig Me Deb 2-7-25 9:05 whale watch
Hawaii Ocean Rafting
More fun from yesterday's 9:05 whale watch.
VC: Joseph Thacker
Hawaii Ocean Rafting