11/7 report
This was day two for our guest looking to stalk his freezer. Yesterday we had 18 nice eaters but today the weather was looking sporty with North winds and rollers coming into Huron.
We pounded North into the waves until we got out to 45ft, then turned - set out our spread and road the swells back to the river. Fortunately it only took one pass to get him another boat limit of 18. Fish were bigger today.
We had 4 on at once and 3 another time. We got them all in both times and no tangles. The 4 fish big was a 27 1/2. Before someone complains about the small one - it was 17 inches. It just looks small next to the big fish.
No shorts, 8 whites ( one was 18 3/4 inches), one big sheep.
Water temps were 59. Our speed was all over due to the swells. 1.6 to 2.6 mph. All speeds and colors caught. Best color was red headed wonder-bread. Scorpion spoons were our best producers 30 to 35 down again. Flicker shad caught well but not as good as the spoons.
It was crappy weather but good fishing and great company.
Bad news, we lost a fish hawk probe. It has a breakaway in case the ball snags but I guess it failed or we snagged the probe itself. 😢
We will be in until the weather settles.