3:45AM Questions this AM as I Meditate,
I Tap into Intuition, Where I Turned a Blind Eye.
I Scour Literature in Search of What Is.
I Write from My Heart.
I Have Value in “past memories” that is useful
I leave the rest.,
All There Is, Is Now,............
Just Be, and Be, and Be,
I Am.
I Go to Bed When I Am Tired.
I Ask Am I Tired,
And then I Sleep,.......
I Rise Early,
4:00AM to Write,
I Meditate and Be, and Be, and Be
I Nourish this Body Vessel with Good Food,
I Ask, Am I Hungry,
I Eat Food that Fuels this Body Vessel,
What is it I want for 2025?
For EveryDay to Feel Like a Saturday
What Is My Deepest Desire for 2025?
To Restore this Body Vessel Closer to Its Original Making
What Brings Me Joy in 2025?
Just Be, and Be, and Be
I Listen with Ease. I Sit very silently, not with attention fixed on anything, not making an effort to concentrate, but with this mind very quiet, really still. Then I hear everything. I hear the far off noises as well as those that are nearer and those that are very close by, the immediate sounds—which means really that I am listening to everything. This mind is not confined to one narrow little channel. I can listen in this way, listen with ease, without strain, and I find an extraordinary change taking place within this body mind, a change that comes without volition, without asking; and in that change I experience great beauty and depth of insight.
Readings From the Woods; The Book of Life; J Krishnamurti;
“I want to tell you something, perhaps the way to find out what is reality—not the way as a system, but how to set about it. And if you can find this for yourself, there will not be one speaker, there will be all of us talking, all of us expressing that reality in our lives where we are….
Truth cannot be accumulated. What is accumulated is always being destroyed; it withers away. Truth can never wither because it can only be found from moment to moment in every thought, in every relationship, in every word, in every gesture, in a smile, in tears. And if you and I can find that and live it—the very living is the finding of it—then we shall not become propagandists; we shall be creative human beings—“
Not perfect human beings, but creative human beings, which is vastly different. There is only the problem; there is no answer; for in the understanding of the problem lies its dissolution. There is no Eden, no heavenly gate, that you're going to make it to one day. But all of the answers you seek can be found in the dreams that you dream along the way. - In other words, it's all in flux, just like Heraclitus said. Life is constant change and a lot of our suffering comes from trying to control what can't be controlled.
Maybe the best you can do is let go into the mystery and love who and what you love, as deeply as you can. I'm not so sure there is a plan, really, or a path. We make it as we walk, which can be a frightening thought. But it can also be liberating. Probably the best bet is to admit we don't know much and just pay close attention, since attention is the purest form of love. The woods are a great place to learn to pay attention, minus the white noise of human striving.
About Eric
Eric is a Writer / Published Author / Poet / Photographer
Reiki Master / Permaculture Practitioner / Life Coach
Real Estate Developer / Apartment Operator
Modern Elder / Grey Nomad
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