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Text 248-767-4460 or [email protected]
Writer/Published Author
Don’t Run Out of Time
My SideHustle UrbaneFarm & BackAlley Eatzz Vending are winding down for the season, I will be heading UpNorth to the OffGrid Cabin for 5-Months to Write, Read & Study,......
Want to Learn How to Get Your Time Back, Read Eric's Books here; https://linktr.ee/ericurbane
What’s Next; Stacked Income Streams
There is always a What's Next in Life, as life is anything but static, which is many times the rub. Life Life’s Things Change, Good and Bad, But what if we dropped the labels, No Good or Bad, Better or Worse, Right or Wrong, There Just Is, What It Is. And to be clear, I refer not to ethics, or wrongdoing, I refer to the Wanting to Control, The Wanting Approval, and The Wanting Security. I say that to say, Do I miss my Apartment in Downtown Royal Oak? Yes, Do I miss the cash flow and excitement of building the Urbane Apartment Brand, Yes, My Ego does, but those things were no longer in the cards. Honesty lies in understanding our close and necessary relationship with not wanting to hear the truth. We tell ourselves Lies, and then Build Stories Around Our Illusions. Seeing What Is, Is Freedom
Therou said ii best long long ago;
"Most men, even in this comparatively free country, through mere ignorance and mistake, are so occupied with the factitious cares and superfluously coarse labors of life that its finer fruits cannot be plucked by them".
Perhaps one of the deeper things I have learned on My Growing Free Adventure is that Working, Working, Working is way, way overrated. Moreover, it Is Not a Requirement,......Take that in, Overworking Is Not a Requirement. More on that later,......just let that permeate,.......
So, On to What’s Next, I have a few irons on the fire,..........., but three specific projects that will unfold in 2022,......
Our Book; GrowingFREE;
Our Mini Course GrowingFREE 9/19/23;
Watch for the Lie,........
Get a Copy of Our Book, Growing Free here; 50% Off eBooks
Practice Discernment; The ability to judge well. Perception in the absence of judgment with a view to obtaining spiritual guidance and understanding. Honesty lies in understanding our close and necessary relationship with not wanting to hear the truth. We spend much precious time at Make Believe, versus Seeing What Is,........