If you are looking for an inexpensive and stress-free vacation that includes accommodation, transportation with driver and guided tours, try SABATINI SUMMER RENTALS. Sabatini Summer Rentals organizes summer stays in Abruzzo, Italy, for groups of 4 persons at the time with free pick up and drop off at the local airport, train station or bus station of Pescara city, Abruzzo, Italy. Sabatini Summer R
entals offers a 6-day/7-night and a 10-day/11-night stay and tour packages. The summer stay and tour packages run from beginning of June till end of September of each year. You will have the option to rent an up-the-hill farmhouse, a house in the countryside, an apartment in the historical center of a city or an apartment at the beach. Guided tours and visits of beautiful and memorable sites are planned by an experience tour guide/interpreter (English, French, and Italian). You will be sightseeing the coastline, plains, mounts, cities, castles, as well as religious, military and civic architectures. Airfare, meals, ferry tickets and entrance fees to museums, exhibitions, caves, or other attractions are not included and not covered. Accommodation reservation is needed as soon as possible and no later than May 1st – first come, first served – with a non-refundable down payment. For more information visit our page SABATINI SUMMER RENTALS and send a private message.