ATB Travel
The host agency that provides so much more for less money!!
Did you know? As an active member with American Travel Bureau and your BP paid up-to-date, you have unlimited access to famrates.com that is included in your $ 27.00 per month platform fee. One of the many benefits that American Travel Bureau offers our Independent Travel Agents (ITAs).
Also --- Did You Know??
That ATB pays out more than $ 20,000.00 per year for your insurance and attorney fees plus much much more to protect you and your business.
As an active member with American Travel Bureau, you receive:
· Errors and Omission Insurance - $1,000,000 per occurrence and $50,000 Fire Liability per occurrence, plus many other coverages as well! This is a savings of more than $500 per year for each ITA.
ATB also has additional coverage for Acts of Terrorism not provided by your E & O Insurance. This special insurance is part of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act. Does your host even know about this law??
· Full benefits from Ensemble Travel Group, one of the largest consortia in the travel industry. A savings of more than $ 2,500.00 per year! I will provide numerous examples what you can provide your clients because of your membership.
· A booking engine for all cruise lines and all river cruises in one booking engine with all the Ensemble Amenities included in the booking process. No research required. One of the only host agencies that provides this service.
· 75% of UN-CAPPED commissions received from the vendor at no additional monthly fees. Example: READ THIS CAREFULLY - If an ITA books a cruise, we average about 15 to16% commission with most of them. That means that you receive 12% commission – PLUS 100% of all bonuses and 100% for all Tour Conductor Credits. PLUS ATB pays up to a 5% override on our mentor program for agents you mentor. We are the ONLY host that does!!
If you went on your own and wanted to start your own agency with a CLIA or a TRUE number, there are a few things you should know! You must pay annual fees for both, you must register as a seller of travel for every state; you must purchase E & O insurance (ATB handles many law suits for our agents that we do without getting you involved). The cheapest E & O will cost you more than $ 500, since the cheapest requires you to belong to some outside sales organization – not so with ATB. You will also need a CRM program for tracking your activities, but that is only $ 299.00 per month. So, you can earn 12% versus 10%, you can pay $ 27.00 per month versus at least $ 500 per month. You can have full access to the top travel professionals – or depend on yourself and few friends. Your decision will be very easy -- Welcome aboard!!
Also – if you are on your own, you have no representation at the ASTA National Level, and ATB is a Premium member of ASTA. A savings of more than $ 2,000 per year. The Vice President for ATB is also on the Board of Directors for ASTA – representing you!
· Remember, our Mentor program pays up to a 5% bonus override from Gross Commissions earned from those agents in your mentor program. No other host agency offers this.
· Unfettered access to all CLIA programs and membership ID at significantly reduced rates! A savings of more than $ 300 per year.
· American Travel Bureau is a Premium ASTA member and as such every ITA can has full ASTA benefits and you can become an affiliate for only $100 per year.
· A $75.00 referral bonus for all Independent Agents you refer to American Travel Bureau! ONLY ATB offers this.
· A consumer website for all ITAs that anyone from the general public can access and book their travel and commissions are tracked back to you at no additional cost.
· A “Member’s Only” back-end website that is set up for each ITA that allows full access to our very own booking engines, Ensemble Access, and all bookings made by each ITA that provides each ITA a complete CRM at no additional Cost to the ITA. You can see every commission earned and complete information all bookings. Your site also includes thousands of pages of reference material for any topic you may need help with booking for your clients.
· Unfettered access to Travel Agent rates at all Marriott and Sheraton Hotels worldwide online - and membership to Marriott’s Hotel Excellence Program for all CLIA and IATAN Card holders. This provides huge savings on all Marriott and Sheraton properties.
· Access to Agent Only sites that offer significant discounts for Travel Agents.
· Annual leadership and learning conventions – and ability to attend the annual Ensemble Travel Group’s annual convention.
· Access to the inside staff of top notch Travel Professionals that will help you with your travel bookings.
· Annual Travel Agent Insurance for only $129.00 that will cover all your travel for the calendar year. This is only provided for accredited ARC/IATA agencies only.
· American Travel Bureau pays all ITAs – 100% of all Tour Conductor Credits and 100% on all bonuses to the booking ITA on all Travel – at no additional cost.
· We can provide a total GDS airline ticketing system (Amadeus or Sabre) in your home for qualified GDS agents – at no additional cost. A savings of more than $ 80.00 per month. This can only be accomplished through an ARC/IATA accredited agency. ….and the training for this credential is at NO additional fee and ATB Travel pays for all your bond fees.
· …..and on July 2nd.!!! A new air, car, and hotel booking engine that will include all NET fares and International NET Consolidator fares in one booking engine. User-friendly and the most powerful tool ever, to make your success even easier to achieve. The only host that does so.
All of this for only $ 27.00 per month. Nobody provides more--- for less money – NOBODY!
As a member with ATB, you will have access to all the amenities of one of the most powerful consortiums in the world! Example: You sell a Balcony Cabin on a cruise, if you are on your own, your commission is 10% and no frills, but as a member of a consortium, you may, in many cases, receive a $ 200 on board credit or many other amenities.
If you are a member of ATB – congratulations! If not, please send an email to [email protected] and request information about becoming an Independent Travel Agent with ATB Travel. Our registration fee is only $ 102.00. Do Not wait. Join a professional group with a professional staff and a full complement of services waiting for you!
Committed to your success!
John W. Smith/ CEO
American Travel Bureau/ATB Travel
SoCal Political Action Chair (PAC) for American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA)
Member: California Coalition of Travel Agents (CCTA)
Member: California Seller of Travel CST # 2064898-40
Phone: (661) 940-1165
Cell: (805) 490-8249
ATB Travel/American Travel Bureau
2330 Mall Loop Rd Ste 119
Lancaster, CA 93536
A member of
ATB Travel
2330 Mall Loop Road, Suite 119
Lancaster, CA 93536
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