December 2017. Birding in Bolivia and The Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis). This rare Bird is also known as the Caninde Macaw or Wagler's Macaw, is endemic to a small area of north-central Bolivia, known as Los Llanos de Moxos. In 2014 this species was designated by law as a natural patrimony of Bolivia. Until 2010, it was hunted by native people to make feathered "Moxeño" headdresses for "machetero" ritual dances.
Recent population and range estimates suggest that about 208–303 adult individuals remain in the wild. #rarebirdsoftheworld
The grand spectacle of thousands of Sandhill Cranes returning to the Phil Pines Sandhill Crane Traditional Staging Area! Every evening, Sandhill Cranes leave their surrounding foraging grounds and return to their historic roosting site on the banks of the Wisconsin River. November 10, 2023.
Black-and-yellow Garden Spider (Argiope aurantia)
This is perhaps the most conspicuous spider in Ohio. The large females are found in gardens
and fields in late summer and survive until the first killing frosts of autumn. They are very large, with a leg span of nearly 2 ½ inches. The
female is familiar and obvious; the male is tiny and inconspicuous. If you find a female during mid-summer, check nearby for one
or more small males in webs close to hers. These suitors compete to mate with her, and the victor often guards her from other males.
The large orb webs are often decorated with a vertical zig-zag of bright white silk. The favorite prey of adult female black-and-yellow
garden spiders are grasshoppers. When a large, powerful prey item like a grasshopper hits the
web, the spider rushes out and rapidly wraps it in thick layers of silk. It spins the prey with
two pairs of legs while playing out sheets of silk from the spinnerets. The egg case is often suspended from silk lines in a sturdy bush. The
case is about the size of a grape, tan in color and somewhat oval in shaped. When the tiny young spiderlings emerge from the egg case in spring they are bright yellow.
The word Ornitherapy has been around for a while, but is growing in its usage as more people recognize the benefits to our wellbeing that observing birds can bring to us.
First referenced in print in 1979 in the British Journal of Medicine, Dr. A.F. Cox in London stated that watching birds had positive effects on his patients that were like a tranquilizer, but safer and cheaper than any drugs he could prescribe.
September 8th, 2021. Single Caspian Tern [Hydroprogne caspia] seen together with numerous Ring-billed Gulls at East Fork State Park in Southwestern Ohio.
Black-necked Stilt at Gilmore Metropark
September 5th, 2021. Seen one individual near Cincinnati in Southwestern Ohio.
August 10th, 2021. Ruby-throated Hummingbird female feeding chicks at Voice of America Park.
August 16th, 2021. Several (Northern) Turkey Vultures seen at East Fork State Park in Southwestern Ohio.
Jaramillo (2003) suggested that the resident tropical subspecies ruficollis [Tropical] and the southern subspecies group (jota [South Temperate] and "falklandica"[Falkland]) might merit recognition as separate species from the northern Cathartes aura group. #vortexopticsdigiscoping
Birding in Cincinnati
Bobolink at Voice of America Park
May 19th, 2021. Spring birds in Cincinnati Ohio.
Spring in Cincinnati Ohio - Birds of North America
Richard Amable love exploring the birds during spring season in Cincinnati Ohio. Richard is experience birder and a very kind person.
As guide he can take take you to very enjoyable walks, to see beautiful birds and wildlife. Do not hesitate to contact him at [email protected] or (513) 575-6064 and find out about his fee.
Blue-winged Warbler at Shawnee Lookout Park - Birding in Cincinnati
Blue-winged Warbler [Vermivora cyanoptera] at Shawnee Lookout Park April 29th, 2021. One individual seen foraging along Blue Jacket trail.
Notes.--This species hybridizes regularly and extensively with Golden-winged Warbler [Verntivora chrysoptera] in a dynamic situation, producing variable hybrids that have resulted in the naming of two extreme types, V. "leucobronchialis" Brewster, 1874 and V. "!awrencii" Herrick, 1875. The hybrids are more variable than these hybrid types would suggest. In many regions V. chrysoptera has been replaced by V. cyanoptera, the extent of interbreeding diminishing with this shift, but the situation is complex and locally variable. See Parkes (1951), Short (1963), Ficken and Ficken (1968, 1970), Gill and Murray (1972), Murray and Gill (1976), Gill (1980, 1987, 1997), and references therein. The two species constitute a superspecies (Mayr and Short 1970).
Red-headed Woodpecker seen at Fernald Preserve in Southwestern Ohio.
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