When we are young & functional, brushing our teeth is easy... taking a shower is second nature ... grocery shopping is just another errand to squeeze into our busy lives! -- For the Elderly and disabled, though, these tasks take effort and often can only be completed when someone is around to help.
It’s what we DO! We help have someone there for those who no longer do these things so easily.
Personal Assistance Services are covered by (HHSC) Medicaid benefits (Superior, Amerigroup, HealthSpring, Molina). Services are even available for kids with disabilities and covered by Medicaid Star plus kids benefits under United, Superior, and Driscoll.
Service plans are tailored to the client’s needs.
We are here to help!!!
Give us a call!!
(956) 722-9311
Home office is in Laredo, TX (Webb County) but we service all counties as far north to COMAL county; far west to Maverick County , far east to Jim Hogg county, and far south to STARR County. If you have doubts, call us anyways!! 😌 *see first comment for our Service Area
🦋🌤️🌼We would love to help! 🌸☀️🦋