If you can’t make it to Bayside Brews in Disney California Adventure to try a 🍑Peach Hard Michelada
here’s the recipe! CHEERS! 🍻
- @acecider peach high cider
- @tajinusa rimmer
- lemon slice
- michelada mix ( I picked up what was available at my local @totalwine )
First take your lemon slice and cut down the middle to make a slit for you to run around the lip of your drink ware.
Next, dip the rim of your glass into your Tajin rimmer
( I like to turn it left to right to make sure it’s covered w the seasoning )
Then, pour the michelada mix so it mixes together nicely once you pour the cider - about 2 oz of the mix
Finally, crack your cider and slowly pour into your cup then use a stir to mix & ENJOY!
#acehighcider #disneyland #disneyfoodie #disneyadult #disneydranks #baysidebrews #michelada
While everyone is in Walt’s hometown of Marcelene, MO this weekend, I wanted to share a little known spot inside of Griffith Park about a 45 minute drive from Disneyland! Walt Disney’s Carolwood Barn!
If you don’t know, Walt Disney had an affinity for and worked on model trains inside of this workshop. He built The Carolwood Pacific Railroad in the back of his home in the 1950’s. This Barn is currently ran by the Carolwood Society and the Los Angeles Steamers Museum.
Walt’s Barn is open the third Sunday of every month from 11-3pm and is free to visit! Donations are kindly accepted and there is a small gift shop to stop by on your way out!
Inside I was so surprised to find original items that belonged to Walt, in addition to Imagineers Ward Kimball, Ollie Johnston and Roger Broggie! Not only that but if you know anything about Disneyland history, Rainbow Ridge - the original town facade is RIGHT THERE! Among so many other hidden gems, like the Disneyland Railroad Santa Fe car, original park sketches, some work by Marc Davis..
I could go on and on but you really need to go check this out for yourself! All of these incredible items on display continue to show Walt’s ingenuity and is a true testament to a mind that fondly preserved the past while taking many steps towards a great big beautiful tomorrow for our country!
You can follow Walt’s Barn on social @waltsbarn & they are always looking for volunteers to help during their operating hours.
Be sure to follow @themostmagicalmama for more Disney travel tips and fun facts!
#disney #waltdisney #disneyhistory #steamtrain #waltsbarn #carrolwoodpacificrailroad #griffithpark
Took a trip down memory lane today! My first Disney trip was to Walt Disney World in the very early 90’s! This vacation was so special to me because my whole family went together. I’ll also never forget the first thing that came out of my mouth as we went through the turnstiles and it went something like- “Pinch me Grammie! Am I dreaming? Are we really here?!”
My Grandmother and Grandfather were the ones that always took my Mom and her sisters and brother growing up to the Disney Parks and that tradition continued yearly with me and my cousins until my Grammie passed away in the early 2000s. That’s when the magic kind of stopped in my life. The memories were painful, and it took some time for me to work past that pain. In 2017, my heart lead me back to the Disney Parks with my Mom. Since then, I have made so many more special memories with my own family. Max’s first Disney Park trip was to Walt Disney World, just like his Mama!
What are some of your favorite Disney Memories?! When was your first visit?! Do you have pictures of rides or restaurants that aren’t there any longer?! Do you know where some of my pictures were taken?!
Mickey’s Toontown is back and better than ever! You can even walk through Mickey’s house & movie barn for a Meet & Greet with the Main Mouse himself!
GO FOLLOW @themostmagicalmama
Have you ever noticed some of our favorite animated friends have their own dedicated Windows in Toontown?
My favorite one is Scrooge McDuck’s above the courthouse!
What’s yours?!
#disneyland #toontown #mickeymouse #disneymom #unlockingthemagictravel #disneyadult
Aside from eating at Flo’s V8 Cafe in DCA, I had yet to eat at an authentic 50’s Diner off of “The Mother Road”!
& Peggy Sue’s truly did not disappoint! I had missed a stop earlier for Chipotle and thought to myself, “Why not!?! I have time!” And it’s a good thing I didn’t hesitate because with a full house, after I placed my order they 86’d the menu! The burger and curly fries were exactly what I needed to power through the rest of my drive back to Vegas! It was so good I smashed it before I could even get a picture. I ordered a side salad for good measure! Next time I will definitely stop with Danny and Max for a burger and try their milkshakes.
Have you ever stopped by Peggy Sue’s Authentic 50’s Diner?! What did you order?!
#peggysuesdiner #peggysues50sdiner #dinersdriveinsanddives #vegas
Wake up & give life that big beautiful bovine energy like my girl Clarabelle today and everyday! 🥰
#disneyland #clarabelle #disneymom #disneyadult #bigenergy
As I’ve grown older, wiser and more comfortable with my authentic self something that being a “Disneylander” or “Disney Adult” has helped me embrace is the ability to recognize what true happiness feels like. That joy and feeling of excitement in the pit of your stomach that you are first walking down Main Street USA and you see the Castle or when you’ve got your hands up through those corkscrews on Big Thunder- yeah, THAT feeling!
I’m encouraging you to get out there and embrace more of a HECK YES attitude this week!
What Disney Parks Attraction makes you feel the most alive?!
#disneyland #disneyadult #disneymom #heckyes #happiness
Since the weather is warming up, I wanted to pick up a few fun things to make outdoor play cool and appealing for my two & a half year old, Max! Not only did we find summer toys when we stopped by The Dollar Tree, we found some Disney treats as well!
Here are some outdoor essentials that you can also take with to the parks for added fun! Here’s what we grabbed:
- water toys
- bubbles
- chalk
-glow sticks
- stickers
- fruit snacks
- ice pops (these stay at home)
Would you add anything to my list?! I was so thankful to only spend $21 at @dollartree ! ((Which means more $$ for churros!))
$1.25 beats gas station and grocery store prices for yummy freeze dried strawberries and mangos. Definitely loading up on these next time!
Here is a little Disney Mom Hack that I have used since our very first WDW trip with Max in 2021… I pack glow sticks, stickers, and small knick knacks in our diaper bag to hand out when we go into gift shops or when we needs something to play with! Avoiding a meltdown when your little one is off their schedule and overstimulated is tough but finding things to entertain them during your Park day can help!
Follow @themostmagicalmama for more Disneyland fun facts, travel and park planning tips!
#disneymom #boymom #summerfun #mickeymouse #ballinonabudget
I might be biased but Disneyland’s Castle is my favorite through every season! 🥰😍
One of my favorite things to do is hang out at the train station towards the end of the night or around the hub and watch King Arthur’s Carousel through the castle gate! There is something even more special when the sun sets in Fantasyland and the castle lights come on!
Which Disney Castle is your favorite?!
#disneyland #disneymom #unlockingthemagictravel
It’s no secret that Carsland is mine and Max’s favorite land to hang out in! Cruzin by the Cozy Cone at any time of day is always fun but there is something special about hearing “Life could be a dream, Life could be a dream..doo-roo-do-do Sh-boom!” Come on and seeing the whole town light up just like the movie!
Recently on a solo trip, I got to dance down the rainy street with some awesome CMs to the music and it made my Lightening McQueen loving heart so happy!
You can watch Radiator Springs light up every night in Carsland right after sunset!
Have you ever checked out Radiator Springs at night?!
#disneyland #carsland #shboom #disneymom #unlockingthemagictravel
Have you ever participated in one of the Tasting Experiences during DCA’s Food & Wine Festival?
This had been on my bucket list for a while and originally I was going to sign up for the Trader Sam’s mixologist experience. I decided against it only because of the longer length of time and just having one day for my visit!
Instead, I opted for a 90 minute tasting seminar with @honeypotmeadery, a local Meadery to Anaheim! I am sure glad I did! We were scheduled to be on the Sonoma Terrace but due to the rain got moved into the west conference room in the Carthay Circle Restaurant. Boy, what a treat!
Getting to know their origin story was inspirational and a true testimony to perusing your passion and doing what you love! The Meades were so tasty and I loved that Honey Pot really works to bring the flavor and taste profile you hear about in the description!
Honey Pot Meadery is a small batch Meadery and tasting room located at 5120 E Palma #104 Anaheim, CA - They are open for you to come by and enjoy a tasting flight or find out what they are working on bringing to our taste buds next in their pilot tanks!
This experience was $25 for the ticket and as of now they still have some openings left for April on Disney’s website! Contact me if you would like the link!
#DCA #disneyland #foodandwinefestival #californiaadventure #beertastingseminar #disneymom #solodisney #adultdisney #unlockingthemagictravel
Happy Friday!!!! I hope all my friends are feeling great heading into the weekend! There is no better feeling for me than having another Disney trip to look forward to. We have a WDW countdown clock starting for our November trip!
When is your next trip to the parks? Don’t have one?! Don’t worry! I CAN help with that! Follow my link in bio & let’s get you on the fast track to fun!
#disneyparks #disneymom #disneyadult #disneyland #solodisney