Lero Travel

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Announcement: our web site  WWW.LEROTRAVEL.COM is back and running. Please check the great deals we have for your coming...

Announcement: our web site WWW.LEROTRAVEL.COM is back and running. Please check the great deals we have for your coming trip!

Welcome to Lero Travel! We offer Discount Airline Tickets, Special Hotel Rates, Discount Car Rentals, Vacations & Cruises Deals. Save Up to 50% Off with our Stop-Over Discounts, Cheap One-Way Fares, and Multi Destination Specials. Book online fast & easy. 


We are proud of announcing Turkish Airlines' new destination, Detroit, in the United States of America.

Istanbul – Detroit (DTW) – Istanbul flights are planned as 3 flights per week and will be launched as of November 15, 2023. Flights will be increased to 4 flights per week as of December 25, 2023.

The Biden-Harris Administration Will End COVID-19Vaccination Requirements for Federal Employees, Contractors, Internatio...

The Biden-Harris Administration Will End COVID-19Vaccination Requirements for Federal Employees, Contractors, International Travelers, Head Start Educators, and CMS-Certified Facilities

In 2021, the Biden-Harris Administration announced COVID-19 vaccination requirements to promote the health and safety of individuals and the efficiency of workplaces, protecting vital sectors of our economy and vulnerable populations. Since January 2021, COVID-19 deaths have declined by 95%, and hospitalizations are down nearly 91%. Globally, COVID-19 deaths are at their lowest levels since the start of the pandemic. Following a whole-of-government effort that led to a record number of nearly 270 million Americans receiving at least one shot of theCOVID-19 vaccine, we are in a different phase of our response to COVID-19 than we were when many of these requirements were put into place.

Today, we are announcing that the Administration will end the COVID-19 vaccine requirements for Federal employees, Federal contractors, and international air travelers at the end of the day on May 11, the same day that the COVID-19 public health emergency ends. Additionally, HHS and DHS announced today that they will start the process to end their vaccination requirements for Head Start educators, CMS-certified healthcare facilities, and certain noncitizens at the land border. In the coming days, further details related to ending these requirements will be provided.

Our Administration’s vaccination requirements helped ensure the safety of workers in critical workforces including those in the healthcare and education sectors, protecting themselves and the populations they serve, and strengthening their ability to provide services without disruptions to operations. The Federal government successfully implemented requirements for its workforce in a way that increased vaccination to achieve 98% compliance, reflecting employees who had received at least one dose of a vaccine or had a pending or approved exception or extension request fi led by January 2022. We also put in place vaccination requirements for certain international travelers to slow the spread of new variants entering the country and to allow our healthcare system time to effectively manage access to care if faced with an increase in cases and hospitalizations.

Our COVID-19 vaccine requirements bolstered vaccination across the nation, and our broader vaccination campaign has saved millions of lives. We have successfully marshalled a response to make historic investments in broadly accessible vaccines, tests, and treatments to help us combat COVID-19. While vaccination remains one of the most important tools in advancing the health and safety of employees and promoting the efficiency of workplaces, we are now in a different phase of our response when these measures are no longer necessary.



Sljedeći proizvodi smatraju se tekućinama:
• voda i druge vrste pića, supe i sirupi;
• parfemi,
• maskare, sprejevi, kreme, losioni i ulja;
• gelovi, uključujući gelove za kosu i tuširanje;
• paste, uključujući paste za zube;
• sadržaj posuda pod pritiskom, uključujući pjenu za brijanje, druge pjene i dezodoranse;
• bilo koji drugi predmet slične konzistencije

Metoda pakovanja
• tečnost, gel ili ærosol moraju se staviti u pojedinačne posude do 100 ml svaka;
• kontejneri moraju biti upakovani u prozirnu plastičnu vrećicu koja se može ponovo zatvoriti ili zatvoriti patent zatvaračem;
• maksimalne dimenzije za plastične kese koje se koriste za pakovanje kontejnera za tečnost, gel i ærosol
mora biti 20 x 20 cm sa maksimalnim kapacitetom od 1l;
• plastične kese koje se koriste za pakovanje kontejnera sa tečnostima, gelovima i aerosolima moraju biti zapečaćene i
stavljene odvojeno od sve ostale prtljage na kontrolnom punktu;
• jedan putnik mora imati isključivo jednu plastičnu vrećicu u kojoj se nalaze tekućine, gelovi i aerosoli,
sa odgovarajućim dimenzijama;

Sljedeće će biti predmet izuzetaka:
• nošenje tečnosti, gelova i ærosola kupljenih u duty free shopovima u bezbednosno zabranjenoj zoni,
upakovana u prozirnu plastičnu vrećicu, koja mora biti zatvorena i ostati zatvorena do dostizanja
krajnja destinacija. Plastična vrećica, zapečaćena u duty free shopu, mora imati račun za
kupljen proizvod, isključivo sa datumom putovanja;
• nošenje tečne ili kašaste hrane za bebe i mleka u odgovarajućim količinama, zavisno od
trajanje osvjetljenja;
• nošenje lijekova u obliku tečnosti, gela ili aerosola, koji se koriste isključivo uz ljekarsko uvjerenje
izdata od nadležne zdravstvene ustanove ili ovlašćenog dispanzera;
• nošenje medicinskih preparata kao što su insulin, plazma itd. isključivo ako putnici poseduju a
potvrda dobijena od nadležne zdravstvene ustanove



PLEASE CALL 404-660-0910


UK Government Announcement – Removal of testing requirements
Dear Partner,

The UK Government has today announced plans to remove all Covid-19 testing requirements for fully vaccinated passengers entering England.

From 0400 on February 11th, passengers entering England who are fully vaccinated will no longer be required to book a Day-2 arrivals test.

Following the announcement, British Airways’ Chairman and CEO Sean Doyle said:
“Today’s announcement provides a welcome boost to the travel industry and UK economy. Finally fully-vaccinated customers can start to book with confidence whether they are doing business, going on holiday or reuniting with friends and family without the additional costly and time-consuming burden of testing. It sends a clear message to the rest of the world that global Britain is back in business.”

Passengers who are not fully vaccinated will continue to be required to take a pre-departure test as well as a Day-2 PCR test, however the requirement for a Day-8 PCR test is also being removed from February 11th.

All passengers will still be required to complete a Passenger Locator Form (PLF) prior to their arrival in England.


Only for passenger who is traveling to Turkey, not for passenger in transit!
Samo za putnike koji putuju u TURSKU, ovo ne vazi za one putnike koji su u TRANZITU!

Dear Passenger,

Passengers travelling to Turkey with our international flights (except transfer passengers and passengers under 6 years old) and will enter to Turkey, must submit online Ministry Of Health Of Turkey Traveler Entry Form via https://register.health.gov.tr/ within last 72 hours prior to their flights. Print out or the mobile screenshot of the filled form will have to be submitted to airline crew before boarding.
In addition, other documents that our passengers must submit before their flights and requirements according to the Covid-19 regulations of the Republic of Turkey (such as accepted vaccination certificate, negative test result conditions, quarantine conditions for restricted countries etc.) can be accessed through detailed information.


International travel bans should be lifted or eased, the World Health Organization has urged.

Restrictions on travel “do not provide added value” and continue to contribute to “economic and social stress”.

The UN health organisation updated its international health regulations during an emergency meeting by video conference from Geneva yesterday (Wednesday).

The WHO said: “The failure of travel restrictions introduced after the detection and reporting of Omicron variant to limit international spread of Omicron demonstrates the ineffectiveness of such measures over time.

“Travel measures – e.g. masking, testing, isolation/quarantine, and vaccination – should be based on risk assessments and avoid placing the financial burden on international travellers.”

The WHO also said the requirement to provide proof of vaccination against Covid-19 for international travel may not be needed as “the only pathway or condition” permitting international travel.


Međunarodne zabrane putovanja trebale bi biti ukinute ili ublažene, pozvala je Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija.

Ograničenja putovanja „ne daju dodatnu vrednost“ i nastavljaju da doprinose „ekonomskom i socijalnom stresu“.

Zdravstvena organizacija UN-a ažurirala je svoje međunarodne zdravstvene propise tokom hitnog sastanka putem video konferencije iz Ženeve juče (srijeda).

SZO je rekao: “Neuspjeh ograničenja putovanja uvedenih nakon otkrivanja i prijavljivanja varijante Omicron-a kako bi se ograničilo međunarodno širenje Omikrona pokazuje nedjelotvornost takvih mjera tokom vremena.

„Mjere putovanja – npr. maskiranje, testiranje, izolacija/karantena i vakcinacija – treba da se zasnivaju na procenama rizika i izbegavaju stavljanje finansijskog tereta na međunarodne putnike.”

SZO je također rekao da zahtjev za pružanjem dokaza o vakcinaciji protiv Covid-19 za međunarodna putovanja možda neće biti potreban kao "jedini put ili uvjet" koji dozvoljava međunarodna putovanja.


******NOVO, NOVO, NOVO: KARTE SU VEC U PRODAJI!!!!!!!!******


Zahtjevi za putovanje su se promijenili. Počevši od 6. decembra, svi avionski putnici, bez obzira na status vakcinacije, moraju pokazati negativan test na COVID-19 uzet najviše 1 dan prije putovanja u Sjedinjene Američke Države.


***************SALE for SUMMER 2022********************

JET BLUE and AIR SERBIA to Belgrade!
Atlanta, Austin, New Orleans , Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Denver, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Orlando, West Palm Beach ,Phoenix, Portland ME, Raleigh Durham, Rochester NY ,Salt Lake City, San Jose, Seattle, Syracuse, Tampa.
When flying Air Serbia and JetBlue you get to take 2 free bags!
***********404-660-0910, [email protected]***********

**********************Malo pojasnjenje na prethodnu objavu**************************US Vlada je uradila plan ulaska u SA...

**********************Malo pojasnjenje na prethodnu objavu**************************

US Vlada je uradila plan ulaska u SAD koji je na snazi od novembra 8-og 2021-ve g.

Prvi Uvjet,
Sve vakcine koje je odobrila Americka uprava za hranu i lijekove (FDA) (Fajzer/Bajontek Moderna i Janssen) i Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (pored gore navedenih, AstraZeneka, Kovisild, Sinofarm i Sinovak) bice priznate od strane americkih vlasti za ulazak u zemlju. Znaci putnicima koji su vakcinisani navedenim vakcinama bice omogucen ulazak u SAD.
Ruska vakcina Sputnjik nije priznata. I za sve koji su primili validne vaccine, trebat ce priloziti I negativan COVID test ne stariji od 72 sata.

Drugi Uvjet,
Putnici ce morati da priloze dokaz o vakcinaciji prije ulaska u avion, koji ce provjeravati avio-kompanije, da li je sertifikat izdao zvanicni organ u odredenoj zemlji.
Druga doza vaccine mora biti primljena, najmanje 14 dana prije leta.

Treci Uvjet,
Nevakcinisani americki drzavljani, stalni stanovnici SAD (zelena karta) kao i strani drzavljani koji nisu vakcinisani – moci ce da udju u SAD, ali ce morati da se testiraju na novu infekciju korona virusom najvise 24 sata prije dolaska u SAD.

Peti Uvjet,
Putnicima mladjim od 18 godina nije potrebna potpuna vakcinacija za ulazak u SAD.
Maloljetnici ce, medjutim, morati dostaviti potvrdu o negativnom testu na infekciju, do maksimalno 24 casa prije dolaska u SAD.
Za sve sire informacije o novim pravilima za ulaz u SAD, molim pogledajte na. https://www.cdc.gov/.../trav.../proof-of-vaccination.htm


On November 8th, a number of travel changes will be implemented impacting both citizens and non-citizens traveling to the U.S. from international destinations. The most significant change for U.S. citizens is a new policy that unvaccinated individuals will be required to show a negative COVID-19 test taken within one day of departure to the U.S. This is a change from the previous three day requirement, which remains in place for vaccinated travelers. Additionally, airlines will now verify vaccination status – in addition to negative COVID-19 test results – to ensure individuals comply with the correct testing timeframe based on their vaccination status.
Also, non-U.S. citizens traveling from international destinations will be permitted to enter the United States beginning on November 8th if they are fully vaccinated and have a negative COVID-19 test taken three days before departure, and provide proof of their vaccination status to airlines prior to flying to the U.S.
Prior to travel, we remind travelers to check with the U.S. State Department for the most current travel information. We also encourage them to check with their specific airline about COVID-19 requirements and the process for demonstrating those requirements. All travelers should be referred to the CDC website at cdc.gov
and the U.S. State Department website at travel.state.gov
as important travel resources.
8. novembra bit će uvedene brojne promjene u putovanju koje će utjecati na građane i nedržavljane koji putuju u SAD s međunarodnih odredišta. Najznačajnija promjena za građane SAD-a je nova politika prema kojoj će nevakcinisani pojedinci morati pokazati negativan test na COVID-19 uzet u roku od jednog dana od odlaska u SAD Ovo je promjena u odnosu na prethodna tri dana zahtjeva, koji ostaje na snazi ​​za vakcinisane putnike. Osim toga, aviokompanije sada će provjeravati status vakcinisanja – uz negativne rezultate testa na COVID-19 – kako bi osigurali da se pojedinci pridržavaju ispravnog vremenskog okvira testiranja na temelju njihovog statusa vakcinisanja.
Također, državljanima koji nisu državljani SAD-a koji putuju s međunarodnih odredišta bit će dopušten ulazak u Sjedinjene Američke Države počevši od 8. novembra ako su potpuno vakcinisani i imaju negativan test na COVID-19 uzet tri dana prije polaska i ako aviokompanijama dostave dokaz o svom statusu vakcinisanja prije leta u SAD
Prije putovanja, podsjećamo putnike da provjere najnovije informacije o putovanju kod američkog State Departmenta. Također im predlazemo da sa svojim specifičnim avio prijevoznikom provjere zahtjeve COVID-19 i postupak za demonstriranje tih zahtjeva. Sve putnike treba uputiti na web stranicu CDC-a na cdc.gov
i web stranicu američkog State Departmenta na travel.state.gov
kao važan putni resurs.


Opening flight from Dallas TX (DFW), start septembar 24th 2021,
4 days a week.
For reservation call 404-660-0910 or email to [email protected]



Call Enver at 404-660-0910 or email [email protected]

From most cities in US, if you buy at least 14 days in advance:

*From Chicago to: Zagreb, Dubrovnik or Belgrade round trip $500 and up (incl tax)

*From Chicago to Sarajevo round trip $600 and up (incl tax)

*From Atlanta to Sarajevo or Podgorica round trip $500 and up (incl tax)

*From Atlanta to Zagreb or Belgrade round trip $550 and up (incl tax)

*From St Louis to Belgrade round trip $500 and up (incl tax)

*From St Louis to Zagreb round trip $550 and up (incl tax)

*From St Louis to Sarajevo round trip $800 and up (incl tax)

*From Detroit to Sarajevo round trip $520 and up (incl tax)

*From Detroit to Zagreb round trip $550 and up (incl tax)


••••NAPOMENA••• negativan COVID-19 test je obavezan imati pri ulasku u USA , ne stariji od 72 sata, bez obzira da li ste vakcinisani ili ne


Good news,

The time has come to announce the opening of Austria to US travelers. Austria's borders are opening on June 24, and we cannot wait to welcome you and your clients back!

Upon entry into Austria, travelers arriving from the United States must either present a certificate of vaccination, certificate of recovery or a negative COVID-19 test result.

a) Vaccination Certificate (e.g. “CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Card”):
Inoculation with BioNtech/Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson&Johnson/Janssen, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, or Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines.
Start of validity: 22 days after the first inoculation
End of validity: 3 months after the first inoculation if partially vaccinated (received 1 of 2 prescribed doses) or 9 months after the first/only inoculation if fully vaccinated (received all prescribed doses)

b) Certificate of Recovery:
Confirmation of the patient's recovery from COVID-19 in the past 6 months issued by a medical professional or public authority, OR a positive test for COVID-19 antibodies (not older than 3 months).

c) Negative COVID-19 Test Result:
PCR/NAAT or rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2; sample taken no earlier than 72 hours (PCR test) or 48 hours (antigen test) before entering Austria

Certificates and test results issued in English or German by a medical professional or public authority will be accepted.

For COVID-19 regulations while traveling in Austria, please confer to our continuously updated information page here.


Italy Open to All Travelers on Delta's COVID-Tested Flights
Delta Air Lines’ COVID-Tested flights between the U.S. and Italy are now open to all customers with negative test results, following the Italian government lifting entry restrictions for the first time in more than a year.

To fly on Delta’s COVID-tested flights from the U.S. to Italy, all customers are required to complete mandatory testing, both before departure and on arrival, regardless of their vaccination status. After receiving the negative tests, customers will not need to quarantine in Italy and can resume their travels. Delta was the first U.S. airline to launch quarantine-free service to Italy, and currently offers several choices of nonstop COVID-tested services to Rome and Milan, with new service to Venice beginning in July.
Learn More

Italy is one of several European destinations Delta will offer to flyers this summer, including Iceland and Greece (effective May 28), and brand-new service to Dubrovnik, Croatia from New York-JFK, beginning July 2. As these international markets re-open, Delta is also expanding domestic service, including from Boston and New York - with new flights to popular business markets.

Delta is giving customers even more ways to plan upcoming travel, manage entry restrictions, and earn Medallion Status, with our ongoing commitment to science-backed health and safety efforts.


Delta Air Lines debuts in Dubrovnik with a direct flight from NYC.


1405 Wheatfield Drive
Lawrenceville, GA


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