This shot was at the 4-mile launch yesterday afternoon when the rain was just starting. We've seen improvement already to conditions. Let's hope it stays this way for a bit. Here are the daily stats:
Current Depth: 2.58'
Flow: 445 cfs
Morning Water Temp: 72
Minimum Age: 2 years old
We open at 9 am and will run these trips all day UNTIL the following times:
12pm: 10 mile Canoe or Kayak
2 pm: 4 mile 6-person River Raft or Tube
3 pm: 2.5 mile Tube
4 pm: 4 mile Canoe or Kayak
What does this mean? It means that we start at 9 am and run all these types of trips until the end times listed above. For example, we open at 9 am and run the 2.5-mile tube trip until 3 pm. You must be signed up and ready to depart on the van no later than that end time ... the earlier the better to avoid missing the trip you want. Remember, if we have a wait list for tubes this weekend, we only will do that for the 2.5 mile trip.
All equipment is first come first serve. We do not take reservations. All equipment must be returned to the dock by 6 pm. If you are coming with a group, please sign up together so you are in the same van. We will put in on a van in the order that you sign up.
For those not paddling with us, please be advised that the public parking lot/launch at the Old Park Office is still closed, so you must use the parking/river exit at Henry Run Day Use Area. You can get more information by calling the Park Office at 814-744-8407.
Please remember that alcohol is prohibited in Cook Forest State Park which includes the river.
See our website at PaleWhaleCanoeFleet.com for a full description of our trips, pricing, and more information about the equipment and FAQs. We are open daily as long as conditions permit.
Mr. Pale Whale