Find Michael's Savory Seitan at places like:Whole Foods Markets,Jenkintown,Callowhill,South St,Princeton,North Wales,Plymouth Meeting,Wynwood,Marlton N.J Cherry Hill N.J Mariposa Co-op Lees Deli Gold Standard all on Baltimore Ave Phila,Monks Belgium Beer Bar,Fergies,Las Casuelas Mexican Restuarant Girard Ave,Interstate Draft House,Loco Pez,Greensgrow Farms Fishtown,,P,O,PE,Black N Brew,Adobe Cafe
all on Passyunk South Phila,Circles Thai Restaurant The Foodery ,3,j,s all on 2nd st Old City.MissRachels Pantry Chadwick St South Philly[ Best of Philly] Dawson St Pub,Spicy Belly Adobe Cafe,Couch Tomato,Manayunk Cambells Place ,The Grai Exchange Chestnut Hill,,Villanova Grill Lancaster Ave,,Frankies on Fairview SpringField,The Grey Hound Cafe Su Tao Malvern,Raphaels food cart Spruce St and more goole for more info and Healthy Recipes,,,,Visit Cooking to Nourish for more vegan goodness and Healthy recipes,,,Chef Lenka cooking out of Plough and Stars in Phila is another fine stop,,. Black n Brew
Frak's Steaks
Green Aisle Grocery
Greensgrow Farm
Miss Rachel's Pantry
Whole Foods