A Team with a French Origin...
Eric Vigouroux is a well-known driver in the world of rally racing, in which he has evolved for more than 15 years. Eric does not owe his reputation to his sporting achievements only, but also to the choices he made from the beginning of his career by deciding to drive vehicles "made in USA", powerful and stunning at the same time. BASED IN EUROPE...
The EVR team is
a professional structure that was created in 2003. The workshops are located in the south of Paris where assistance vehicles, spare parts, equipment, and the service trucks are all stored. Paris is also where racing cars are checked between each rally race usually organized in Southern Europe (Italy, Spain, Portugal) or in Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Mauritania, etc.). In February 2013 Eric returns from Dakar and decides to set up a new entity Eric Vigouroux Racing, Inc., whose objective is to design, develop and manufacture 100% Made in USA vehicles. Eric is convinced: there is an opportunity to build high-performance rally vehicles in the United States for a more affordable budget. THE KEYS TO SUCCESS
The goal is to combine the best of both worlds: associate the experience of the rally racing discipline acquired by EVR with the historical know-how of the best performers in U.S. THE SIX MAIN REASONS TO BUILD RALLY CARS IN THE USA
1) A variety of designers, performers, and component suppliers are present on a large, competitive, and dynamic market
2) All the skills are combined in the same geographical area: the Great West of USA
3) More competitive production costs (labor, raw materials, equipment, technology, volume, etc.)
4) A national scale testing ground. Nothing better than building rally cars being located close to the desert!
5) Possibility to build FIA homologated cars, SCORE or both!
6) The significant and consistent gap between the Dollar and the Euro. Building race cars in the US is by far less expensive than in Europe. THE ULTIMATE GOAL:
Design and build very competitive rally-racing cars on all fronts in USA!