The fabulous Italian Music - feat Marco Albonetti is in Lincoln! This is a rare opportunity to hear one of the world’s greatest saxophone virtuosos perform in the United States. A program of Astor Piazzolla and Oscar winner Maestro Ennio Morricone. Marco knew Morricone and received exclusive permission to perform several of his pieces including Quasi un Vivaldi, which will receive its USA premiere this afternoon. With string quintet, piano, & percussion! 2-for-1 tickets!
Tango on Fire sound check Meadowlark Music Festival on in one hour!
Astral Mixtape’s insanely gorgeous mashup of Sheherazade & The Lark Ascending from last night’s concert at Prairie Pines. Nebraska, last chance to hear this amazing LA quartet tonight, Sunday July 9th at The Jewell!!
Another lovely video from Meadowlark presents Jazz in the Pines - Jackie Allen singing Blame It On My Youth.
Thanks to Paul Haar.
Meadowlark’s 20th Anniversary last night.
A soothing balm in troubled times.
Ezinma tonight in Lincoln.
Meadowlark's Virtual 2020 Festival
20th Century Latin American solo piano music, an evening of Turkish delights, hard swinging American jazz from the Heartland, and classical and jazz influenced Canadian folk music from Quebec. Hear the music, meet the artists. Register here to hear:
Meadowlark's Virtual 2020 Festival
20th Century Latin American solo piano music, an evening of Turkish delights, hard swinging American jazz from the Heartland, and classical and jazz influenced Canadian folk music from Quebec. Hear the music, meet the artists. Concerts are free. Register here to hear:
Jon Weber & Jackie Allen perform at Meadowlark Music Festival
The fabulous jazz piano virtuoso Jon Weber invited the equally wonderful jazz vocalist Jackie Allen to sing anything she wanted (in any key) during the Meadowlark Music Festival April Fundraiser held in Lincoln's historic McAfee home, now owned by the Bakers. She chose Johnny Frigo's beautiful ballad Detour Ahead.
Jon Weber plays Carolina Shout at Meadowlark Concert
The amazing Jon Weber played a blistering version James P Johnson's Carolina Shout at UNO in their brand new Recital Hall on a brand new Steinway for Meadowlark's April Fundraiser. Check out our website to see our summer concert series
The fabulous SYBARITE5 from the Grand Manse concert!