All Eyez on Tama-Re

All Eyez on Tama-Re Tama-Re was a gift from Paa Nabab Yaananan The Tama-Re village in Putnam County, Georgia (a.k.a. York). Dr. Malachiz.k. The Mound Builders. York.

"Kodesh", “Wahannee”, “The Golden City”, was not just a place but an environment built by the hands of the Nuwuapian people, Student teachers of the Master Teacher Paa Nabab Yaananan, (Dr. Malachi Z.K. This beautiful city included pyramids, a sphinx, an obelisk, World famous Hathor recording studios, Ramses social club, a beach, a drum stand, several spiritual sites where one could perform ancient

Egyptian rituals and so much more. Tama-Re was established on 476 acres near Eatonton, Georgia by the Nuwaubian Nation in 1992. Many of the African Americans in the community had resettled here from Brooklyn, New York, where the movement had developed since about 1970. York was Kidnapped and wrongfully prosecuted, racketeering and financial charges; convicted in 2004, and was wrongfully held prisoner by way of being sentenced to 135 years in prison. As part of the verdict, the Tama-Re complex was sold under government forfeiture in 2005. The structures were mostly demolished and the site cleared by the sheriff's department to prepare it for sale.
“We moved to Eatonton, Georgia because we are the Yamassee Wash*ta Seminole Creek. Our Ancestors built the Rock Eagle Mound and many others in such states as Wisconsin, Ohio, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Tennessee. This is why we chose Eatonton to live. It is close to Rock Eagle Mound.”
In 1997 and 1998, Victor Greig acted as representative in building and zoning matters as the community, known as Tama-Re developed. He was cited by Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills for building without a permit and for illegally operating a nightclub in a warehouse, which was not zoned for that use, regardless of the fact that there is a permit on record for this building and should have been grandfathered in. Grieg was fined $45,750 in April 1998 and appealed. His fine was reduced to $2,500, but the conviction upheld. The organization began to hold festivals on the property, with one netting about $500,000 in cash, according to an FBI agent's testimony. [1]
In 1999, a lawsuit was filed attempting to use zoning restrictions and prevent the Nuwaubians from using the property. This led to a drawn-out, bitter tug of war between the Nuwaubians and the county authorities. At the annual week-long Zed festival celebration in June 1999, the county padlocked the Social club Ramses. In 2000, a security / paramilitary group called the “Royal Guard Of Amen-Ra, Inc.” owned by actor Wesley Snipes’s Amen Ra Films filed BATF papers to set up a security training center next to the Tama-Re compound.[2] The Nuwaubians claimed Snipes as one of their own. New York Press in November 2000 described the constructions completed in the compound:
“Not long after you’re pretty sure you’ve gone too far, roll up and over one last hill and the pyramids are right there. There’s a black one and a gold one, and a brown-faced sphinx facing the road, and a tall obelisk, and an arch-shaped gate decorated with ankhs and other hieroglyphs, through which runs a road lined with statues of mostly animal-headed deities, all brightly painted in primary colors. Farther back, up on the rise, is a recognizable one, Isis, with ebony skin and her winged arms spread. No level of expectation can dilute the surprise–you can’t believe what you’re seeing. Tama-Re, Egypt of the West, has that Magic Kingdom quality. [2]
On 8 May 2002, the compound was raided by the FBI and related forces. Based on a lengthy investigation, that produced no physical evidence. After Dr. Malachi Z.K York was convicted and sentenced for charges, that to this very day make no sense. In June 2005, the property was sold under government forfeiture by the U.S. Marshals Service for USD 1.1 million.[4] About half of this money went to the Putnam County Sheriff’s Department, while most of the rest was split between the FBI and IRS.[5]
On 9 June 2005 workers began demolishing the The Golden city. Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills started the demolition by tearing down the front arch with a front-end loader. The land has since been entirely cleared of all structures and sold to a developer, who has since built a log style hunting lodge on the property. Tama-Re, an environment built for people of all different cultures to experience Ancient Egypt and partake of Universal Right Knowledge Taught by the Master Teacher, Dr. Malachi Z.K.


Hidden and known Cannibalism

The Proverbs of Yaanun teaches us about Cannibalism chapt 18 pg 167 verse 21

21. You even find Cannibalism today hidden a holiday feast, barbeque and religious rituals of meat sacrafises at thier ceremonious and holidays

Baa baa what are some examples

22. Thanksgiving they kill and offer Turkey, on christmas it always a ham, a pig, in the east or ZuPu when a KHARAD Is Born they QATUL "kill" animals. at marriages they kill animals. At Circumcise rituals of Males and females

23. They kill animals, call it a feast like Barbaque on 4th of july.

So they ate humanbeings??

18 plus 18 plus 1 mitochondrial DNA verse 120, 122. lets walk step by step with baa baa!

120. The ethiopian book enoch will tell you that they ate human beings and in the DNA of these KAAAN-U " canaanites" CANNIBALISM. You will see many of these beings around you now and when the trumpet frequency is sounded, they will change to reveal what is already in their genes.

Right here is showing that genes is triggered by a frequency there's more that triggers cannalism in them

122. The whole zombie program is to awaken their DNA of cannibalism (CANAAN-BAALISM) and they are transforming right before your eyes.

AF #48 "KABER KODEM" BIG FOOT verse 151-154

151. You came in contact with brain eating zombie.
152. Yes, caucas-u will eat your brains

153. Today they take inside of dead from funeral homes and eat them: this one of there secrets

What is the outcome of this ???

154. Mucas-u "caucasoids eating brains over the years is WHY SO MANY ELDER SUFFER FROM ALZHEIMER'S or PARKINSON disease, the exact symptoms of cannibals that ate their dead. Loss of memory and the shakes.

Paa bananu verse 35-37

35. The Europeans used to dig up Egiptian bodies, mixing into a drink or bake into bread and eat and cure there leprosy called the ORDER OF THE WHITE ROSE, if they need blood

36 and called the ORDER OF THE WHITE ROSE if they use white powder, putting the white power in water

37. This weightless power forms a gelatinous suspension and look like a vial of semen and many others of the roses changed into dragula/dracula or vampires or headhunters as far as traveling to AFA RAYAY KAA seeking the ELIXIR OF LIFE from NUBUNS of Nuwaupu.

Cannibalism is mentioned several times in Scripture (Leviticus 26:29; Deuteronomy 28:53-57; Jeremiah 19:9; Lamentations 2:20; 4:10; Ezekiel 5:10),

Anuki Khamem. (I am Black) supreme balancement1. I am often asked, " Who I am to you?"32. What are you called? Dark matt...

Anuki Khamem. (I am Black) supreme balancement

1. I am often asked, " Who I am to you?"
32. What are you called? Dark matter.
33. What have you created? Khamem "black" Holes.
34. What are they used for? Consumption of Nawar "light".
35. And what will that mean? The end of all Tashash "chaos".
40. Will your black holes consume all things? In time, Tua "Yes".
43. Will you ever be consumed? I am the Khamem Aaqal "black mind". I am Paaut "All" as Paaut "All" I am. I exist only as you think in your mind of Kawan " existence". Yet, I nothingness from which comes things, I can't be consumed as Paaut "All" .
44. Ay Mumrar, Najam Mundjar-u "My Beloved ones, star children of Paa Nadjaru", you are the ones with nine mind as Tasu Aakhakh Gadad-u " nine ether Deites, Gods" who gave birth to all of Tabea-al Tabaa " natural Nature".
52. Know and overstand this M’sabtu"Sabaeans" , the smallest particles of matter called Naqat-aat "dots" are classified as energy- matter or matter -energy, called Dark Matter, or Dark Energy.
53. Naqat-aat "dots" can be assimilated to your very own minds as inactive Makhakh Aakhekh-yee Natat-aat "brain etheric seeds" are in a state of condition between the science of sum-thing or Absolute and the science of no-thing, Vacuum.
54. This state of condition causes Brain Etheric Seeds or Neurotransmitters, to be Magas "magic" and magnetic in effect when they are activated by Synapses or Sparks in the Makhakh "Brain".
59 Natural nature is black, Supreme Balancement , and all other so-called colors come out of it, just as this one Wahu Makwan " universe" of all colors came forth from a Black- hole.
60. This is what the ancient Elder called Triple Darkness.
65. There is no energy existing or can exist other than some form of Dark Matter and Dark Energy, the creative soup of this Universe, creative energy.
66. And of course energies are the active parts and ingredients of physical material existence also working in the Brains Etheric Seed as the Aaqal Nashat "mind energy" that melts down and becomes active creative sparks of electricity within Synapses.
67. Active Magic Energy is the form of mine and reason in thought process.
68. The Brain Seeds melt down to Brain Soup.
84. Only Paa Nagar-u Salal "the Negroid race" has the power to affect all of nature as you are doing in these days by way of your Kahen Aaqal "Divine mind".
85. Although unseen or felt by you, M’sabtu "Sabaean" you have that power.
86. This is your Khamem Magas "black magic", and it is Divine.


Wat holds dark matter and dark energy in place
A:tachyon (tack on) energy.
It is the glue of the universe.
How was the universe created?
By all existing gases that produced melanin which is 9 ether.

Wat is ether?: conscious gases .Ranging from 9 to 1 after it becomes1 ether it becomes the physical aspect .
The material plane .
The plane of low vibration.
The abode of ...
Linking to on up to "the highest abode".
In which all 3 are linked to each other thru ether and the mental plane ,which is the 4th plane...
Thru meditation is how you travel mentally thru the mental plane.
Thru chanting is how you vibrate to higher ether planes ..
Once you tap in and open certain glands higher consciousness can elude you.

Thus thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven(the higher ether planes)...

As above ,so below
The don of knowledge


Ghouls, Specters, & Demons

Evil Spirits exist and roam the earth as the wind travels through the atmosphere. These disembodied spirits are trapped here on the physical abode, not being able to transcend to higher realms because of their love for the physical or simply because of their low vibrations of ether. They use the living to fulfill their desires, fantasies dreams, and pleasures. They feed off your fear, your worries, your depression, your tears, your very own soul if you let them (refer to Actual Fact: Feeding The Forces). Their Scientist opened up a vortex, obliterating an Atom by using The Hadron Collider. This resulted in more Ghoul and Demon Spirits from the lower abode to have access to the physical world; taking over bodies at will. They roam during the day while more of these Legions come between the hours of 2:30 am-3:30 am, using those who are drunken or intoxicated making them do things they normally wouldn't do. Yet you Open yourself up to them when you angry, drunk, intoxicated, listening to their music, tones and vibrations. If you have a Hebrew name, Arabic Name or names of their Tonguage, you can open yourself up to them. How? When someone calls your name, you look to see who's calling you; it's the same with spirits, they respond to their tone. Once your name is called and you respond, All of The Spirits With that name/tone will attract to your body like a magnet (refer to Actual Fact #18 Tone, Sound, DNA, Molecules, Vibrational Frequencies). This is why Nuwaupians have names linked backed to their own Salafu "Race" of people. Tones they can identify with. Even with the Deceased Body, These Spirits will feed off the dead body to feel again. They are attracted to the gases that death emits. We had Ancient Rituals That prevented these specters from being attracted to the dead bodies. Until We Know the Rituals again it is best to cremate the body to protect it from those ghouls. Returning it back to dust, Mother Nature, Mother Neter, Neuter, Neutron, so that these Evil Spirits won't have anything to feed on. A lot of spirits can't ascend to higher abodes because they're trapped to where their body lies. The spirit is in the blood, so if blood that is in the marrow hasn't completely gone, then the spirit can't go until the whole body is gone....

How The Culture Of WU-S'ABAT' Can Liberate The Minds Of Black Folk Everywhere. READ ON!!!!"131.The culture, WU-S'ABAT', ...

How The Culture Of WU-S'ABAT' Can Liberate The Minds Of Black Folk Everywhere. READ ON!!!!

"131.The culture, WU-S'ABAT', of the Sabaeans is based on the principle of what we call SOUND RIGHT REASONING.

132. Meaning it is the HIGHEST POSSIBLE Taqrar "Decision" making skills utilized by any being in Paa Paâut "The All" Existence: POWER of CHOICE of KNOWING or GUESSING WILLPOWER of Factologist, Ontologistis; removal of doubts by Haqaq-aat "Facts".

133. An individual who is INTELLIGENT enough to live by the way of Wu-S'abat' as Mus'bat'-u "Sabaeans", speaking Mis'bat'-iya "Sabaic", and on any of our Holy lands worldwide, Mas'bat'-iya, realize that they must STUDY, ADVOCATE, and LIVE BY the binding rules of Paa Taraq "The Way", following and adhering to the principles of Maâat, which stands for Righteousness, Justice, Balance, Order....."

~Baa'ah Baa'ah Yaanun


From Mouth To Ear By Paa Nabab Yaanuwn In The Personage Of Dr. Malachi Z. York

Paa Mudwaw-u “The Evil Ones” are continuously trying to block the tones.

In Egypt, leaders have stopped Jews from celebrating Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

Holidays they have been celebrating their religious rites for 400 hundred years at their temples. The Jews know about the tones because they have cantor or chanters who recite the Torah. A young boy must recite from the Torah as part of their Bar Mitzvah. Muslims also introduce their tones to their children right after they are born. The father recites chapters of the Quraan and the Adhaan “call to prayer” in each ear.

The greatest fear of Paa Mudwaw-u “The Evil Ones” is that you will get on your correct frequency by using your correct tones of your language, Sabatic, Nuwaupic, and you transforming into a Mundjar “Deity”. Your be the one Paa Mudwaw-u “The Evil Ones” fears and transform yourself into a Mundjar! “Deity”.

You all ask me you to pronounce the letters correctly however you do not learn a language by reciting the alphabet. You learn by hearing the word and saying the words. This is the way children learn. A child says Dada not daddy. A child asks for mil not milk. They learn the language by saying what they hear, not by reading or knowing the letters of the alphabet.

Then when they get older the learn to read and perfect the language. The Ptolemy dynasty invented the Rosetta Stone.
Why did they call it the Rosetta Stone?
Why didn’t they call it the Egiptian Stone?
Then everyone would have to admit who spoke first. They added Greek on the bottom as a translation however that is what they say, not what they know. They say it provides the key to understanding hieroglyphs, however not a translation.

The Bubonic plague was resurfaced in Oklahoma. Originally Extra- Terrestrials put the Bubonic virus in Europe to wipe them out. And there were cases surfacing about the mouse borne hantavirus in Yosemite National Park. The Bubonic Plague was caused by or spread by rats.
The West Nile surfaced in Dallas, Texas and Georgia and was spread by a mosquito. A mosquito is what killed the foreign invaders in Egipt.

As long as you are into yourself, no Nadjar-u is going to get into you. It is making reference to the ego whose etymological meaning is literally “I” thus it asserts I-ness which means being into one’s self.
The ego is what separates most of us from the unity with others and within ourselves.
The ego is accompanied by desire, pride, anger, delusion, greed, jealousy, lust, hatred, racism, and leadership. It is the most difficult aspect of the mind to control.

For its very nature is such that it deludes even while one is striving to overcome it.
When the ego is subdued energies can then be utilized constructively for personal growth and the service of others. Which then aligns you to be used as a vessel by Paa Nadjaru “The Overseers”.

Republicans messed up. All of their speeches have been based on racism and money. There was hope for America
with Obama. As you know storm season is here. I told you all to prepare. Especially in cheap states like Georgia where the bootleg power systems easily goes out.
Example: Solar generators, dry goods, water, lanterns, protection for yourselves, gas masks, Hypothermia foil blankets etc.
Warning: All family in Texas better get out of there. Texas is one of the racist hate states and stolen land of Mexican natives.
It’s a red target state for Paa Nadjaru

You were not born into religion.
You were born an animist. The attribute of conscious life or souls existing in natural objects, and natural phenomena. Sound and light alter your DNA. That’s why it is so important that you learn to speak your language. Your tones to keep you aligned.
There was a video of an experiment on the internet that was demonstrating how frequencies affect sand in water.
Depending on the frequency, the geometric design would change.
Now, your body is 70-75% water so why wouldn’t it affect you? Get on your own tone, Sabatic Nuwaupic.

Crop circles are formed in the grass because of the frequency from these ships when they land. You can tell where the crafts are from or which beings are associated with a particular crop circle by the insignia or designs they make.

“Paa Nabab; Yaanuwn, Paa Sadaq Kawan Kararnuun!” The Master; Yaanuwn, The Truth is With Us!


Man From Planet Rizq

Oues: who are you?
Ans: first to understand who and what I am you'll have to first understand who and what you are and the class begins with understanding your genetics.

You have tiny explosions that go off at different stages in your life.

Just like you do as a child, your DNA explodes letting you automatically know milk and food.

How does a child know to lean towards the breast when they are being held a certain way?

How does a child learn to cry?
I will tell you how.

All of these things come to you at a young age, children learn thing naturally.

It is pre-encoded in your genes.
we all must not forget that we are all still growing and some of us reach certain levels before others.

Anything that doesn't grow is dead
(6 Ether).

Wu-nawap is forever changing and evolving and we have to evolve as well. Being apart of natural nature causes one to grow and evolve. (9 Ether)

We are still experiencing explosions as we evolve.

Which is why we must be patient with others who are striving.

We are full matter, space and time and there is a certain time encoded within all of us to go off.

We are all vivid beings and have been taught to look at life vaguely through the evil seed eyes.

Stay focus and do not let low vibrational beings allow your vivid reality of Wu-nawap become vague...

Actual Fact
The Gospel Of Yaanuwn On The Sacred Feminine.
The Lotus Of Life...
Paa Sashan Shalel Hayah...

I, Paa Nabab Yaanuwn born with a well-planned purpose by Muzyad Muthah-tal-u
“Extraterrestrials” Extra-Terrestrial; Extra Terra-Astral; Look at this EXTRA-Meaning In Addition To; TERRA-of the Earth; ASTRAL Of or from the Stars.

I am what you call an angelic being, from Marzaq “Rizq”, a Mikwak “Planet”, the eighth planet Rizq in the 19th galaxy far away in Maaalyan “ILLiyuwn a Tri-Solar System.

RIZQ which has 1 moon SHESHQI of its own. This Galaxy, The 19th galaxy called "ILLYUWN" originally referred to as Heaven known as Elysium, in Greek, has 3 suns 1)SHAMASH 2)UTU 3)APSU which means a Tri-solar system with 38 moons and 19 planets. Each with its own number of moons.

The Mukwan “Being” born inside my Khatat “Body” was one of them, his name is Yaanuwn.

Paa Murzaq-u “The “Rizqiyians” created this Wahu-Makwan “Universe” Of the Kalay Makwan-aat “Omni-verse”.

The universe was born 24 billion years ago.
Their are nine Etheric beings, supreme beings who have been visiting this Kawak “Planet” and others for millions of years.

They grew the Nagar-u Salal “Negriod Race here first.

They became known as the Nadjar-u “Overseers, Watchers”.
They built many Ancient Lands and structures on this Mikwak “Planet”, which in time they deserted.

Paa Murzaq-u “The Riziyians” sent little creatures called Murmad-u “Grays” from Zeta in Orion’s Belt every ten years to check on their Kharad-u “Children” with whom they mixed their DNA into, nine species of the Nagar-u Salal “Negriod Race” only.

I , Yaanuwn, was raised up among you out of the East, Africa unto the West to bring to you a Sayem Balagh “Divine Message” Called Wu-Nawap and to teach you.

Nawapuyee “Nuwaupic” and call you Munwap-u “Nuwaupians” to set up a land, Nuwaupia, for a landing site for your Salaf-u “Ancestors” to return and lift those of you who have perfected their beings, cleaned inside out and outside in.

Your DNA as males is from Saaah “Orion”.
Your DNA as Females is from the Sabat “Sirius” star systems and the Greys from Zeta beneath Orion’s three Shamash-at “Sun’s” or the belt.

Baåahbaåah said forget everything you ever learnt and start over.

I overstand it as returning to that baby stage when what we knew what we were naturally born with, inbuilt in us from Paa Nadjaru.

Just like turning to our mother's breast for realfood, only to be afterwards tainted with GMO milk and GMO education.

T'aweh'aat to Baåahbaåah returning us to our natural way by way of Wunuwaup.

Farer-al Aakhakh Nashat “Natural Ether Energy” to return us our true selves. T'aweh'aat to Paa Nadjaru for giving us a true Saviour.


From Nuwaupian Ethics (9) – “The Center of You” – v. 12-18
“12. You’re your own judge for only you really know you; look out at this physical Tapal “World” and note wherever you are you’re in the center, all things revolve and are moving around you. 13. How all Shayan-aat “Things” happened and will happen depends on where you allow your person to be at any Waqut “Time” or place. 14. How Yakhar-u “Others” treat you, depends on how you allow them to treat you. 15. What you look like is how you allow yourself to look. 16. Your physical health is as it is because of you and what you allow inside your personal solar system, you being the rayay Rayay “Sun” at its qabaL Qabaṫ “Center”; or just a
Kawak “Planet” or Aahah “Moon” not at its center; yet in their own way are a center. 17. Lead by the Ȧashuq “Divine Love” led on by Fakar-aat “Thoughts” and Taȧmal-aat “Actions” and deeds of actual facts perfect Aanakhtwy “Eternal life”. 18. Both Wawad “Good” and Dawaw “Evil” agreeable and disagreeable revolves around your center the choice is your own to make for which garment will you wear between these two forces; let the Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupian” choose Paa Ṫaraq “The Way”.”


"It doesn't matter how many times you show a woman or a man truth if he doesn't want it, they are under a spell of belief".

Proverbs of Yaanun verses 1-28
The Alien Gods

1. Who and what are the aliens that the Adamites call God, Lord? The Lord God, in many languages the world over, they are monsters that seek offerings, sacrifices, blood and human flesh; they are carnivorous flesh eaters, they are even cannibalistic.

2. And this is found in their holy book again and again that is mistranslated as human flesh and blood rituals called oblation and offerings as well as sacrifices.

3. And as you read, these aliens love the smell of cooking flesh, as you read, its called a sweat savour, Genesis 8:20-21.

4. And Yahweh "The Lord" smelled a sweat savour in Genesis 9:3-5 so Adamites were told they should not eat flesh or drink blood yet they disobeyed being like their Gods Genesis 18:1-8.

5. Both Abraham and Yahweh ate flesh of the calf as well as the Adonay called "Angels" there, so God, God's, Lords of the Bible and Quran ate flesh.

6. And when they said 'make for me or us an offering', a burnt offering, they meant cook some flesh for us to eat, even human flesh as you read in Genesis 22:1-2 and 6-7.

7. This Lord was going to eat Abraham's son, yet another one prevented it and replaced him with a ram; yet still a flesh and blood sacrifice.

8. You will call it a test, yet an all-knowing God, Lord dies not need to test human beings, he is all-knowing, so he already knows the results of a test.

9. So that was not a test and test is not used in that part of their Bible or Quran.

10. ...and the men ate what the angels ate Psalm 78:25 and did these people offer their sons and daughters to these Gods, Lords, Angels? Psalm 106:35-38 yes, they did.

11. They called them devils, in Hebrew its "Shad", short for Almighty "El Shadday" Exodus 6:2. Also in Deutronomy 32:17.

12. They offered to devils Leviticus 17:7 a "Satyr", goat man a Baphomet.

13. All you have to do is read Leviticus chapters 1 through 10, you will see again and again "sweat savour"; cook it with this, cut it up this way, drink the blood - this is clear. Leviticus 1:6, 8-9, 12-13, Leviticus 2:1-14 do they eat it? Leviticus 6:15-18 yes, they ate the offerings verses 26-30, 7:6, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23 on and on, their Gods, Lord, Angels ate flesh, drank blood and so did the Adamite race, their creation.

14. Even their own children as you read Leviticus 26:29, Leviticus 22:29-33, Deutronomy 28:53, 28:64, 2 Kings 6:29, Lamentations 2:20, 4:10, Jeremiah 19:9, Zechariah 2:6

15. They, like their makers in whose image and likeness thy were made Genesis 1:26-27, they were and still are cannibals to this very day and have you eating flesh and blood meat.
Book of Enoch Ch 7:1-6

16. Today in Europe and the Middle East they eat raw flesh blood meat and call it a delicacy.

17. Some eat brains, even monkey brains as close as Simian monkeys are to human beings.

18. They love raw meat, as you read in their own holy books, they eat what their Gods, Lords, Angels ate, animal or human; they are human beast.

19. They love to hunt and kill, fish and kill, any excuse to fight or kill, call it sport.

20. This is their unnatural nature as a grafted creature, a Stragoy "vampire", a Lycan "werewolf" and proud of it.

21. You Africans are unlike them, unlike their Gods, Lords, Angels.

22. Your body is not like theirs, your blood is not like theirs; what is good for them is bad for you.

23. They need to intake all kinds of alcohol, beer, strong coffee, drugs to feel alive, you don't need those stimulants.

25. You have a soul, a spirit, a divine body.

26. They only have a spirit, no soul and a diseased body.

27. They live in pain all of their lives.

28. They are not in-tune with nature and is why they can't dance or have rhythm.


The Beginning pg 25-30

Ques: Does Time Go Forwards and Backward?

Ans: Time Doesn’t Go. Time is not a process of motion, But the confirmation of Existence.

Ques: So does that mean that it’s not possible for time to travel?

Ans: The word Travel in itself implies moving from one point to another point, while the same word Travail means to stay. Time only appears to move from one point to another because man has numbered existence, to create Once, Moment, Moments, 60 Moments, 60 seconds. 60 minutes. 24 hours, Days, 7 Days, 29/30 Days, A month, Years, 10 years (a Decade), 20 Years (A Score), 50 Years (A Jubilee) 100 years (A Century), 400 Years (A generation), 1000 years (A millennium), 25,000 Years (An Equinox), 26,000 Years (a precession) and Eons.

Man took Existence and Declared it From One Point to the next and called it Clocking Time. Man Numbered it into a repeated Mathematical System and thus people who are looking at a flat circular concoction called a Clock. Then they watch a go into a complete circle, and think that they are moving forward, when in actuality time just is.

If time was in part moving, then the whole Solar System would be moving and its not. The Earth is moving around the Sun, And the Earth is rotating on its axis. However, the whole thing isn’t moving, and a clock on the wall is not moving. Time travel is another form of an illusion from travailing, to make you think you are going forward and backward, when in fact you are not.

Ques: So does it mean time to you is based on experiences?

Ans: Yes. Today is like trying to catch tommorow. When tommorow comes, you call it today. And today becomes yesterday. There is not one yesterday, and there is not one tommorow, so you are not going anywhere. This is a part of the illusion that the planet moves around the Sun and that is true. But they are really not going anywhere.

Ques: Is the Universe going somewhere?

Ans: Scientists also want to know if the whole universe is on a journey somewhere. The answer is absolutely not. Motion is defined by moving from one point to another. There is here and here is there. However that doesn’t mean that there is no such thing as motion. It takes 25,000 years for the whole universe to make a complete revolution. It works with the Equinox, which is 25,000 years. Thus i say, that is what time it is.

Ques: How is Here There, and There Here?

Ans: Realize that they, by adding a letter, have us under the illusion that there’s a difference. Take these words: 1. Where, 2. There, and 3. Here. What is the difference? If we remove the letter W from the word Where, we have Here, and if we remove the letter T from there we have Here. So in reality they are one and the same. It’s just a play based on what you are being misled to believe, which is only an illusion.

Ques. What laws govern the Universe?

Ans: It’s not what laws, it’s what Law, and that is CHANGE. The only definite in all existence is Change.


An excerpt from a book called The Nine. Chapter: Destruction of the truth.

"1. Nuwaupians you all must know the truth of this day and time.
2. The news of the world are all lies.
3.The real reason for the wars inside these places: Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran is the destruction of the truth.
4. The truth of his-story (history)
5. He is trying to cover the truth about themselves, his origin 6 thousand years ago by way of aliens.
6. So they have all these wars from the year 2000, to destroy all the stone tablets found at these places and monuments and scrolls that expose the truth.
7. They are the children of Anakim as tyrants, evil and wicked by way of nature.
Genesis 6:1-5
Numbers 13:32-33
John 8:44
Revelation 12:9
8. You can not trust them what they say, or print or broadcast, it is all lies.
9. Can the children of Adam fool you all? Not now days. We have Wu-Nuwaup, The Truth, The Way."


116. The mitochondrial DNA is also proven to be the gene that produces nearly all the energy to keep the cell alive.

117.In fact mother, female is a keeper of our family jewels, our genetic past and future.

118. And due to these facts about mitochondrial DNA mother was before father; woman existed before men.

119.The male grows out of the female. She was in fact first, the best kept secret, that is best to be made known, right now.

120. She is our creator on this, the physical abode.

121. Yet, we as "Akhu-u" Etherians Etheric Beings existed as part of Paa Paùt "The All" long before gender or genes divided and became male and female.

122. Or before the X chromosome became defected from X to a y to become Xy from XX.

123. There is no etheric gender.

124. Remember each of you have nine Khemenu when you include Re-Atum-Nun.

119. The 9 principles of existence are:

1.Kaa"Spirit" 2.Khu"Mental" 3.Khat"Physical"
4.Baa"Soul" 5.Khabut"Plasmatic" 6.Akh"Etheric" 7.Hati"Emotional" 8.Ibb"Senses"
9.Sakhum"Spark of Powers"

120. All of these were brought into the person as being to fold or double; the two points of existence.

1.Ladud"Birth" 2.Mawut"Death"

121. So in fact the male, y chromosome has been proven in the s***m to have 2.8% less genetic material than the X chromosome ,by sifting s***m to produce samples in which was found 85% of the cells, had an X chromosome.

122. In fact, the X chromosome is five times larger than the y chromosome which means that females existed for generations without males.

123. To become a y chromosome out of an X chromosome when you lose one of your points, or stems.

124. So, in fact, the chromosomes become defected, maimed, which is why a male has the same components on his body, that the female has.

125.For example, the breast and ni***es, however, the male doesn't breastfeed .

126. The fact is man, men are defected genetic defect of women.

127.Mother does not only breastfeed us, her children, she nurtures "Nazduru"the whole world.

128. She is Hakum '"Wisdom".

129. To prove this fact 147 pregnant women donated their babies placenta to science.

130. This use of placenta is the best and easiest way to get large samples of body tissue.

131. These 147 females come from each race and sub-races. So after the babies were born, the 147 placentas were given and Frozen.

132. A placenta is an organ connecting the female parent with The unborn mammal; the portion of a plant to which the seeds"nut-u" are attached.

133. So the 147 Frozen placenta or tissue were then ground into a souped-up warring blender,spun in a centrifuge mixed with a cell breaking the detergent, died fluorescent and spun in a centrifuge again.

134. The result was a clear liquid containing pure DNA.

135. This was in fact the DNA in the nucleus of babies cells.

136.This DNA came from outside the nucleus, in a compartment of the cell called the mitochondria, which produces nearly all the energy to keep the cell alive that would make females, mothers of all living.

137. The mitochondrial DNA is only inherited from the mother.

138. It's not a mixture of both parents, genes, like nuclear DNA.

139. So it preserves a family record that isn't scrambled in every generation.

~Genetic Kiss
Bah Bah Yaanuwn


We Are Dark Matter. We Are The Black Mind. READ ON!!!!

"31. Now who and what are you? A 90% PERCENTER.
32. What are you called? DARK MATTER.
34. What have you created? Khamem "black" holes.
35. What are they used for? Consumption of NAWAR "light".
..40. Will your black holes consume all things? In time, Tua "Yes".
41. What of your own existence? The 10% will be consumed, that is all. That is some things.
42. And you 90% what of you? As I stated I am called dark matter. Only 10% of light exists in me.
43. Will you ever be consumed? I am the Khamem Aaqal "Black Mind". I am Paaut "All" as Paaut "All" I am. I exist only as you think in your mind of "existence". Yet, I AM NOTHINGNESS from which come things, I can't be consumed as Paaut "All"."

~Baa'ah Baa'ah Yaanuwn


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Lithonia, GA



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