Brittany Lea

Brittany Lea Nurse • Educator • Wife • Mom of 4 • Aspiring Writer Hey I am Brittany. My most sincere prayer is the lyrics of the Carl Cartee song: “More than Just Words”.

I have worked for 10 years as an RN, and for the past 3 years as a nursing instructor, but my true passion has always been writing. I’ve been reluctant to share my writing in the past, but I have learned through experiences with death and the hard stuff in life, that writing is very therapeutic both for the writer and for the reader. I’m just a woman in my thirties trying to navigate motherhood an

d work out my relationship with Christ one day at time. It’s my prayer as he sang, that my life will honor God with ‘more than just words that I speak from my mouth, that I’d give him my thoughts before they're even out, every ambition, every dream I dream. More than just talk from my lips, cuz you’re all that there is With all of my heart father, I want to give MORE THAN JUST WORDS!’

These lyrics are where the tagline of this blog was born. Someday, I’d love to be a best-selling author, but for now-- I just want to be a vessel of encouragement to others. Thanks for being here!


You will continue to run around-exhausted, chasing lesser glories, until you see and behold the one whose image you were made in and whose purpose you were made for and declare him as Lord. This should be the daily posture of our hearts.

Meredith Knox

When I signed with this company I knew they were doing amazing things! But I didn’t know they donated ALL proceeds to pe...

When I signed with this company I knew they were doing amazing things! But I didn’t know they donated ALL proceeds to pediatric cancer research. Book number 2 has been submitted, but their efforts for the month of February are being spent advocating for Childhood Cancer-something very near to my heart!

My first experience with pediatric cancer was with a 7 year old little boy named Karson. He was the same age as my Addie when I cared for him as his hospice nurse. So often I would compare their sweet little lives. While I was taking my daughter to trick or treat-I was looking for different regimens to manage his intractable vomiting. While my daughter was finding her voice, he was losing his. I got to put bows in her hair, but he lost all of his. I got to put earrings in her ears, but I had to put an NG tube in his nose. I had the honor of holding his hand and laying in bed with him and his sweet momma when he took his last breath, and it left a forever mark on my heart.

One of my highschool best friends walked this same road recently with her baby girl Kallie.

Kallie and Karson are now walking the streets of gold, but so many others are still walking the awful reality of pediatric cancer.

This world is broken and unfair, plagued with sin and disease, but HOPE is never lost. Until we are called home, we are to stand in the gap and fight for kids like them in whatever way we can. We are called to carry light into the darkness. We are called to pray. And we are called to support financially when and where we can.

Keeping a Light Foundation, Bell Asteri and Ashland Ink are doing great things in this realm and I’m thankful to play a small part 💕

Nine of 11 patients in new brain cancer trial saw their tumors shrink by at least half. One really beat the odds.

💬Day 3Genesis 5-6Genesis 5 tells us that the Lord regretted that He has made man on the earth. That is a pretty solid st...

💬Day 3

Genesis 5-6
Genesis 5 tells us that the Lord regretted that He has made man on the earth. That is a pretty solid statement. But it’s honest. He looked around at all the chaos and violence and said-I’ve had enough.

It’s easy to for us to forget that god is not just an omnipresent being-he’s our father. And because we are made in his image, he has thoughts and feelings like us. He can be disappointed, angry, pleased, joyous, etc. In the times of Noah, he was fed up (and I think he’s getting that way now too).

I look around at this life sometimes, and I feel those same feelings of disgust. But God didn’t completely throw his hands up. He found the good-in Noah. He regrouped and restructured in his graciousness.

Psalm 3
My reading in Psalm today reminded me that he is the lifter of my head-when I’m at the end and fed up too. He sustains us!

Matthew 5
So much here! The law was a standard to guide generations before us-but Jesus came and pointed out that it’s truly about the condition of our heart and mind. He’s wants us to act differently than the world-not just to follow Christian rules- but because of our love and gratitude for all he has done.

I see many of my friends are reading the Bible through in a year and I am doing it too. Last year I set out to complete ...

I see many of my friends are reading the Bible through in a year and I am doing it too. Last year I set out to complete this, after making the same commitment so, so many times before. But in 2024, I finally saw it through. It showed me how much I didn’t know. It reminded me how good God was. And it shocked me at how dark and unedited it was.

The Bible is history, the Bible is praise, the Bible is letters, the Bible is prophesies. The Bible is good news. But more than anything, the Bible is God-breathed, hope and love.

I’m gonna try my very best to consistently share my daily thoughts and I’d LOVE to hear y’all’s takeaways too. Because along with all the other things the Bible is-it’s personal-and hits us all where we need it in that moment.

Day 1 Thoughts:
In the beginning, there was God, and with him, there was nothingness. He spoke and just like that-life happened. Plant life, animal life, and humanity. Creativity gave birth to diversity. Day and night. Land and sea. Man and woman. And it was GOOD. With the new year brings new goals, and that’s my favorite. But my prayer for my family is that our goals will not to be like those of the world around us-rather like our God-the image in which we were created. I pray that we embrace our diversity rather than try to blend into this culture. Loud and soft spoken. Curly hair and straight. Short and tall. Talkative and quiet. I hope we all learn to lean into our diverse appearances and personalities in this New Year. I hope we learn and grow and look at ourselves and others through the eyes of our maker. I pray we look back, with full hearts, on the close of 2025 just like God did at the close of creation and say…it is good! 🥰

He’s been really hard to parent lately. He’s been restless and ornery and disobedient. And despite it all, his daddy bro...

He’s been really hard to parent lately. He’s been restless and ornery and disobedient. And despite it all, his daddy brought him home a treat today. I’ve been reading in Hosea this week, and God used this interaction today to remind me of the truth. Like my boy, we can be ornery and disobedient. Like Isreal, we are an adulterous people. We stray away. We hurt God’s heart with our ways. But like Kade’s daddy-God gives us good gifts anyway. He loves us anyway. He forgives us anyway. And he teaches us to do the same. It’s why we are celebrating this Christmas season. We are an undeserving people who have received a beautiful gift…the most perfect picture of grace and redemption and love-in the form of His son.

Hosea 6:3 says, "Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth".

Thank you God for mercy. Help me give it more freely father 🙏

Hardcover is available through this link on Amazon! Paperback coming soon on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel. Everyone’s sup...

Hardcover is available through this link on Amazon! Paperback coming soon on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel.

Everyone’s support is overwhelming! 💕

God designed marriage to fulfill our fundamental needs for friendship and intimacy. However, alongside the profound joy it brings, marriage also involves the challenges and struggles of two imperfect people. This journal provides wives with a 31-day guide for intentional prayer for their husbands...

I’ve known that the Lord wanted me to write for a while now, but putting yourself out there is hard, especially when you...

I’ve known that the Lord wanted me to write for a while now, but putting yourself out there is hard, especially when you’re still walking through stuff and trying to trust as you go. I was a baby when I got married, so the last 18 years have certainly held many ups and downs. We know all about sickness and health, poverty and wealth, and the good and bad that our vows spoke of. We have walked through business owning, adoption and baby raising. We’ve been versions of ourselves that were so good for one another, and versions of ourselves that were so shameful we didn’t even recognize who we had become.

I believe with my whole heart that God places circumstances in our lives to grow us and lead us toward kingdom purposes. I believe he places people in our paths in certain seasons to guide us and strengthen us in our faith. I believe he knows us better than we know ourselves. And I believe he can use both triumphs and struggles for His glory. I have seen these truths most evidently in the context of my marriage.

There has been unmeasurable joy and unspeakable hurt. But, through it all, God’s love has remained steadfast. His call to love Him first and grow in love and grace toward my husband has never changed.

I find it “just like God” to have me release my first book on marriage, instead of something I feel like I am really good at…but, hey, that’s faith, right?! He doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. When we are weak, He is strong! And for that, I’m so, so thankful.

Book release coming real, real soon!!

God designed marriage to fulfill our fundamental needs for friendship and intimacy. However, alongside the profound joy it brings, marriage also involves the...

I’ve been told all my life that I can be a lot. I was told that just this week. Heck, I get on my own nerves sometimes. ...

I’ve been told all my life that I can be a lot. I was told that just this week. Heck, I get on my own nerves sometimes. I can be clumsy, emotional, needy, messy, and easily distracted. Because I know I can be a lot, I often feel like a disappointment to God. But tonight, He reminded me, that, while I may be a lot for others, I’m not a lot for Him. While I may not be enough for myself sometimes, I’m always enough for Him. Because He doesn’t need me, He wants me.

My whole life I’ve had a narrative of what my spiritual walk was suppose to look like. The typical morning quiet time and night time prayer,
with some other Christian things sprinkled in. I’ve always felt if I didn’t do those things, I was annoying or letting God down.

But this weekend, in the quiet of my flight home, that narrative switched. While I was gone, I didn’t do some of those check list things like reading my Bible and journaling in prayer each night. But that didn’t get on God’s nerves or make Him mad.

At the start of my plane ride home, I was feeling guilty for not spending more time with Him while I had more time to spend. But, He quietly reminded me that a relationship with Him isn’t about doing everything just so, just because someone years ago told me that’s what a dutiful Christian does.

While I didn’t read my Bible while I was gone, it didn’t mean I didn’t abide in Him. I was in a continued state of thankfulness for my ability to overcome fears and spend time with my daughter. I was blessed by Him as I spent time with and was shown love by an old friend. I was vividly aware and in awe of the beautiful things He has created. I was impressed by the abilities of the extraordinary people He has spoken into existence.

He doesn’t need me to do more, He is just fine with me worshiping Him in my own chaotic way. He’s fine with me binging my Bible for hours one day and then abiding in those truths for the next few days. He’s okay with me journaling like a mad woman in prayer some days and just sitting in His love other days. He reminded me that it is a beautiful thing that we are all wired differently and that means our relationships with Him will be both individualized and personal.

So, friend, let go of what you have been told and how you think you should commune with God. Instead, let him meet you where you. Bring your real true self to the table, just as you are.

It is a freeing feeling knowing that God wants us, even though he doesn’t need us. He wants us to bring our worship, guilt free, to Him, no matter what it looks like in this season. We aren’t a lot for God…and we don’t get on his nerves.

I did a thing!! Praying that He will use my writing in a powerful way and that I can be a vessel of encouragement to wiv...

I did a thing!! Praying that He will use my writing in a powerful way and that I can be a vessel of encouragement to wives and mothers in the same season of life as me.

Stay tuned for book release dates 💕

Welcome new author Brittany Traylor!


God doesn’t give us busy work 🗒️

I teach 11th grade and 11th graders are pretty great. They are real. They like honesty and they like to see the big picture—because they don’t want to feel like their time is being wasted. I told them from day one (and I meant it)- that I would never give them “busy work” - that everything I asked them to do would have a purpose. And I asked that they trust me…

Sitting on my porch and thinking about the dumpster fire that feels like life right now, God whispered to my soul - “I don’t give busy work either, just trust me.”

We can’t see the big picture, so sometimes the trials in this life seem purposeless. But, God’s word says otherwise. We don’t just go through things for no reason; each season and situation we encounter is tailored to deepen our relationship with Christ. God desires for us to know him, to bear fruit, and to encourage others.

Stressful seasons can teach us peace. Loneliness teaches us how to find a friend in Jesus. Inadequacy teaches us dependency. Inconveniences teach us patience. Hurt teaches us forgiveness. Every misaligned priority teaches us how to reorder our life in a way that pleases him.

Every test and trial produces perseverance. And perseverance builds our character and allows us to exhibit the fruits of the spirit. And when it’s all said and done, we can look back and find gratefulness in each season that lead us to the cross 💕

This world. Sometimes it’s filled with beauty and grace; but more often, as I look around, all I see is heartache and fe...

This world. Sometimes it’s filled with beauty and grace; but more often, as I look around, all I see is heartache and fear.

A friend, in the loss of her child the other day, posted a reel that stated, “Pain that brings you closer to God, is always better than any comfort that draws you away.” (Honey and Lions)

This quote has resounded in my head on repeat for the last week as I have wrestled with whether I believe on this level. This one statement is the epitome of the perspective we are called to have in this world as Christians, but still, it’s a hard truth to swallow.

Our culture has watered down Christianity so much and I’ve accepted it. It’s exchanged a relationship with Jesus for a list of rules or lack there of. It has replaced love with cynicism. The American culture is based on ensuring we are comfortable in as many aspects as possible, while our souls sit empty and craving connection.

The fall led to all the things that I hate about
this world, but this quote reminds me of the perspective I am called to have. I’m learning that it’s only through the brokenness of this world, that we can truly get to KNOW Jesus.

Gnosis is a Greek word that means “knowledge.” When defined, it is used to designate an intuitive awareness of hidden mysteries as opposed to discursive, analytical knowledge. That’s what I think Jesus meant when he spoke John 17:3. And that’s what I think this quote points back to.

Which makes me think, friends…

Without first knowing chaos-how can we truly experience peace?

Without weakness, why would we need the power and strength of the Holy Spirit?

Without heartache and grief-how can we know what it feels like to be comforted?

Without loneliness-how can we feel his presence?

Without knowing deep sadness-how can we experience great joy?

I’m still not there yet. I still want to shield my family and myself from all the the things. Help me, Jesus, to change my narrative. Help me to stop asking why and start seeking instead how I can KNOW you more in the midst of the messy.

Jesus said, “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3)


•easily annoyed
•concerned with material things
•in a hurry
•out for number one
•down and out
•hyper-focused on religious rules
•the most popular


Help me to be all the things that Jesus wasn’t as I go through this day. Amen 🖤

This one sentence spoke to my heart today…’now the Lord was gracious to Sarah’.She laughed. She didn’t trust the Lord. S...

This one sentence spoke to my heart today…’now the Lord was gracious to Sarah’.

She laughed. She didn’t trust the Lord. She took matters into her own hands. She tried to do things in her power and in her own way. Sarah messed up. So why is this important…because I AM SARAH.

Ain’t it good to know that the Lord is gracious to people like her and me and you 😊 Happy Friday friends!

Today I think of Mary. Usually I think of all the things I have left to do…the food to cook, the presents to wrap, the h...

Today I think of Mary.

Usually I think of all the things I have left to do…the food to cook, the presents to wrap, the house to tidy…and when I pause long enough, I remember Jesus. But, today, on this Christmas Eve-I think of Mary.

This morning, our pastor mentioned that the journey to Bethlehem was approximately 90 miles. The pregnancy phase is still fresh in my mind, and honestly, a 90 mile road trip, super pregnant, seems like a nightmare.

I think about all that she must have been feeling. She was going on this long trip and still she had so much to do. She was a wife and a first time momma, she had a tax deadline to meet, she had no hotel room booked for her stay, and she was a long way from home-without her own mother.

Yet, nowhere in the scripture does it say Mary lost her cool. It doesn’t say she had anxiety. And it doesn’t say she yelled at Joseph. Mary persevered. Mary was obedient. She pondered. She trusted. Mary waited in hopeful expectation.

And as she looked at her baby boy, she treasured all these things in her heart, knowing it would all be okay. Thanks to the promise and hope her sweet baby boy’s birth would bring.

Dear Lord, help me treasure all the things in my heart. Help me to persevere as I trust you to lead the way. Thank you for the hope of a future ❤️

Last night, my students were pinned as LPNs and as I looked around at the makeup of the class…I celebrated the beauty of...

Last night, my students were pinned as LPNs and as I looked around at the makeup of the class…I celebrated the beauty of their successes. This particular class is made up of young adults, immigrants, and mothers. It’s made up of students who have picked nursing as a second career, those right out of high school, and those starting over after divorce.

Their journeys have looked so different. Most of these students did not finish on the same time table as their peers. Some are finishing decades after they started. ALL have met countless obstacles and setbacks.

And as I reminisce on their journeys, I’m filled with hope and reminded, both in Nursing School and in life—it’s OKAY if it doesn’t go just so! It’s okay if your journey doesn’t go exactly the way you planned. It’s okay if you aren’t “where you should be by now.” That timeline on which you are basing your success is manmade. The scale you are using to compare yourselves to others-it’s self imposed.

While it’s good to make goals, don’t forget you aren’t the sum of society’s scales. We are all on individual journeys—unmeasured by time tables, educational degrees or financial gains.

At the end of the day, we are called to walk in His ways and delight in the Lord. If we seek Him first, He will guide us along our journey, regardless of how unconventional or delayed it may feel. If we keep seeking Him, we will prosper. Take a lesson from these ladies and don’t lose hope ❤️

Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.

Psalm 1:1-3

Red Ribbon Lessons ‼️💃👠All my life I have cared far too much what other people think. I’ve hated my body, my hair, and m...

Red Ribbon Lessons ‼️💃👠

All my life I have cared far too much what other people think. I’ve hated my body, my hair, and my personality at times. The devil has whispered to me for years of my unworthiness, especially in regard to my appearance.

I’m at the highest weight of my life and I have more grey hair than ever, and it’s here and now I’m finally viewing myself through a different lens. I’m beginning to see just how little others opinion’s about us matters. And as always, it’s through my children I am being taught this lesson. And it’s nestled in the silliest thing…Red Ribbon Week.

Red Ribbon Week is all about themes and dressing up. During this dress up week, my baby boy is living his very best life, excited to go to school every day and participating in it all…But, my baby girl, she’s cried twice. She has second guessed everything. She has worried she’s too fat. Worried that people will think she looks weird. She’s asked what if no one is wearing a costume…What if this and what about that.

She is just like me. Both of my girls are in this way. And it’s breaks my heart. I can only hear the ridiculousness of all these lies when they are speaking negatively about themselves. Why are we this way? Why do we let what others think carry so much weight?

It’s got to change❗️I’m determined to tell myself and tell my kids over and over for as many more years as it takes…IF YOU LIKE YOU, no one else’s opinion matters. If you like the way you look, ROCK IT. You are not fat, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Who cares if your are overweight or loud or weird. The definitions of beauty in this world mean nothing because this is not our home.

As much as it hurts me to hear my girl’s speak negatively of themselves, I wonder how it makes our creator feel. I’m gonna do better. Because my friends, WE ARE ALL LOVED, even when we don’t love ourselves and we are ALL FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE.

Singing of the steadfast love of GodIt’s amazing how when we read the word of God, He can write a new word on our heart....

Singing of the steadfast love of God

It’s amazing how when we read the word of God, He can write a new word on our heart. I am so guilty of not being a steadfast Christian. It’s why, although I know God has called me to share through my writing, I’m so reluctant to do so. But the amazing thing about God’s love: it’s not dependent on how consistent we are.

Psalm 89 describes the love of God as a STEADFAST LOVE. Steadfast is defined as firmly fixed in place or immovable. That means His love isn’t going anywhere because it’s unchanging…Unchanged by our disbelief, disobedience, and disregard.

God's love is described as steadfast 7 times in Psalm 89 alone. In the Bible, 7 is the number of completion and perfection. So you see my friends, regardless of how unworthy or inconsistent we are, we are daily held in the immovable, unchanging, and PERFECT love of God. And that alone, makes Him worthy of praise.

I am so thankful for that love, so today I'm singing this song

'I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever' recorded live from Hillsong Conference 2003, in a collaboration between Hillsong Worship and Delirious? on the album 'UP:...

I think sometimes we feel the need to sugar coat things when talking to God. We also have a tendency to sugar coat aspec...

I think sometimes we feel the need to sugar coat things when talking to God. We also have a tendency to sugar coat aspects of our life when talking to others. But, it’s okay to be on the struggle bus. It’s ok to tell a friend…today was a rough one. It’s okay to tell God-this situation sucks. We see it in the Bible over and over. Psalmists cried out in grief. Prophets wore sackcloth and mourned. Jesus wept.

We are all disappointed in life sometimes. We all carry defeat, frustration and despair to some degree. But ain’t it good that we have a God who wants us to be honest and vulnerable. You can take it to the cross my friend…no sugar coating required.

If you are feeling defeated today, I’m sending up prayers for you 🙏


Loranger, LA



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