The 558th Infantry Explorers are an organization dedicated to military training for young men and women from the ages of 14 through 18 years old. The explorer prgram is officiated by the Boy Scouts of America and which allows young people to "explore" possible professions available to them in our military services. Founded in 1988, Post 558 is unique to this program in that it helps individuals ex
perience, in some measure, what it would be like if they were to join one of the military services branches. The Post has sent a number of qualified cadets to the Military Academy at West Point and other service academies throughtout the years. Post members are encouraged to participate in team building exercises and community service prjects on a regular basis. When cadets demostrate they are ready, they will advance in rank and assume added leadership responsibilities. The post has overnight Field Training Exercises (FTX's) every few months to put in practice what is learned during classroom instruction and other training scenarios, during some of these training scenarios and field training exercises,they are carried out withn non-firing solid rubber weapons(with the safety orange tips on them; the same one that the US Military, law enforcement use in practice scenarios). The Post also places a heavy importance on physical fitness and cadeets participate in P.T. during every meeting and FTX's. We use the discipline and experience of military training to build confidence in young leaders who will be able to think on their feet, and respond to the needs of their communities.