In our travel advisories, we flag specific risk indicators to keep U.S. citizens informed before traveling abroad. Always look up the current travel advisory for your destination to see if any of the following risk indicators have been identified:
▪️ C – Crime: Widespread violent or organized crime is present in areas of the country. Local law enforcement may have limited ability to respond to serious crimes.
▪️ T – Terrorism: Terrorist attacks have occurred and/or specific threats against civilians, groups, or other targets may exist.
▪️ U – Civil Unrest: Political, economic, religious, and/or ethnic instability exists. It may cause violence, major disruptions, and/or safety risks.
▪️ H – Health: Health risks, including current disease outbreaks or a crisis that disrupts a country’s medical infrastructure, are present. The issuance of a Centers for Disease Control Travel Notice may also be a factor.
▪️ N – Natural Disaster: A natural disaster, or its aftermath, poses danger.
▪️ E – Time-limited Event: Short-term event, such as elections, sporting events, or other incidents that may pose safety risks.
▪️ K – Kidnapping or Hostage Taking: Criminal or terrorist individuals or groups have threatened to and/or have seized or detained and threatened to kill, injure or continue to detain individuals in order to compel a third party (including a governmental organization) to do or abstain from doing something as a condition of release.
▪️ D – Wrongful Detention: The risk of wrongful detention of U.S. nationals exists.
▪️ O – Other: There are potential risks not covered by previous risk indicators. Read the country’s Travel Advisory for details.