Last Sunday, as some of you who follow this page already know, I had lunch at The Chowder Barge in Wilmington. It’s the only floating restaurant in the LA harbor.
Well, realizing I was in Wilmington, home of the Los Angeles Oil Refinery, formerly known as the Union 76 Oil Refinery, and Phillips 66 Oil Refinery, and realizing it was only a couple of weeks since Halloween, I thought I’d go see if Smilin’ Jack, the giant Jack O’Lantern was still painted on the huge gas tank.
I drove to the location, and noticed there was no locked gate, so I drove on to the parking lot. There was a tall metal gate between the tank and myself, as well as a fair distance, but I got as close to the gate as I could before I heard a voice calling to me. It was from the guard shack. I lowered my camera (iPhone) and the guard told me I had to leave the premises. I explained I just wanted to take a picture of Smiling Jack, and she politely explained I wasn’t allowed on the premises, but there was a park I could go to for a better view.
I apologized, thanked her for the info and noticed she was taking my plate numbers down. When I asked why, she explained she was just doing her job. Figuring I was already on record, I thought I may as well get some pix out of it. So I started snapping away.
Again, this time not as politely, she told me I wasn’t allowed to do that. Now, in fairness, I guess it was implied, but never stated, and since I was already on record, I felt I may as well grab what I was going to be accused of.
I drove off, found the park, and she was right. It it was less obstructed, though the smile wasn’t head-on.
By the way, the entrance to the park was lovely, but the spot I took the pictures from looked a little shady. Shady-looking people, hanging out by themselves in shady-looking cars in a pretty shady-looking spot.
Of course, they may have thought the same of me.
I grabbed this pic and left, shadily.
The pic I took from the parking lot is in the comment boxes below. I don’t know when they paint Jack back to gas tank color, or if he’s left that way nowadays. I’ve seen him at night before during - Halloween, but never in the day.
He’s shadier-looking in direct sunlight.