A newsletter is the best way to get in front of the people who want to hear from you. They're giving you permission to be in their.
Now, I've worked with clients who have some pretty hard feelings about newsletters, the question is, why? Why do so many people have feelings about newsletters?
Take a moment to think about that question.
1. You don't want to be annoying
2. You believe no one wants to hear from them
3. You don't believe the things you say are important
4. You're worried that no one will read your newsletter
5. You don't know what to write about
1a. You're not annoying. The newsletters you sign up for that blow up your inbox are annoying. The ones that get sent to you daily and you don't even read them.
2a. People want to hear from you because they will give you permission to be in their inbox. They want to hear from you.
3a. Everything you say is important
4a. How will you know if you don't write a newsletter and send it out? And if they don't read it, it doesn't matter you sent it out.
5a. You have plenty to write about! Especially if you're in the travel industry.
If you're looking for support with your newsletter, website, content, send me a DM. I might be able to be of service to you and if not, I will recommend a couple of different folks who can.
Having one client avatar makes your life easier.
You're not trying to talk to the whole world, you want to talk to who your ideal person is.
Do you know who your ideal person is? GREAT! If you don't, please keep reading.
If you do...
What is their name?
How old are they?
What's their marital status?
Single? Non-monogamous? 😉
Do they identify as part of a community?
What's their salary?
What do they do for a living?
What are their hobbies?
How do they love to travel?
How did they used to travel?
What are their pain points?
Why would they be coming to you?
How can you be of service to them?
If you don't...
Who do you want to work with?
What have been some of your most fun clients to work with?
Did they pay your fee? If not, is that someone you want to work with?
The more specific you get about who your person is, that's the person you're going to call in.
You're going to write your copy for your website, your newsletters, your Instagram posts, etc for this one person.
Because it's one person, it doesn't mean you're only going to get one client 🙄 It just means you're attracting the people that you actually want to be of service to. The people who like your voice, who see themselves in you, who also feels seen by the language you're using.
If you have questions, put them here and let's answer them. Do you have a client avatar?
Testimonial from my own @lyft driver.
Yes I'm a business coach, but what this also means is I'm a life coach too.
What you didn't hear from my driver was how advice I gave to my client was advice that my driver said she could take in a situation she's experiencing.
I have no problem ever saying that "I'm really great at what I do!" I really and truly am and I love what I do because it's helping the collective reclaim their power and their voice.
If you have interest in learning more about what coaching looks like, comment here or send a DM and I will send you a link for a FREE exploration call.
The whole point of a sales call is to support your lead /client in making the right decision that's best for them, NOT for you.
You're here on this planet to be of service to your community not to manipulate them.
I would love for you to think of three words or visuals that first came to your mind when I mentioned "SALES"?
Car is a salesman?
For me, there was an actual visual of a salesman, who's sweaty, wearing a fedora, selling broken fax machines door to door.
When I have my sales calls with my travelers or potential coaching clients, I always ask them these questions...
1. Why are we on this call?
2. What do you desire most?
3. Why haven't you done that thing already?
4. How would it feel if you never got to do that thing?
5. How serious are you about doing the thing?
These questions help me understand the person who's on the other end of the zoom call. If I'm able to be of service to them, I will let them know that. If I'm unable, I will do my best to find someone who can be of service.
If they say "YES! LET'S WORK TOGETHER" I celebrate that person. If they say " no! I don't want to work together" I also celebrate that person. Because they were able to get to their truth of what they wanted.
If you're wanting to reclaim your power in your sales calls, how you communicate with your leads and clients, let me know in the comments or send me a DM.
When you stop making the sales call about you, you'll feel more free and comfortable with having these conversations.
It's been 10 years, it's time for a change!
Head over to @travelbodega for desirable travel updates for makers, artists, and travelers with slightly tighter budgets.
Building out substack, where you'll read more relatable stories as folks who are in the process of reclaiming their power.
Starting a YouTube channel GASP! This one will be in alignment with the substack.
My mediumship work will exist only at @channeled.by.cheema and on its own website
#adhddiet #rebrand #travelagent #cheemastravel
What would you like to see more of? Why do you like following us?
Day 1, 15 minutes into my trip and I'm crying. This is going to be a very intense 2.5 Weeks.
This October will make 10 years that we have been planning travel to South Korea, and also other parts of the world. South Korea was the reason why I started Cheema's Travel. I thought I would be designing trips to this tiny little Peninsula as soon as I became an accredited travel agent... But nobody was asking for South Korea! About 3 years in, people were finally asking for travel to South Korea. Eventually I started designing small group culinary trips.
This country holds such a special place in my heart And after our travelers have returned from trips we've designed for them, they can't wait to explore more.
Not only was it my second home, but it was a deeply profound and healing experience... I'm pretty positive. I also had a past life there.
I PERSONALLY HAVE VISITED, almost every corner of this country including Jeju Island. My next mission is to visit the remainder of the islands. I've even been to Wando!
We'd love to support you in sending you to this amazing country.
You can comment GIMME for a link to learn more about us. You can also DMs directly.
#southkorea #visitseoul #visitsouthkorea #Genealogy
Have you been to South Korea? What was your experience like? Have you always wanted to go to South Korea? Tell us why.
This is for all those perfectionists out there. Just do the f****** thing already. Your people, your audience, your soul, every part of your being is waiting for you to say something already.
Not sure what to share?
Something you want to celebrate in your business?
Is there a fun throwback you want to do?
Is there something funny that happened that you wanted to share?
Do you have some fun tips that you want to share?
Take action!
If you're looking for support with navigating social media, you can schedule a 1.5 hour call with me to help you sort it out. This is a coaching call focused on your power and confidence in the areas you need support with claiming these parts of you.
Comment GIMME for the link To check availability. Send a DM if you have other questions.
Who is this workshop for? For existing business owners who charge fees for their service. Of course my specialty is working with travel advisors since I've been a travel advisor for 10 years. Sometimes we get referrals but most times we need to bring in leads, and how do we convert those leads into clients? Specifically paying clients.
This is a workshop for those who are too afraid to charge fees or who wants to raise their fees.
For those who feel like they don't have enough clients .
And for those who keep hearing the word "no" or, or even afraid to hear or say the word "no"
🔸Feel at least 50% more confident in taking your calls with your leads.
🔸 a fee structure that will satisfy you. You'll also see what other travel advisors are doing with their fees and services.
🔸 There's potential for you to walk away with brand new services and digital products (because you have a wealth of knowledge that not many have)
🔸 Walk away with my "sales" questions to help clients get to the truth of what they want. Please, don't be intimidated by the word sales.
This work is all about making sure that you attract the leads that you dream of. We also want to make sure that the traveler is working with the travel advisor of their dreams.
This isn't a workshop on manipulation or a workshop on forcing people to say "yes" To working with you.
Anyone with a "take what I can get" mentality. Anyone who wants to convince people or manipulate people to work with you.
Send a DM for the link or comment GIMME
September 20, 21, 23
Zooooom 💻 recordings available
$40 for all 3 days.
Fear and excitement are the same chemical compound. The only difference is the story that you attach to the situation.
That's all folks! For now....
2024 marks the end of an era for our small group culinary trips as we transform into something more profound & soul-stirring. Our culinary adventures are evolving into journeys that connect you to your past lives, genealogy, and heart & soul-led travel.
Many of you noticed that our culinary trips had a certain 'je ne sais quoi,' as if they were more than just about food. Well, you were right! Food was just the delicious bridge to something deeper.
I started Cheema's Travel to connect North Americans to their global brothers and sisters, lifting the veil of misinformation our media often creates. I wanted us to support diverse communities with our travel dollars, taking you to parts of the world you might never have considered.
Travel is transformative and life-changing—if you let it be. It's about stepping out of your
comfort zone and experiencing the world in all its vibrant diversity. Food has been the gateway to stories, history, laughter, and connection.
With these group trips, I aimed to push boundaries & take you to places that felt inaccessible. And while this chapter is closing, it’s not the end of Cheema's Travel. We'll still be crafting adventures for you but our group trips are taking a long pause as I get properly trained in past life regression and genealogy.
I want to thank all of our partners and most of all, our travelers! Our travelers were some of the best humans we could ask for. So many repeat travelers, & through our interview process, we curated some of the most amazing groups. Travelers are the most important part of the group trip. We all found ways to support each other, celebrate each other, and even reconnect after a trip was complete.
Thank you to @kiacooks for being one of our very first cohosts on our first Egypt trip (seen riding a 🐫)
Michelin star chef @sarahhenke_lemabri documented her experience and her cookbook KOREA (German). @deukihong and @mattrodbard also documented their experienc
Travel has made me who I am. It's been in education, a mind expander, my absolute everything! I've mostly traveled solo but always end up meeting other travelers along the way. I've traveled with my partners, my lovers, my best friends, and one enemy lol.
My body and the scars on it tell incredible stories of 17 years of adventure! Most of them as a backpacker.
- Scabies in Istanbul, Turkey
- Bed bugs in Pistoia, Italy
- Repelled into a thorny bush in a cave in Puerto Rico
- Crashed my moped in Phuket, Thailand, into other mopeds in order to avoid not living pedestrians and other drivers.
- Ridiculous swelling and poor circulation on a flight to Japan
- Being some sort of mosquito buffet all around the world
- Got hit by a taxi in South Korea
- Being knocked to the ground in Bangkok during a huge festival almost being trampled on.
- Almost breaking my ankle on the cobblestone streets of Lisbon, smashing my knee into the streets
I have no regrets!