We are a flock of little birds, a collective of locals who love traveling and are willing to share the secrets of our cities with you. The places not everyone knows about. The places we savor for ourselves. These are the cities we live in. We eat in their nooks. And we shop in their crannies. We know their galleries, festivals, parties and private sales. And we want to whisper in your ear and shar
e these secrets with you. We handcraft travel itineraries based on your tastes so you can travel like a local. We have Little Birds in Amsterdam, Dublin, Florence, London, Los Angeles, Milan, Paris, New York, Rome, San Francisco, Venice. For now. We just recommend places we like and know you’ll like. And then give you a comprehensive guide – opening times, prices, directions from your hotel and the best times to visit all of them – to enjoy them without any stress. www.little-bird.com