Welcome to the bizarre and top secret world of 'Escape from Dulce,' Sentient Cow Games first installment in our themed anthology board game series called “Secret Unknown Stuff", where the players are taken through science fiction adventures, supernatural stories and unexplained events. Escape from Dulce is a collaborative, choose your own adventure styled, miniatures game for 1-5 people, in which
you play as an abducted human or mutant trying to escape an underground base with self regulating enemies on a configurable seven level 3D game board. All enemies have their own strategies of attack, and will attack players according to their characters weaknesses and abilities. The story portion of the card describes the room and what happens to the players while in that room, while the business portion of the card dictates what traps or puzzles and enemies the players must overcome. The Encounter Cards create the feeling of a lived in world and allow for maximum replayability and role-play fun. Choose your own imprisoned misfit from one of 8 hilariously bizarre characters, including a two-headed mutant cow that can strap machine guns on its back, to an alien hybrid super solider who dreams of being a normal teenager and hanging out at the 'mall. About us:
Sentient Cow Games was born from three friends love of games and built on the belief that with passion and hard work any dream is possible to achieve.