I saw this posted on another agents page and its just one of the reasons you should always choose travel protection. Life hapoens. Will you be prepared when it does?
This week’s occurrence in Jamaica was a classic example of the usefulness of travel insurance. Sangster Airport in Montego Bay, the main hub for visitors to the island, abruptly shut down due to construction delays on it runways. From 10am until 9pm that day nothing could land or take off from there.
People who were in the sky headed to Jamaica were diverted to other cities, or stuck at airports waiting on connections and many had their flights cancelled altogether. People who were trying to leave Jamaica were stuck there for another day trying to find somewhere to stay.
Suddenly folks were faced with trying to find hotels, food, and rearranging their transportation. Hotel rooms that were pre-paid were now empty. Dinners and parties planned for the day had no one to show up because they never made it. And who’s fault is it? Not the hotel, not the airlines, especially not the travel agents.
This is when you file an insurance claim for trip interruption and unexpected expenses. With no insurance you’re left to haggle with hotels, airlines and agents who had zero control or liability over the situation and are not responsible for making you whole for goods and services that they DID provide but you were unable to partake in.
-Thank you Tish!