Sunbathing 🕶️
We love to do it and don’t get enough of it.
Which is a shame if you think about it…
Because the world is beautiful and what is better than fully experiencing the outdoors?
And Vitamin D is best absorbed through the skin.
Lest you think this is a rigid message about health, let me tell you about the benefits of tropical islands.
Better yet, let these stress free boaters show you how it feels to relax in the BVI.
Because it’s more than just lounging around…
It’s all about experiencing and embracing the warmth of the islands.
And that is something you can’t feel anywhere else 🛥️
>>> Suntan lotion 🧴 required in the comment below
Sitting on the deck of the yacht…
Watching the time slip away 🦢
We just had the most amazing experience viewing new Cats that are available.
And of course we had to test the waters… and the amenities!
But even a Catamaran full of the latest luxuries can’t compare to simply dipping your toes in the water.
Happy feet=happy soul.
We can’t guarantee to fix all your problems, but we guarantee you will smile every day on this beauty
Look below >>>
Fun and adventure.
That’s what yachting is all about.
And the experience of viewing new places by water is more than special…
It takes your breath away.
When someone comes back from a tropical trip on a yacht, it is often a life changing experience.
Something that you will never forget.
Which is why you should consider chartering a catamaran yourself.
Because seeing island photos on facebook does not compare to the real thing.
And we will eagerly await your tales of fun and laughter upon your return to land.
That is unless you catch the ocean’s siren song and live a life as a yachtsman.
Either way, start your yachting journey at the link below.