
Aligne Aligning you with influential strategic partners and curating a business network that supports growth and profitability.

Specializing in Diversity Consulting and Executive Coaching. Birungi Ives, founder of Aligne, is a branding, marketing, public relations and media professional. She brings to Aligne the highest level of sophistication, global experience and established relationships with internationally renowned brands, individuals, and organizations. It is through years of recognizing synergies amongst these rela

tionships that she developed marketing strategy called, "Brand Alignment". Through Aligne, Birungi and her team have the ability to take your brand to the highest level of sophistication, visibility and awareness. Aligne with us, because Relationships are Priceless!

BBC News Africa

Love this!

Meet the street kids from Lagos tipped for the top by Rihanna and Naomi Campbell - (Via BBC News Pidgin)


Had an epiphany! When it comes to achieving your personal or professional goals, how high are you aiming?

If you are struggling, you may not be aiming high enough. Yes, that's right! Not high enough.

We are all deemed for greatness! That greatness will look differently on all of us. So don't bother comparing your dreams or your path to achieving them to someone else's. We are all unique. So, comparison is a waste of time.

However, back to your goals. Set them high and in tune with your greatness. They will come to fruition in an easier way. The reason being, what is aligned with your unique greatness will always come easily.

It's when we low ball our dreams that we experience struggle. It's life telling you, try again and next time, think bigger and aim higher, because you were meant for greater things!


I am so grateful to have had the pleasure of speaking and working with some of the most amazing and inspiring individuals. They include: Donna Karan, Cindy Crawford, Elon Musk, Christy Turlington-Burns, and Van Jones, Mellody Hobson, to mention a few.

In these conversations, we have spoken of what is possible, not only for ourselves, but for others, given the opportunity to connect and share strengths, gifts, knowledge, hopes, fears, and dreams.

I have experienced the most growth and opportunity, when I truly connected with individuals and explored unlimited opportunities.

This is what I want to share with the world. I have witnessed the power of connection. If done well with purpose, literally everything is possible.

However, there are still so many that struggle to access these opportunities, connect and make those strides.

So, I am introducing my academy that will teach those struggling to create connections or want to simply improve their skills that lead to growth and opportunity, through my .

*the link for the Aligne Academy is

It can also be found on my website: and in the description of this video on Vimeo.

Do you feel stuck? Do you need a change and do not know where to begin? The best place to start is by learning how to create the life you want through connecting…

ANNOUNCEMENT! The NEXT installment of The Life and Times of Birungi Ives is HERE!

ANNOUNCEMENT! The NEXT installment of The Life and Times of Birungi Ives is HERE!

This unexpected move forced me to contend with issues that I was either unwilling and not ready to face before or unaware existed. So, all in all, it was a good thing, a necessary thing. However, it did not feel that way at the time. Looking back, I see how critical this perceived setback was to my…

ANNOUNCEMENT! The first installment of The Life and Times of Birungi Ives

ANNOUNCEMENT! The first installment of The Life and Times of Birungi Ives was pre-released for !

If you missed the first installment of the roller coaster ride that is my career journey, I welcome you to read it at

The second installment will be released on page at 8 p.m. EST / 5 p.m. PST. Check it out by visiting

What is up with Black Women and their Hair?

IT IS OFFICIAL!!! The most important literary work that I have ever written has been published on Thrive Global! Thank you Arianna Huffington for personally asking me to write for your publication! It is an honor! I am so incredibly grateful!!!!!!!!
As one of my dearest friends, Mirembe Bianca texted me a few days ago, "THE TIME IS NOW"!

The relationship with our hair and the key to Diversity and Inclusion in Corporate America.

THE BIG REVEAL – Birungi Ives – Medium

THE BIG REVEAL – Birungi Ives – Medium

As a writer, I have chosen to use THRIVE Global Journal on Medium as a platform to expand on connection and relationship in the…


WOW! Read this amazing testimonial by a participant of the Building Strategic Relationships workshop that I led this past Saturday for the Play Like A Girl foundation's Board of Director Retreat!

Access post with a Desktop via Link:

If you are on a mobile phone, LinkedIn's link will not work, so you can view the Testimonial post via the screenshot in the comment below.

Lean In

On average, women in the U.S. are paid 20% less than men. If you break the pay gap down by race and ethnicity, it is even worse: Black women are paid 37% less and Hispanic women are paid 46% less than white men.

Tomorrow on Equal Pay Day (April 4), we are joining forces with LUNA, Lyft, P&G, Salesforce and hundreds of businesses in 25 U.S. cities to offer 20% discounts or special offers to highlight the unfairness of the gender pay gap.

Women and families deserve their 20% today and every day. Show your support with .

National Women's Business Council


National Women's Business Council Chair Carla Harris shares her journey and the importance of creating greater access to capital for women entrepreneurs.

The Growing Need for Connection in the Digital Age

My girl Arianna Huffington hit me up! Well, I hit her up first. It's all about your network, people! Well, I emailed her to tell her that I wanted to reach as many people as possible to teach them how connection is the foundation for our happiness and prosperity! I am not stupid, the more people that know about my mission, the more sales of my online course, that teaches people how to facilitate their own connections, strategic partnerships and grow their business network. Back to my girl Arianna, she emailed me back (WOW!) and said, write for my newest publication, Thrive Global journal via Medium. I said, "I am all about that! Thank you for this amazing opportunity!" So, here you go! My first article!! ENJOY and share away!!!

Is technology leading us to the end of humanity, as we knew it?


Do you remember this game? Remember laughing with your friends and classmates as you pulled one hand out and slapped it on the top of the pile? Laughing and giggling when others did the same.

We were we so happy playing this game? Do you know why? It was because you and the kids you were playing with were connected, participating together. That made you happy, laugh and feel that you belonged to something that you were all creating together. You felt worthy and wanted.

I just read an article on Oprah's website that said that as humans we seek connection. We seek connection because when we connect, we release Oxytocin. Oxytocin makes us feel calm, peaceful and happy. It's released when we breastfeed or have s*x. It's our bodies natural response to connection.

Then, I had an AHA moment! I realized what I do for a profession, facilitating strategic partnerships, is all about facilitating connection. That is why I love what I do. However, it wasn't enough to love what I do. I wanted people to feel what I feel. I wanted to teach as many people as possible how to facilitate their own connections. That joy they gain from learning this skill not only made them happy, it made them more prosperous and in a better position to share their skills, their services or their products with others. I'm in the business of spreading happiness! WOW! No wonder I love what I do.

I'd love for you to learn more by visiting

I welcome you to learn how to build connections and ultimately become more happy. As humans, it is in our DNA to seek connection. The reason? To be happy!


What word defines your drive? Create your photo and share with


This is what happens when determined women get together... - Learn more by clicking link in our profile or visit:


WHAT'S IN THE BLACK BOX? THE BIG REVEAL! Today is the day that you change the trajectory of your career, business or brand for the better. Today, you begin to learn how powerful you really are! Learn more my clicking on the ACADEMY tab at


If your career, business or brand has hit a plateau and you want to improve your trajectory, then TODAY IS THE DAY!!! Welcome to the POWER of Strategic Partnerships! Learn more at the link in our profile! Or visit:

You've got your act together! Now what?

You've got your act together! Now what? You've been taking the steps to build your confidence and dispel your fears. You are focused. You have let go of what no longer serves you. You finally have clarity! So, what are the next steps to improving the trajectory of your career, brand or business? Find out at

You've meditated. You've read and read. You've done therapy and more therapy. You've let go of what no longer serves you. You've committed to living in a place of allowance. You've revisited and started to heal past wounds. You've released fears and opened yourself to unlimited opportunity and possi...

YOU are your brand!

Did you know that YOU are your brand? The only way to improve the trajectory of your career, brand or business is to start with YOU! Align with us at

So many people work so hard to get ahead. They think, if only I had the "right" house, the "right" car, the "right" amount of money, the "right" clothes,  lived in the "right" neighborhood, the "right" contacts, the "right" opportunities, then I would be successful! 

What's in the BLACK BOX?

What's in the BLACK BOX?

In the current times of AMAZON, BIRCHBOX, NET-A-PORTER and BLUE APRON, people anticipate receiving a package in the mail with goodies and remedies that will elevate their day to day lives! Our BLACK BOX aims to do the same with your career, business or brand.


These testimonials are not just for me and my team, they are for every woman that took the risk to go out on their own, but were truly never alone. I say that, because with every woman pursuing their passion there are always other women to support you and keep you going! So these testimonials are for and because of all of you! You know exactly who you are and I am so grateful for you!

Watch these TESTIMONIALS at and you may just see some names and brands that you recognize!

Strategic Partnerships



FREE CONSULTATIONS THIS WEEK starting Monday August 29, 2016 12pm (EST) and ending Friday September 2, 2016 12pm (EST): My name is Birungi Namubiru Ives. Pronounced: Bee-Loon-G. I am offering a free consultation to provide potential partnerships that can increase brand awareness and revenue-generati...


There are about 900 Billion dollars in circulation within the United States. YES, $900 Billion! By 2020, they project there to be 1 Trillion dollars in circulation! (1) That is a HUGE amount of money, but where is it going?

The better question is: How do you channel that money your way?

Well, I tell you that it's not by just working harder. There are a lot of people struggling that are working extremely hard. It's about working SMARTER!

Listen, with all that money out there, why should anyone be struggling? Many are! Why? Because they don't know how to access that money, so it can increase their income, increase capital for a new business or increase funding for a non-profit!

The key to accessing this money is through who you know! Connections are key to getting a raise, a new job, an investor or a patron.

So rather than throwing money away and wasting you time (time is money) on ways that don't work, invest in your connections! Just think of any person you know or heard of that is successful with their career, their business or non-profit organization. THINK! What got them there? Correction! WHO got them there? Their success came to fruition through strategic business partnerships, influential friends, industry connections and so on. Every time someone accepts an award for excelling in a particular field or area, they always thank other people, because those people were crucial to their success. Have you ever heard any one give thanks to hard work or to money. No, it is always WHO you know that made all the difference!

Now, there are natural networkers, people that happen to be at the right place at the right time. They are bubbly and intelligent. People are attracted to them. These people are able to create those influential connections easily. I have to say that I am one of those people. I feel confident in my own skin. If I am passionate about something, I have no issues sharing that passion with the right people. As a result, I have been successful with facilitating connections and partnerships that have led to more money in the hands of my clients to use as they see fit for their businesses, careers and organizations! (Refer to

If you find it difficult or struggle to make those necessary connections, I am here! If you want to start making those connections that will lead to increased profit, capital, funding or just to increase opportunity within your field of work, contact me at
[email protected]

Let me help you build those connections that will be the foundation of your success!

Reference (1):

Photo: Love this photo, so I had to use it! I just hope PSY, the singer of "Gangnam Style" invested his money! Then again, if he made the right connections, he should be GOOD!


So excited to feature my girl and fellow Mount Holyoke College Alum, Jahayra Harrell on WOMEN OF the ROUNDTABLE - WOR!


This is our second week of our Series. Today kicks off our .

Our of the week is Jahayra Harrell, Brand Manager of PRPS.

Harrell is a mother of three sons, or rather she refers to them as her "Three Kings". She runs the branding component of PRPS Jeans with her husband, PRPS Creative Director and Owner, Donwan Harrell.

From NYC to London to Tokyo, Harrell travels the world seeking new trends and attending trade shows. This is what she shared with all the way from Japan.

"I had my first child right after college at the age of 22. I chose to be a stay at home mom for 2 years before returning to work. In those two years, I saw my husband fully immersed in the creation of his first company. Just by being present, I learned everything I know today. I have taken several non credit courses at FIT, but most of what I know I learned by shadowing my husband.

Once I had my first son, I realized I didn't want to work full-time. I [wanted] flexibility. Working with my husband presented itself as an ideal situation.

No day is ever the same. I wear so many hats. There are days I have to sit in a sales meeting; other days I participate in production deadlines and planning, additionally I contribute in so many creative aspects. Considering I work in the office 3 days and 2 from home, I sit at my desk and plug away, until it is time to go home. My job never ends. There are times I leave the office and my work day continues on my phone.

I took a break from working with my husband in 2006 and was hired by a handbag company as a creative director. I remember working long hours and fully integrating myself with the new team. I wanted to learn every aspect of making handbags. I traveled to the factories in Asia and made sure I comprehended everything I needed to know to fulfill my job. I've always prided myself in having a strong work ethic, even when I worked at Burger King as a teenager.

I learned everything I know by being present and not being afraid to ask questions and take the reigns of any task in front of me. You will learn from your mistakes and quickly become an expert."


Malibu, CA


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