COMMUNITY eNEWS - January 3, 2025
New Ways to Reduce your Impact on the Environment in Mammoth Lakes
- This year, the Town of Mammoth Lakes continues to stand up for Mother Nature by fully enforcing two important prohibitions approved two years ago. In a nutshell, don’t expect Styrofoam to-go containers to be found anywhere in town, and BYOWB (bring your own water bottle) if you want to carry water less than or equal to 500ml.
- In July and December of 2023, the Mammoth Lakes Town Council passed a Styrofoam and plastic bottle prohibition with the goal of reducing waste.
- The first, a Styrofoam prohibition passed on July 12, 2023, prohibits take-out Styrofoam food-ware containers from food service providers, lodging facilities, and special event operators. This prohibition took effect on January 1, 2024, but exceptions for hardships were given. As of January 1, 2025, this prohibition will now be fully enforced.
- The second, a single-use plastic water bottle prohibition for bottles less than or equal to 500ml was passed on December 20, 2023 and is broken into two phases.
- Phase 1 Prohibits: Town government and all special events (events requiring a permit from the Town) from using, selling or distributing single-use plastic water bottles less than or equal to 500 ml. This phase took effect on January 1, 2025.
- Phase 2 Prohibits: All businesses within the Town from selling or distributing single-use plastic water bottles less than or greater to 500 ml. This phase will take effect next year on January 1, 2026.
- So do your part and embrace these environmentally-friendly changes to keep Mammoth Lakes as clean and beautiful as Mother Nature intended.
What is Your Vision for Mammoth Lakes?
- The Mammoth Lakes Town Council invites you to provide your comments or recommendations for the Strategic Planning Series that will help define the Town Council’s Strategic Priorities and Key Objectives for 2025.
- Your valuable feedback will broadly guide and inform the Town's strategic planning effort for the following major topics: Economy; Housing and Development; Mobility and Transportation; Parks, Recreation, and Trails; Public Safety; Land Use and Development, Sustainability and the Environment.
- Thank you in advance of your time to complete the ONLINE SURVEY: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5YVQJMM
Secure Your Trash and Lock Your Dumpster
- The Mammoth Lakes Police Department wants to remind our community and visitors that it is up to us to help protect our bears.
- Please secure all your trash and take the time to lock your dumpster. Do not leave any food, toiletries, or anything else with a scent in your vehicle and lock your vehicle doors.
- Please slow down when driving through Mammoth Lakes and report any incidents with bears or open dumpsters by calling Dispatch at (760) 932-7549, option 7.
- Together we can keep both our bears and other wildlife safe from harm. Living with them is one of the many reasons that we love Mammoth Lakes!
Safe and Sustainable Mammoth Disposal Tips for the Holidays
- Christmas Tree Disposal: Free for all Town of Mammoth residential account holders. A $5 fee applies for multifamily households or those who reside outside of Mammoth Lakes. Please remove all decorations before dropping off your tree at our Transfer Station (59 Commerce Drive) in the Industrial Park. Trees will be sent to Full Circle Composting Facility in Nevada for eco-friendly processing.
- Holiday Gift Wrap: Most wrapping paper can't be recycled, but reusing it is a great option. Consider turning it into confetti, drawer liners, DIY greeting cards, origami, or gift tags to reduce waste.
- Christmas Lights = Hazardous E-Waste: Old or broken Christmas lights are hazardous e-waste. Drop them off at the Transfer Station or donate working lights for reuse.
- Ashes from Holiday Fires: Always dispose of ashes in designated bins with red lids to prevent fire hazards. Do not place them in regular trash.
- Happy Holidays from the team at Mammoth Disposal!