It's really coming down out there!
Mono County is currently under a winter storm warning until noon tomorrow, and we're expecting up to 2 feet of snow at the summit!
If you're lucky enough to be here in town with us, remember to practice caution on the roads and use public transport as much as possible.
If you're not up here with us, what are you waiting for?
#visitmammoth #snowinmammoth #skiresort #mammothlakes #snowincalifornia #visitmonocounty
It feels like we’re careening into autumn, which means that there’s no better time to stop and take a moment of peace up here in the mountains.
#visitmammoth #mountainlife #mammothlakesca #mammothlakescondos #mountainvacation #summerinthemountains
Okay Mammoth Lakes lovers: can you name this MARvelous lake?
Here’s a hint: It’s the largest lake in the Lakes Basin with two marinas and Mono County’s only unincorporated community.
It’s also only a 7 to 10 minute drive from our rental properties at Discovery 4, Mountainback at Mammoth and Mammoth Ski & Racquet Club!
#mammothlakes #visitmammoth #monocounty #mammothbound #visitcalifornia #mountainlife #troutfishing
It’s almost time to say goodbye to one of our favorite summer visitors: mule deer! You’ll see them munching away on some nutrient-dense shrubs and grasses around Mammoth before their arduous migration to warmer pastures.
Good luck deer friends! We’ll see you next year!
#mammothlakes #mammothca #mammothcalifornia #muledeer #deer #californiadeer #visitmammoth #visitmonocounty #visitcalifornia
Well, well, well, guess who showed up early?
To our shock, surprise, delight (?), and maybe a little bit of dismay, we got our first snow storm of the 2023/2024 season. Time will tell if it’s a fluke or not!
#mammothlakesca #mammothmountain #mountainlife #earlywinter #snowinmammoth #snowlife #winterwonderland
Coming home. Still fishing.
Who said big dogs and small dogs can’t get along? #bigdogs #smalldogsrule
Ok a kindly reminder. Please/latch trash bins. #bears are out. Don’t give them a reason.
Just had to share...swimming pool is hopping, grilling is going on and nice music in the background. #peoplehavingfun #vacation #relaxing
888-204-4692 or 800-468-6225 is 100% booked in February. Check March dates!
#yousnoozeyoulose #mammothstories #mammothstrong