Check out this sneak peek of the International Fly Fishing Film Festival! 🐟📽️ We are only 10 days away so visit to reserve your seat!
Two Showings: March 1 at 7pm & March 2 at 2pm at the The Vogue Theatre. #MyManistee #FlyFishing
🎭 MyTinerary Monday 🎶 This 122 year old theatre is one of Manistee’s greatest treasures. Check out the Ramsdell Regional Center for the Arts and their long list of arts and cultural offerings. #MyManistee
🌊 MyTinerary Monday 🌊 Nothing like a chilly (and sunny) afternoon at Fifth Avenue Beach to warm the soul. #MyManistee #KeepWinterFresh
❄️MyTinerary Monday❄️ Have you experienced Magoon Creek Natural Area? #MyManistee #PureMichigan #KeepWinterFresh
🌲MyTinerary Monday🌲 Explore Orchard Beach State Park trails in all it’s wintery glory! #MyManistee #PureMichigan #KeepWinterFresh #StatePark
What’s your Daily BakeHouse order? #MyManistee #PureMichigan
An icy wave from #MyManistee 🌊👋🏽 #KeepWinterFresh
Tippy Dam: where the scenery is almost as great as the fishing. Link in comments for more winter action. #MyManistee
🦅 MyTinerary Monday 🦅 Follow along as Sammie takes you to the Big Manistee River! #MyManistee #KeepWinterFresh
Thanks for the memories, 2024. 😘✌🏼#MyManistee #HappyNewYear #2025
🎞️ MyTinerary Monday🍿 Step back in time at the The Vogue Theatre in downtown Manistee. #MyManistee #PureMichigan