JULY 22-30 Florida Bahamas/Cuba/Dry Tortugas
If anyone's interested in a sailing trip we're filling spots for our July excursion.
This upcoming trip will be crew/weather dependent but Cay Sal bank, Cuba and the Dry Tortugas are all pretty easily accessible. I will sail in just about any conditions but prefer nice crossings. If the weather doesn't cooperate and the crew decides, there's Key Largo to Key West and the gulf side to explore.
The vessel is docked at a resort in Marathon so parking is available. If our weather isn’t cooperating we do have full access to the amenities and you can view the resort here: https://www.skipjackresortmarathon.com Marathon does have an airport but does not currently offer commercial flights. The nearest commercial airport is Key West. I keep a vehicle in Ft. Lauderdale and commute down as flights are typically ½ price of EYW and provisioning and supplying is far more affordable. I always recommend those who are flying in to book refundable tickets as the weather is....well the weather.
I will be flying into FLL on the 22nd and I like to try to be provisioned and sailing by noon on the next day and back to the dock to clean and put the boat down a day before flights on the 29th. I do have a vehicle in Ft. Lauderdale and if you’re flying in around the same time as me you’re welcome to ride with.
Whether we have 5 guests or 1 my goal is to make enough "donations" to cover expenses (message me for more information). Guests are expected to pay for food, fuel and any visa/entry/dock/park/Starlink fees including the Captain’s. Once we have at least two people committed I will make a FB chat group so everyone can communicate, get to know each other and talk about travel plans, food, etc.
If you’re wondering what to bring, everything should fit into a duffel bag. If you have only a roller bag I will be providing a duffel for you to transfer all of your stuff to before getting on the boat and you can store your roller bag in the vehicle. If you are wondering what to bring I have made a general list here: https://svremiinisce.com/pricing%2Fquestions
There are no “requirements” for the trips. I am fully capable of soloing the entire trip and have done so many times. That being said, you will be asked if you want to help with docking, watches, sailing, etc. and if you want to learn I will do my best to explain how to do things. Obviously, the ability to move around, respond to commands and think on your feet are imperative.
On a typical trip we will sail overnight two nights (there and back) and have 3-5 days to spend at destination(s).
Remiinisce is a 40' vessel with 2 cabins, 2 heads and can accommodate up to 7. She is equipped with life raft, AIS epirb, all brand new navigation and electronics as well as backup redundant systems, offshore PFDs with safety line, harness attachments and dedicated PLBs. On board you’ll find paddle boards, satellite, hammocks, floaties, metal detectors for treasure hunting, snorkel gear for seven and dive gear for up to three people with a dive compressor on board for refilling tanks making diving multiple dives easy.
As far as communication there is obviously no cell service in the ocean and unless you have an international plan or we use Wi-Fi calling on the boat, cannot be had 3 miles offshore, Cuba or the Bahamas. The boat does have Starlink so we are able to stay in touch through VoIP services such as WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, etc. Starlink is free except for offshore of the Bahamas or US. When toggling offshore use we are charged $2 per gigabyte which will be split between guests.
There will be some people who talk about a schedule on a boat but I have been doing this 2 weeks a month since purchasing this vessel and outfitting it for offshore sailing and have logged over 4600 nautical miles in the last two years. I have sailed through Gulf Stream advisories and been in the middle of the Atlantic with waters so calm you think you can hear people talking. When planning these trips I plan for worst case scenarios and motoring at five knots. I've done these sails many times solo but love having friends to share the experience with. I typically sail 11 days a month to either the Bahamas or Cuba so if this upcoming trip doesn't work check out other upcoming dates on my website.