Very special manatee encounter. Mom and twin babies. The twins were holding on to each other. At the end of the video you can see one sibling swim underneath the other and push them up over the top of the water. This is as frisky and playful as I have seen these gentle giants. I am so thankful I get the opportunity to observe these amazing creatures in the wild.
#manatee #respect #protect #conserve #savethemanatee #twins #playful #marinemammals #gentlegiant #flkeys #kayak #ecotours #wildflorida #staywildflorida #wildthings #staywild #ventureoutwithaquaventures #nothingventurednothinggained
Baby and mom manatee coming in for a closer look!
#manatee #staywild #wildthings #flkeys #wildflorida #respect #protect #conserve #ventureoutwithaquaventures #nothingventurednothinggained #paddle #kayak #exploremore #guide #guidelife #optoutside #mamaocean #noplanetb
What a surreal experience! Mangroves at night in clear kayaks! When we came out of the mangrove tunnel the stars were so vivid that you could see their reflection on the surface of the water and the milky way was visible!
#ventureoutwithaquaventures #nothingventurednothinggained #flkeys #wildthings #nocturnal #nightpaddle #clearkayaks #sunsetstarlight #florida #wildflorida #glowpaddle #nighttours #sandbar #mangroves #summer #familyvacation #travel #neature #stars #milkyway #exploremore #optoutside
Gotta post this awesome spotted eagle ray footage before it get lost in the ever growing AquaVentures photo archives. Respect and gratitude to mama ocean, always!
#mamaocean #oneearth #noplanetb #leavethesceneclean #respect #protect #conservation #ecotourist #ecotourism #loveyourmother #protectthewild #keepfloridawild #wilthing #wildside #floridakeys #ventureoutwithaquaventures #nothingventurednothinggained #summer #sandbar #sandbarsunday
Manatee have been a pretty common sighting lately! They came to visit us on the sandbar again this morning! And then I found these guys hanging around the launch site after my tour.
#seacow #manatee #flkeys #wildthings #staywild #florida #wildflorida #mangroves #ecology #protect #respect #conservation #propscars #mamaocean #ventureoutwithaquaventures #nothingventurednothinggained #womenonthewater #waterwoman #mermanatees
Close encounter with a bonnethead shark on the sandbar this morning! Looks like he was trying to find some breakfast!
#sharks #wildthings #protectthewild #sandbarsummer #sandbarvibes #seagrass #flkeys #wildflorida #sharksofinstagram #ventureoutwithaquaventures #nothingventurednothinggained #optoutside #paddleonthewildside #ecotherapy #protect #conserve #respect #mamaocean
Manatee magic at the sandbar this morning. They came swimming right by us about 4-5 different times! Today was one for the books!
#lucky #manatee #sandbar #sandbarsummer #sandbarvibes #flkeys #wildthings #paddleonthewildside #mayallbeingsbehappyandfree #sunshinestate #ventureoutwithaquaventures #nothingventurednothinggained #marinemammals #conservation #ilovemyjob #paddlersparadise #ecology #saveourmanatees #respect #protect
This family from Europe paddled with me last year and came back for another adventure and this time brought a friend! It was another beautiful day on the sandbar and thru the mangrove tunnel! Although it was a little windy, we made the most of it! I am looking forward to next years adventure!
#familypaddle #familyfun #adventuretime #ventureoutwithaquaventures #nothingventurednothinggained #summervibes #sandbarsummer #snorkel #kayak #optoutside #conservation #ecology #flkeys #florida
Mama shark just dropped off some pups at the mangrove nursery! They chased many fish but still didn't have a knack for actually catching anything. Looks like they are still learning!
#nursery #blacktipreefshark #pups #babysharks #shallows #flats #sharky #ventureoutwithaquaventures #nothingventurednothinggained #floridakeys #pureflorida #wildthings #staywild #protecthewild #babes #swimmingwithsharks #cuties #travel #ecotours #kayaking #sunshinestate #clearwater #crystalclear #aquaventures
Magical dolphin encounter while doing a little scouting on the Hidden Mangrove Oasis trail. I am happy to announce that my Hidden Oasis Tour will be back up and running very soon! Leave from the beautiful @islabellabeachresort and enter the enchanting world of seagrass flats and mangrove wilderness! The Hidden mangrove tunnel has the clearest water I have seen in Marathon, even on the windiest days!
#adventure #ventureoutwithaquaventures #nothingventurednothinggained #travel #islabella #beachresort #bootkey #hidden #exploretheunknown #wild #wildthings #staywild #staywildflorida #ecotours #dolphins #marinemammals #mangrovemagic #vacation #exploremore #kayak #paddlethefloridakeys
Sargasso inhabitants
#sargassosea #sargassoseaweed #ventureoutwithaquaventures #seaslug #sargassofish #florida #wildflorida #ecotours #staywild #flkeys #wildthings #guidelife #sunshinestate #marinebio #camo
Friendly nurse shark on my Keys Sampler tour!
#sharks #sharksunday #sandbarsunday #nurseshark #flatslife #nursery #mangroves #mangrovemagic #staywild #wildthings #staywildflorida #wildflorida #saveourseas #sos #mamaocean #sharky #puppydogsofthesea #florida #sunshinestate #floridakeys #keysplease #staysalty #kayaking #ecotours #paddleparadise