Why I chose travel business for myself!
My name is Oleksandra Melnykova. I am a certified travel agent and I am building a team and developing my travel business. I am a wife and mother of 3 beautiful children!
I have a Master of Laws (Jurisprudence) and worked in this field before moving to the United States of America. And it’s no secret for everyone that upon moving in another country, you need to start all over again, go to study and to look for new ways of earning. While in America, I worked for a long time at various jobs that exhausted me and didn’t give the result that I would like, both financially and morally.
When my third child was born, I decided to spend more time with my family. But I also didn’t leave the idea of being able to develop and work without limitations.
When I was invited to this business, I wasn’t sure if it was really good for me, because I have no experience and understanding in the tourism industry at all. But for myself, I decided: “If I don’t try, I’ll never know.”
And today, I am really happy that I didn’t miss this opportunity and I’m sincerely grateful to people for opening up such a great chance for development for me.
Now I’m growing my business, earning extra income and building passive income. I’m my own boss. I plan my work when I have time. And most importantly, I have time for both family and development, because I really love what I do!
It’s very important for me to see the happy faces of my clients who enjoy the vacation that I choose for them!
And the best part of this business is that I can recommend it to other people, tell them about the opportunities and they can easily join my team and start making your dream come true too!
This is not just a business, it’s life and personal development, it’s an environment of people who strive to live freely without stereotypes.
Therefore, I chose for myself this opportunity to live, develop and travel a lot.
If you want to change your life, DM ME in direct and I will help you!