Aftershock Festival ticket raffle giveaway at 10pm Hooligans Bar & Bistro
Aftershock Festival ticket raffle giveaway at 10pm Hooligans Bar & Bistro
Aftershock Festival Talks With Shell Distorted Reality Podcast Reality Check TV NorCal Lisa Holt Photography #destortedrealitypodcast #Aftershock2024 KUBU 96.5 FM - from Access Sacramento
Lisa Holt PhotographyAftershock FestivalDistorted Nation RadioReality Check TV NorCalDistorted Reality PodcastTalks With Shell
Round One Nominees and Final winner
We pull announce the 🥇 winner at 7 pm Friday April 26th
Aftershock Festival Talks with Shell Fun Package Giveaway including 2 4-day passes to Aftershock 2024 at Discovery Park in Sacramento October 10th - 13th!
To enter, make sure you follow these simple steps:
Follow these accounts: Reality Check TV Norcal Talks with Shell DistortedRealityPodcast Distortednationradion (All on Facebook)
(you must be following at time of drawing)
Follow these accounts:
(you must be following at time of drawing)
* @shellrctv (Instagram) @distortedrealitypodcast
* Talks With Shell Facebook
* Reality Check TV NorCal Facebook
* Distorted Reality PodcastDistorted Facebook
* Aftershock Festival
Like this post to show your love for the DistoredRealityPodcast and Talks with Shell Radio and Aftershock!
Comment below using the HASHTAGS #TalkswithShell #DistortedRealityPodcast and #Aftershock and TAG the person you want to rock all 4 DAYS with !
The 1st lucky winner will be randomly chosen April 26th and announced On Talks with Shell Radio page Tune in 96.5 FM Fridays at 8am to 10am We will announce the winners live on the Reality Check TV Media page on April 26th.
Thats it! Good luck!
Note: This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Meta. By entering, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and agree to release Meta from any responsibility and acknowledge that the content of this contest is owned by RealityCheckTvMedia
#AftershockFestival #ContestGiveaway #music #festival #distortedealitypodcast #win #contest #california #sacramento #podcast #talkswithshell #kubu96.5
Stevie Rodarte happy birthday 🎉🎁🎈 party HELLRZZR CLOTHING
Reality Check TV NorCal Distorted Reality Podcast Lisa Holt Photography Ozcat Radio Distorted Nation Radio
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