These are both on top of my 135 liter box for quick access!
There are many areas where trails are still closed, water crossings are not sufficiently frozen because it’s still early! Mid January is considered early for some years. But mid March will be excellent so just plan a trip with us March 12-18 and you will have great conditions!
We will go up to this lookout on Mont Valin!
Facebook created this slideshow of our favorite lodge Auberge du Vieux Moulin. We will be there between Xmas and new year’s and our couples trip is valentines week!
Both of these trips fill up so don’t wait too long if you’re interested!
Some great Quebec memories. Summer and Winter!
Once again we are getting to that time of year when I have to send out a reminder to fill out our contract that can be downloaded from our website and send in your deposit for your trips. Payment must be made for the trip in full 30 days before your trip start date! We will close registration for all trips on December 31 and all blocks of rooms that are not reserved will be returned back to the lodges.
It gets very difficult for me to operate a business when people hand me checks in Canada and I’m riding around carrying checks that I can’t deposit and have maxed out credit cards.
Thank you!
Two Winters ago on the southeast side of Lac Saint Jean. You could hardly hang on to your machine in the open fields the wind was so bad!
Starting to think more and more about a winter season with no Quebec riding. How can that be?😖
Many years of pictures and memories! Last winter we were in this crazy wind storm on the end of Lac Saint Jean. We stopped at this relay to warm up and regroup to figure another route that didn’t cross through as many open fields.
This would be Hell for some, this is what I love! 😍
Cutting our ride short today! 30-50 mph winds along the lake and all open fields with 3-5” of snowfall expected starting after noon!
Getting away from Lac St Jean shore and heading to wooded trails where some protection from wind.
A breath taking view from Mont Apica today! Pictures just don’t do it justice!
Thanks to Glenn Godshall for making me aware of this spectacular place!
Back from a fantastic week of ATV riding from my favorite lodge in Quebec, Auberge du Vieux Moulin. We started off our day with a big breakfast at the lodge, rode 70-120 miles, back to the lodge to hit the hot tubs and then a five course gourmet meal each night!
Does this sound like you?
We will start our Quad Quebec trips again in July of 2020 on the third week of each month, July, August and September!
A nice 200 mile ride today from Lac Faillon to Fer a Cheval. A beautiful day and great ride! Picture is of our lodge tonight!