Dear Eddie,
Our cruise was AMAZING!! Everything turned out perfectly!!! We got our onboard credit and our money refunded and the room was beautiful and QUIET!! You did AMAZING, friend. THANK YOU. We had a blast!! Charlie was elected Legend of Lido - AGAIN!! We were also voted to be on the Love and Marriage show. Charlie was once again the celebrity of the cruise and the VIP! We were considered the most friendly couple on the cruise. Too funny, but that is Charlie for you. I was called Mrs. Charlie by the other cruisers. We gave out cruising ducks and had a lot given to us. I made and handed out animal balloons. We made a lot of friends. Every time we were walking about Charlie was given out fist bumps and hugs by everyone. People wanted selfies taken with him.
We almost didn't get on the cruise, as Charlie wound up in the emergency room until 5:30 am the day before for a blockage in his bladder. The got him taken care of for the cruise, but he has to see what is going on this next week. It may be a prostate problem. He has been miserable, but we still managed to have a really great time.
Thanks for everything! Let's talk soon.