Just a day in the life of a wildlife dentist. Making sure everyone closes after every meal.
But seriously this is part of the issue with irresponsible fishing techniques like hang lining.
Catch a fish an then the gator catches the fish as well, but then get stuck with those piece of fishing lines in there mouth and stomachs.
Clean up your spots so we have wildlife there for years to come to enjoy.
#everglades #nature #wildlife #conservation #fyp #reptiles #alligator
Caught a J-walker today 😆 but no in all seriousness can we all sit down an have a talk to our local turtles an tell them to use the cross walks like the rest of us ?! 😆 🤣 😂
Safely released away from traffic in a nearby lake.
#turtles #conservation #wildlife #tourguide #nature #everglades
These bats did not want to be bugged..... but I'm sure they would like to eat some 😆
Random post Thursday
#bats #bugs #nature
You can't beat a lazy Tuesday afternoon. What's your favorite go to spot for some peace of mind?
Mine will forever be the forest and the rivers that flow thru them!
Good night !
#life #herpetology #beautifulnature
Just a nice soak for the babies today....
Redfoot tortoises are one of my favorite species of tort and have a wide variety of color morphs and patterns.
I host educational events once a month to help educate people on tortoise and turtle conservation as well as introduce people to these gentle creatures they are afraid of.
#tortoise #redfoottortoise #herpetology #conservation
Spooky season calls for haunted hikes and corn snakes in costumes.... 😆 just kidding about the corn snake, this is actually a color trait found on certain wild corns in the area and thru out time has be labeled the " miami phase " this beautiful female was field collected to breed and release offspring in the area she was found to give back to the population slowly decreasing due to the pet trade field collectors and other wildlife.
#SpookySeason #cornsnake #reptiles #herpetology #snakes
It's baby making weather out here in south Florida. Should I throw on some Elton John to set the mood? 😆 😆 🤣 😂
#wildlifephotography #beautifulnature #herpetology #lizardlarry #southfloridaraw #redfoottortoise #conservation
Graphic Content Warning
In the video I say first one in the wild, but it's my second.... i forget my first experience as it was in water and the snake got away from me.
This absolutely stunning snake I found maybe minutes after being hit on an early morning drive to ocala on the west coast.
Just because you see a snake dosnt mean it needs to die or be hit by a car.
Do better for the future of wildlife conservation!
#southfloridaraw #lizardlarry #florida #wildlife #nature #conservation #fyp #reptiles #snakes #herpetology
Even with winds ripping around this giant remains calm in the thich of it.
An absolutely stunning male green iguanas showing off his colors to the ladies below. It's such a treat to be able to see these creatures up close and bask in the true beauty that they are.
#greeniguana #wildlife #nature #Florida #nonnative #iguana #reptiles #lizardlarry