Florida, Wild & Free

Florida, Wild & Free Far away from the Mickey Mouse corridor and the gated beach-side resorts. This is Florida, wild and free.


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How many alligators do you see??

How many alligators do you see??


The Christmas Eve Tale of Tonk and Yogi

It was Christmas Eve at Grizzly Ranch, and the air was filled with the scent of pine, a dusting of frost glittering on the ground under the starry sky. Inside their cozy enclosure, Tonk and Yogi, two mischievous and loveable bears, were snuggled in their favorite corners. Though the night was calm, there was an air of excitement as if magic itself was in the air.

As the moon reached its peak, a gentle jingling sound echoed through the ranch. Tonk's ears perked up. He nudged Yogi, who lazily opened one eye.

“Tonk, it’s probably just Elijah bringing us more snacks,” Yogi muttered, stretching.

But Tonk wasn’t so sure. He lumbered to the window and let out a soft chuff. There, under the glowing moonlight, was the faint outline of a sleigh and reindeer, shimmering as if made from stardust.

“Yogi! Wake up!” Tonk said excitedly. “It’s Santa!”

Yogi groaned. “Santa? You mean the guy who leaves cookies but never honey?”

Before Yogi could argue more, a soft thud came from the top of their enclosure. They both looked up in wonder. From a snowy cloud of magic dust emerged a large, round figure with a red suit and a twinkle in his eye. Santa!

“Ho, ho, ho! Tonk and Yogi! Merry Christmas!” Santa said, lowering himself into their enclosure with ease.

The bears were awestruck. “Santa, you’re real!” Tonk exclaimed.

“Of course, I’m real!” Santa chuckled. “And I’ve heard you’ve both been very good bears this year. Helping Elijah and Angela with the ranch and being wonderful ambassadors to all the visitors.”

Tonk puffed up with pride, while Yogi scratched his head sheepishly. “Well, I guess we tried,” Yogi admitted.

Santa reached into his sack and pulled out two enormous presents wrapped in shiny green and gold paper. “For Tonk, a massive honeycomb dipped in chocolate, your favorite!” he said.

Tonk’s eyes widened as Santa handed him the gift. “Oh, thank you, Santa! This is the best day ever!”

“And for Yogi,” Santa continued, “a cozy bear-sized blanket made of the softest wool to keep you warm during chilly nights.”

Yogi took the blanket and grinned. “Santa, you really get me. Thanks.”

Santa patted them both on their heads. “Now remember, the true magic of Christmas isn’t just about gifts. It’s about the joy you bring to others. You two bring so much happiness to the people who visit Grizzly Ranch. Never forget that.”

With a twinkle of his eye, Santa climbed back into his sleigh. “Merry Christmas, Tonk and Yogi!” he called, and with a flash, he was gone, leaving behind a sprinkle of sparkling snow.

Tonk and Yogi sat there, stunned but filled with warmth. As they enjoyed their gifts, they promised to be even better bears in the new year. After all, Santa would surely be watching!

“Merry Christmas, Yogi,” Tonk said as he licked the honey from his paws.

“Merry Christmas, Tonk,” Yogi replied, wrapping himself in his new blanket.

And with that, the two bears drifted off to sleep, their dreams filled with twinkling lights and the magic of Christmas Eve at Grizzly Ranch.


Did you know Florida has almost 1000 miles of beaches? Where's your favorite Florida beach?

Did you know Florida has almost 1000 miles of beaches? Where's your favorite Florida beach?

The birds of these feathers definitely flocked together.

The birds of these feathers definitely flocked together.


Who else wouldn't mind being stranded on a deserted island?


Sunset paddle don't watch!


Sunset walk

The Wild Heart of FloridaIn a time when Florida's land was still untouched by sprawling developments, there lived a boy ...

The Wild Heart of Florida

In a time when Florida's land was still untouched by sprawling developments, there lived a boy and his dog in a small wooden cabin at the edge of a vast wilderness. The dog, a scruffy, wiry-coated mutt with boundless energy, was the boy’s constant companion. Together, they wandered through the unspoiled forests, swamps, and rivers that stretched for miles in every direction.

The boy's world was one of tangled vines, towering cypress trees, and the soft murmur of the river that flowed lazily past his home. From the moment he could walk, he had been drawn to the water, its constant, gentle movement calming him in a way nothing else could. The river was life. It was where the manatees moved like silent ghosts beneath the surface, where the alligators lazed in the sun, and where the birds called to each other across the wide sky.

The boy was a part of the wilderness, and the wilderness was a part of him. His senses had been sharpened by years of exploring the dense underbrush and navigating the river’s hidden channels. He knew where the deer came to drink at dawn and where the otters played in the cool shallows. The dog was always by his side, bounding ahead to chase the occasional squirrel or to dive into the water with joyful abandon. The two of them were as much a part of the landscape as the trees or the river.

The land was alive with stories—stories the boy could feel in the ground beneath his feet, though he couldn’t always put them into words. His grandfather had told him tales of the people who had lived here long before, people who understood the land as he did, who had revered the river as a lifeline. The boy didn’t need to know their names to feel their presence, to know that this wild place held memories older than time.

Days in the wilderness were long and full, with the sun beating down and the air heavy with the scent of pine and wet earth. The boy and his dog would explore from morning till dusk, finding new trails or hidden clearings where the world seemed to stand still. Sometimes, he would lie on the riverbank, the sounds of water and wind lulling him into a half-sleep, while the dog dozed nearby, his ears twitching at the occasional rustle in the grass.

But the world outside the wilderness was changing. Little by little, the boy noticed the signs. First, there was the road they cut through the woods not far from his home. It wasn’t much at first, just a dirt path, but over time it grew wider, smoother, and noisier. Then came the trucks, carrying equipment and materials he had never seen before. Soon, the trees began to disappear, and with them, the animals that had once been his friends began to vanish.

The river, though, remained. It was the one constant in a world that was shifting in ways the boy didn’t fully understand. He would sit on its banks and watch the water flow, trying to grasp the changes happening around him. The dog, ever faithful, would nuzzle his hand as if to say, We still have this, at least.

One evening, after a long day of exploring what was left of the woods, the boy and his dog wandered toward the river. The sun was setting, casting the water in a soft golden light. The air was still, save for the occasional ripple as a fish broke the surface or a bird flitted through the trees. But something was wrong. The dog, usually so full of life, seemed tired. The boy called his name, but the dog didn’t bound toward him as he usually did. Instead, he lay down by the water, his eyes tired and distant.

The boy knelt beside his dog, the sinking feeling in his chest almost too much to bear. The dog had been with him through every adventure, every wild moment, and now it seemed like this might be their last. The dog looked up at the boy, his eyes filled with a calm understanding that broke the boy’s heart. He had given everything to the wilderness, and now it was time to rest.

That night, the boy stayed by his dog’s side, listening to the sound of the river, the one thing that had never changed. The next morning, the dog was gone, his spirit part of the land, the water, the trees, and the stories that had always surrounded them.

The boy buried his dog beneath a towering cypress tree, not far from the river. He placed a stone at the head of the grave, not needing any words to mark the spot. The dog had been more than a companion—he had been a protector, a bridge to the wild world that the boy loved so much.

As the years passed, the boy watched as the road grew wider, and the houses crept closer. The land that had once been his playground, his refuge, was slowly being carved away. But the river remained, as constant and steady as ever. It still carried the whispers of those who had come before, and it still held the memories of the boy, his dog, and all the wild things they had shared.

One day, long after he had left his childhood home, the boy—now a man—returned to the river. The houses now lined the edges of the woods, and the road was paved and busy with traffic, but the river was the same. He stood on its banks, watching the water flow, and for a moment, he felt his dog’s presence beside him. In that moment, he knew that no matter how much the world changed, the spirit of the wilderness—the spirit of the river—would live on.

And in that quiet, golden light, the river carried on its endless journey, just as it always had.



Now that schools starting, where's your favorite place to visit in Florida?

Now that schools starting, where's your favorite place to visit in Florida?

This is a pretty Florida picture a cottonmouth and a gator!

This is a pretty Florida picture a cottonmouth and a gator!

Whoa look at this guy! Who knows what he is?!

Whoa look at this guy! Who knows what he is?!

Our granny bad

Our granny bad

Lighting the way

Lighting the way

Love our wildflowers

Love our wildflowers


Miami, FL


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