There are only three "rules" about when to buy a travel insurance plan:
After your first trip payment is made. If you want to purchase a comprehensive plan to cover trip cancellation, we recommend you do it after making at least one payment towards your trip, but some plans require you to have already put money down. You will want to have a good grasp of your total expected trip cost. This will allow you to get the most accurate quote for the right travel insurance plan.
As close to that first payment as possible. If you need coverage for a pre-existing medical condition or are interested in optional Cancel for Any Reason coverage, you should be aware that both of these have time-sensitive eligibility requirements tied to your initial trip payment (among other requirements). In other words, once you’ve paid for a part of the trip (whether it’s airfare, accommodations or a down payment for a cruise) you have a limited amount of time to buy a plan to access these benefits.
Prior to when the plan is needed. You must purchase travel insurance coverage before it is needed. Some travel medical plans are available for purchase after you have departed, but comprehensive plans that include medical coverage must be purchased before departing. However, you can’t buy any medical coverage once you recognize a need for medical attention. The same applies to all travel insurance coverage. Once you recognize the need, it is too late to protect your trip.