Apocalrock Visitor Center

Apocalrock Visitor Center Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Apocalrock Visitor Center, Tourist Information Center, No present site these days. East Millcreek Interstate where you want to be to see most of it in person, Millcreek, UT.

The prophecies of both Isaiah and Daniel discovered on a mountain in Salt Lake City, Utah... Pictures, Books and Tours, of The Ensign to the Nations found in Utah in complex rock art that details sacred history, proving God true and his prophets.

Wonders if why I got the gift and power of the Holy Ghost when I sought to be healed at the age of 18 from horrific pare...

Wonders if why I got the gift and power of the Holy Ghost when I sought to be healed at the age of 18 from horrific parental hatred and violence....and that BECAUSE I was already a Mormon baptized when I was eight years old...or because I sought of my own need and accord to be healed of the damage inflicted upon me by those to whom I was born?

"You better snap to it...run like a bunny rabbit...you better snap or I'll SNAP off you arm and beat you to death you little s**t!" Said often by my father to my four year old child self; until a neighbor rebuked my dad upon hearing it. He only changed his assaults.

One sub contractor; a brick mason, told his neighbor, my dad's sister, he would not attend her mother's funeral so not to have to see my dad there because of the way he abused ME verbally on the job where I did a man's work from the age of 13. Nobody would believe the half of it. Mom thought hating me was enough until my talents exploded and her envy brought out the worst she could conjure.

High School proved I was a broken soul. After that God drew me to himself and sanctified me a prophet to the people....LOL...who were not having it...regardless of the gifts and powers I manifest and only greater and greater gifts and knowledge. Still seems like ya all hold off and wait to see me fall.

I have been ONLINE from the beginning of it and a Celestial powder keg from day one to today. NOT one willing to see me eye to eye.
What more can be done? None are having it.


I actually wrote this today on my other site:

The Church and Zion of Jesus Christ
LOL! Go get the gospel right and then come back. CLUE: Only the voice of the Father to you personally makes the acceptable covenant. Just knowing what you suppose about it counts for nothing. Scripture reading muddles the mind. Repentance is not believing scripture: It is seeking to be healed of the lost and fallen nature of mankind. All are born to a fallen world.
The worse thing you can do before you repent is read scripture and identify presumptuously! That error steels you from a broken heart and a contrite spirit; thinking by scripture familiarity you ARE in with Christ in God. The meek never presume.
It is better to ignore all scripture and look unto the Lord in your every thought and crave to be healed of God. That eliminates ever being led astray as you wait only for God to respond......he will. God loves the meek. Nothing offends God more than SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS. That is Satanic....HELLO?

My Calling for the last twenty plus years discovered THE ART OF GOD  on Mount Olympus in the Salt Lake Valley that is pu...

My Calling for the last twenty plus years discovered THE ART OF GOD on Mount Olympus in the Salt Lake Valley that is purposefully 'turned' to face and confront the headquarters of the LDS Church that has been wholly blind to the revelation of the Father from the foundation of the world since they arrived here in 1847!

Consider the implications of that fact! Utterly blind and uninspired and never led to SEE the handiwork of the Living God that was so pointedly prepared from the foundation of the world for this time and this judgment and justice.

Here is a list: It took more than fifteen years of diligence to SEE this many.


The single most important post I ever did post:

James Muir
John 6:44 ...
No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Precisely my experience at the tender 'know nothing age' of 18.
Seek and ye shall find. Nothing prevents being drawn more than the arrogance of presumption....like today's LDS! 100 percent presumption. Every LDS ordinance is presumption with no foundation from the Father.
YOU CANNOT LEAD YOURSELF or learn it. You must be drawn to it of heart, might, mind and strength; put upon you from God.


Hey! 300 people 'out there' liked my Ensign to the Nations with only one photo of me up there. I listed all the other sightings some fifty others and more. COOL!

Wonders me if I can post a post anymore? That is ME in the lower left. The spitting image thereof. Like more than FIFTY ...

Wonders me if I can post a post anymore?

That is ME in the lower left. The spitting image thereof. Like more than FIFTY other art of God from the foundation of the world that chronicle what God has done and with whom from the days of God himself to Adam and Eve, Cain and Able, Noah holding a dove out the window of the ark with a deer looking out as well, Jonah, Job, Abraham holding two knives having circumcised a young male; and with Isaac, Joseph in Egypt; with Potapher and his wife. Moses, Samson, Mahonri with his boat, David and the Goliath, David and Bathsheba, Daniel, Isaiah, Lehi and family in a boat, John the Baptist with Jesus rising straight way up out of the water with the Holy Ghost as a dove and the Father is there placing his hand atop the head of Jesus. Christ stands before Caiaphas who is holding up a lantern, Jesus with his apostles, Jesus about to be crucified looking at the Jew who turn their faces away from him, Jesus weeps and the hand holding the three nails wipes a tear from off the face of Jesus. Jesus returning in the clouds with many crowns and his feet touch where the mountain clefts. Twenty elements of the Book of John's Revelations with Christ on a white horse his are extended. The Catholic and protestants with a clown face mocking, Joseph Smith with the plates and the date 1830; above him is Mormon siting a tilt-up-desk writing on a gold plate with his son Moroni holding two sets of plates turning away. Joseph Smith recognizable to the face holding the Gold Plates but on the next mountain South of the main Ensign to the Nations. Joseph Smith being shot at my men with darkened faces possible John Taylor and Willard Richards barely between Joseph and Hyrum who is dead. That's it for all the time since until you see ME, three times, my sad story is told as I am holding a steering wheel and looking purposefull at the mountain ensign atop the next mountain North of the the Ensign. Exactly what I was call to do and how I did it driving from location to location to find the correct line of sight for each unique ART OF GOD. If you can receive it I am also on the tip top of the Ensign; seen only from above like the USA national monument photo of Mount Olympus designated a wilderness protection area. COOL!

LOL you do not believe it; though it was prophesied to be far from Jerusalem and in and age of Jet Air travel the ENSIGN to the Nations proving God is true before the end of this day and age.

The more than fifteen years that I have been given of God to discover this and publish the pictures of it...people shut their mouths.

I gave a full color copy to the LDS Church Historical Library and they returned it the very next day....understandable as it his the death knell to their hypocrisy!

Who da Maaan? IF this posts; that me in the corner!


Wrote this 'out there' yesterday to 'crickets'. WHY?

James Muir
I guess that it has not been obvious for thirty years ONLINE! I am a true prophet of the Living God. Equal to any and all in sacred history....Enoch....excepted (maybe) we still have to see about that.
My Cred: Hated by both mother and father before I was born. (Third child but it was just too much of an imposition were they were just breaking out to independent construction contractor and my pregnant mom could not muck footing cement fast enough to keep my maniac dad from screaming mercilessly. Cement gets away from you quick ya know.

She refused to deliver me. I had to be cut and drawn from the womb. Hated by both every day of my life and all the more so when young. They could have been put in jail if known about their cruelty....mostly just to me. Even though my older brother called them 'The Monsters'...but that might have been because of the way they were with me and not so much with him.

Sorry to set that up. I needed to be healed and only God could do it. After High School I stepped out into the world to find myself. When I ditched the Boulder, Colorado Hippies and walk off before their LOVE-IN began; not a hundred yards out I felt the slightest touch of the Love of God.....Very impressive.

I still considered myself unworthy. But God had my attention. I worked to get enough money to leave home again. Second Event was when my car broke down halfway to LA. This was when I first thought to pray. No sissy LDS rote nonsense but an earnest heartfelt need to be helped.

It was given me how to pray with full purpose of heart. Not the LDS Sunday School rote prayer. God was putting real faith in my heart, might, mind and strength.
My last month in California I had no money left. Beginning after New Years 1970 I walked everyday for twenty days 12 miles out to the Pacific Beach and remained there all day craving to be healed of God.
Repeated at a more earnest degree of full purpose of heart. YES!
Repeated again at even a greater degree of full purpose of heart: YES!
Got up and sat upon my bed when the power of the Father fell upon me and wrought a mighty change of Heart, Might, Mind and Strength!

Perhaps nobody today knows what it means to have that experience. It makes you a servant and prophet of the Living God. I was given a prophecy about a best friend and that was fulfilled within two months of my return to Utah. He was the single best musician in Salt Lake and my neighbor and friend. He let me join his band playing bass guitar until I quit half way through my Senior Year of High School....Time to be or not to be about my weakness.

1. Given of God a miracle on my LDS mission my first month out!
2. Set up by hateful teachers from my High School who just happened to be in that same mission. Did not take the bait...it was serious as hell.
3. Returned home and Young Adults were hateful at anything I said. They wanted me to know it too. I suppose they did not like the comparison.
4. Was constrained of God to quit 4.O college.
5. Was Sent by the calling of God to Go To The Eastern Land where he would Prosper My Way. I met a girl when I was Back East earlier working for a neighbor building an LDS Ward house in Rockville, Maryland.
6. Planned to return East where I had met a young lady and to pursue my business of Game Invention that I had always been great at since Elementary School.
7. The Church thought to get me the heck away from the young adults and called me to be president of the Senior Singles...if that is a thing I dunno. Before that I prayed to know if the Lord wanted me to change my plans and stay in Utah...before I went to the interview. God spoke to me that the 'calling' was as I supposed (a bogus manipulation to remove my witness from amongst the younger people.)
God also Sent me with power to the Eastern Land where he would 'prosper' my way.
8. She lived and went to school in Maryland. I got a sleeping room up in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I was doing business up in the North East among Game Companies and Invention houses that serviced the same. .....got ripped off I discovered a year or so after I returned...I was inventing on the fly and making patterns the best I could to show. Parker Brothers said when I called that they did not need to see me and if they did they would steal whatever I showed them if it was good....They really did. At least the guy on the phone said as much. I got lost in a snow storm on that trip and did not realize it until I was in Maine! Maine! PB was in North Boston.
9. The last week in March of 1979 I was working in Harrisburg as a carpenter when Friday I had the radio on driving home and heard about the release of radioactive steam from Three Mile Island Nuclear facility right there in Harrisburg on a island in the Susquehanna River!
I left Harrisburg and visited my girlfriend and slept at her bishop's home. Saturday we went to the move THE CHINA SYNDROME about a possible Nuclear meltdown at a plant in California. And it was said in THAT movie that if that plant exploded it would destroy an area about the size of the State of Pennsylvania....HELLO!
Sunday evening I drove back to Harrisburg resolute that this is why God Sent Me and gave me Power. Approaching home while still driving I raised up my right arm and spoke with the power put upon be before I left Utah; commanding the reactor to be still! And felt the power God had given to me was applied. It was reported that that was precisely the moment when the 'BUBBLE' exposing the overheating nuclear core suddenly 'BROKE' and the impending disaster never happened.

I did not remain and moved down to Fairfax, Virginia... where I was called into the Elders Quorum Presidency of that ward.
I did not tell anyone what I was SENT back East by the commandment of God; not even my girlfriend anything of what I did in Pennsylvania.

I have mentioned this online a few times already. I worked in Virginia a few months but return to Utah and left the girlfriend behind. She was important to the entire event as to where I lived at the time.
Not done yet. Noway. I was now making a toy ball that sold well; but my brother who invested a mere 200 dollars thought he bought half of my entire inventory of inventions.

NO WAY but we did sell out all the plush covered beach ball 'TOTTLE BALL' at the Fashion Place Mall. The young kids were crazy for them.

I was spending my days in the LDS Church Historical Library doing my own research everyday and working nights at the Salt Lake Airport. That is when I was given of God to write my paper I called: THE WONDERS OF ETERNITY. That paper Is were I made proofs of God's Eternal Round of a course. The three of them follow each in succession through each of the three positions. THEY HAVE NO WIVES! They are from all eternity God and I unfolded the reality of Spirits called out of the Light of Truth as not yet sexually assigned. And that is why Satan Rebelled and One Third followed to KEEP THEIR RESPECTIVE FULLNESS so not to have to let go of half when the man and woman commanded in Genesis One were commanded to multiply and finish all the hosts thereof......which is why in mortality there are many sexually crossed souls who were not valiant to let go of the opposite half to what their spirit body birth assigned them.

So there were more than a few original truths that originated with the gifts of God put upon me. Ya know...the kind of stuff true prophets manifest...eh?

Other great gifts were magnified and at last THE ENSIGN TO THE NATIONS that both Isaiah and Daniel spoke of for OUR DAY was given me to discover and that presently shuts the mouths of everyone who sees my book of it. I exceeded the limit here.

Questions? Just kidding. Non dare to!


Wrote this 'out there' yesterday:

James Muir
'Looking at Bednar's photo up there...he is talking through his teeth....lying!
"Seek and pray to receive the BAPTISM OF FIRE!"
That is NOT how one gets the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost.....by seeking it!
That sounds more like self-hypnosis!
The KEY to receiving the BFHG is accepting the covenant with the Father to 'take upon you the name of Jesus Christ with full purpose of heart and at any hazard in this life.'
BUT not of your own intent. It is a covenant and you cannot have a covenant ONE-SIDED! This covenant must be offered of the Father and THEN accepted with full purpose of heart.
NO OFFER means you have not fully purposed your heart, might, mind and strength to your repentance. And therefore the Father has YET to offer HIS covenant with you.
It is impossible to have or make or assume a covenant ONE-SIDEDLY!
It is the Father's acceptance of your full purpose of heart....that He judges acceptable...that sends down upon you the visitation of the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost..
Then you become a new creature begotten of God and that is no small thing...it is huge and you have POWER put upon you. It is the most WOW any human can ever get....BEGOTTEN OF GOD!'

I just read from another page of mine....THIS:Read a page of one of those Adam-God-ites. I rebuked his thusly:James Muir...

I just read from another page of mine....THIS:

Read a page of one of those Adam-God-ites. I rebuked his thusly:
James Muir
Serious? Jesus is NOT a sexual being. Of course you are not prepared to know this as you TRA LA LA LA LA through the theological tulips of you being a god. LOL!
I am not talking from outside the RESTORATION. I am advancing it. Details as you will.
I waited the rest of the day and got no invite: SO....here ya go everyone 'out there', just try and hold your false doctrine another minute:
Okay, the key to beginning to understand this is the FACT that Jesus did not raise up a perfect resurrected body. He retained the scars of his sacrifice. Of course you think he needed to show these emblems of his sacrifice. THEN WHAT? Kill himself again to raise up a fully whole exalted body? Well. Not quite. He does loft off that mortal husk but only when it is time for him to return to where he was before.....sitting upon the very throne of power. And what then of the Father who sitteth now upon that same throne? Why he vacates that which ALWAYS sits upon the throne of God to become.......(wait for it)....the Holy Ghost, meaning the ghost of the Holy Father. But what then becomes of the previous HG? He becomes the next redeemer for the next generation of the Heavens and the earths. See how this works. Like clockwork. They continue on their course of One Eternal Round.....(you have heard that expression before, right?) This for the redemption and for the renewal of all things, defeating the natural entropy of all God's creations. Never heard of that I bet!
God's course is one eternal round. TA DAH! Oh, thank you, thank you very much. Yes I am the only true prophet of this day and age. I have buckets of cred to open up to a believing people. A people who will repent and come down into the depths of humility and forsake the pride and ambition of the world to become true saints of the Most High God after their visitation of the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost, prophets all. O happy day, when Zion comes in!

This picture on the West Side of Mount Olympus in the Salt Lake Valley...seen from 4500 South when the sun is in the West sky in June probably best time.

SEEN HERE is John the Baptist looking up at Jesus rising straight way up out of the water...drops falling with the sign of the Holy Ghost as a dove between Jesus and the Father who is in the bottom right corner with his hand over the head of Jesus as if putting his name upon him.


Why is it nobody finds THE LOVE OF GOD?
1. They were cherished and fully loved by both of their parents.......(sufficient....done!)
2. There is no way to find the broken heart and contrite spirit that IS required to come unto God in the meekness (not supposing that you already know from church preaching and accepting you as righteous...so you must be....WHY WOULD LEADERS LIE TO YOU? Well, for your money and devotion to persuade the world to agree and that way the leaders get MORE MONEY!
3. Nobody gets the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost....rather they eat and drink damnation to their souls....as the leaders purposefully or ignorantly defy the commandment to NOT GIVE damnation to the people who partake; having not what to remember!
4. Leaders only want to keep the mystery floating, merrily, merrily, merrily down stream. Life is but a dream!
5. Some one fellah who was hated before he was born and all the while growing up in the violence of that hate...was so fully taken apart that he NEVER WOULD PRESUME RIGHTEOUSNESS....no way. (The Gods) LOOKIE THERE; one meek and broken and contrite soul upon the modern world today! YEAH!'
6. 'Too bad that we had to 'set him up like that!' 'Let's get him!
7. (The Gods continue)...'Ahhh, aint nobody ever gonna believe him!' 'Yea, let's give him great gifts and send him to perform one huge miracle and correct false theology and manifest OUR MOUNTAIN ENSIGN....that's why we saw to it he was raised up living exactly where our Ensign is!'
8. 'See? He discovered it all; but nobody will admit that it is what it is! DANG!'
9. 'The people are too much convinced of their own righteousness. Without exception so it seems. DANG'!
10. 'Well; only one thing left to do then....'right?' 'Oh boy. Whoah Nelly! This is gonna hurt'!

Small wonder this post managed to disappear:This is THE LIST of what has been discovered on THE ENSIGN to the nations of...

Small wonder this post managed to disappear:

This is THE LIST of what has been discovered on THE ENSIGN to the nations of Isaiah's prediction far from Jerusalem in modern times of Jet Travel from far.
Here is a list of more for you to see....that ye may wonder!
And that you to SHUT YOUR MOUTH AT IT!
1. Adam and Eve three times
2. Cain and Abel and Christ
3. Noah with deer and dove
4. Jared with a submarine sort of boat
and a hatch on top.
5. Abraham
6. Moses
7. Joseph in Egypt
8. Moses
9. Jonah
10. Samson
11. David and Goliath
12. David and Bathsheba
and Solomon.
13. Isaiah with Christ with
sword bathed in heaven. (over his head)
carries the burden of Israel
With the nail of crucifixion
and Satan as leviathan
14. Daniel in the lion's den
with two lions and King Darius
looking on
15. Lehi, and sons in a sailing ship
and Laban sits opposite like a king
16.Baby Jesus with Mary
At prayer in the Garden
As the lamb of God
With apostles giving the Holy Ghost
Standing before Ciaphas at night
About to be nailed on the cross
weeps to see the Jews
turn their faces from him
Coming in the clouds
his foot set to divide the mountain
With the Father and the Holy Ghost
With me at my conversion and a sign thereof
17. The revelation of John 20 elements of it;
with Christ coming on a white horse.
18. The Catholic church and a reformer
19. Moroni with plates on a ship
20. Joseph Smith with Gold Plates
21. Joseph with date 1830 with
Mormon writing at a tilt-up desk
and Moroni carries off two sets of plates
22. Joseph being shot at
with Hyrum dead and JT and WR suggested.
23. James Muir recognizable to the face; twice.
24. Satan sitting on the Sides of the North
from the Ensign in Millcreek Canyon with a floral headdress
and holding up a Light in his right hand and a scroll of his
secrets in his left hand, spewing blackness.
25. I am seen on the next mountain North of the Ensign
as if driving a car and looking a THE MOUNTAIN which
is what I was doing for twenty years.
There is more there that determines that it IS ME!
Not to take away from God's witness of his Son Jesus Christ
but these sighting of myself establish me as one of the
great servants of God in this time.
If you do not like it....you can lump it!
This is the end of these and other mighty
works God has sent me and given me to do.


This is THE LIST of what has been discovered on THE ENSIGN to the nations of Isaiah's prediction far from Jerusalem in modern times of Jet Travel from far.

Here is a list of more for you to see....that ye may wonder!
And that you to SHUT YOUR MOUTH AT IT!
1. Adam and Eve three times
2. Cain and Abel and Christ
3. Noah with deer and dove
4. Jared with a submarine sort of boat
and a hatch on top.
5. Abraham
6. Moses
7. Joseph in Egypt
8. Moses
9. Jonah
10. Samson
11. David and Goliath
12. David and Bathsheba
and Solomon.
13. Isaiah with Christ with
sword bathed in heaven. (over his head)
carries the burden of Israel
With the nail of crucifixion
and Satan as leviathan
14. Daniel in the lion's den
with two lions and King Darius
looking on
15. Lehi, and sons in a sailing ship
and Laban sits opposite like a king
16.Baby Jesus with Mary
At prayer in the Garden
As the lamb of God
With apostles giving the Holy Ghost
Standing before Ciaphas at night
About to be nailed on the cross
weeps to see the Jews
turn their faces from him
Coming in the clouds
his foot set to divide the mountain
With the Father and the Holy Ghost
With me at my conversion and a sign thereof
17. The revelation of John 20 elements of it;
with Christ coming on a white horse.
18. The Catholic church and a reformer
19. Moroni with plates on a ship
20. Joseph Smith with Gold Plates
21. Joseph with date 1830 with
Mormon writing at a tilt-up desk
and Moroni carries off two sets of plates
22. Joseph being shot at
with Hyrum dead and JT and WR suggested.
23. James Muir recognizable to the face; twice.
24. Satan sitting on the Sides of the North
from the Ensign in Millcreek Canyon with a floral headdress
and holding up a Light in his right hand and a scroll of his
secrets in his left hand, spewing blackness.
25. I am seen on the next mountain North of the Ensign
as if driving a car and looking a THE MOUNTAIN which
is what I was doing for twenty years.
There is more there that determines that it IS ME!
Not to take away from God's witness of his Son Jesus Christ
but these sighting of myself establish me as one of the
great servants of God in this time.

If you do not like it....you can lump it!
This is the end of these and other mighty
works God has sent me and given me to do.


You know what everyone wants and truly needs? Someone else who knows what you know and believes the same about it, who has the same gifts of God to be able to do so.

People who actually do know I mean. That is why God gave Joseph Smith a great book to begin with. Without it everything could only be his mere speculations. Like what he brought forth later from the good treasures of his soul that was added upon time and again. Those things need to be met with the same degree of gifts that Joseph had. That was impossible for the most part. Too much of that and the people just want to stop having to think about exactly how much they are still undone and lost and confused.

People do not like that. And Joseph was shown the door. That has been the fate of true prophets throughout the ages and even the same for the Son of God.

Does anyone think that the world truly owns the gospel of Jesus Christ? No, certainly not any measurable number of people do. One in the city and two in a country...and no pretense of church organization actually hold in common a working degree of righteousness. No more CITIES OF ENOCH propping up around the world.

Why the worldwide malaise of faith and righteousness? A righteous man can happen but that does not mean a second one will suddenly appear. God's gifts and grace are sufficient to keep the righteous....but it is no bed of roses to be alone. Damn straight.

So, if and when you find yourself truly ditched of all mankind. HOLD ON; HOLD ON!



Let me put something more up her in this space eh?
Hmmm! Let me see....THERE! Front top and center we have Cain and Abel with the Lord receiving the spirit of the Abel being dead and the Horror on the Face of Cain knowing the consequences of his act.


The eyes of Cain below his 'marked' forehead are on line to his left with the eyes of the Lord...who is holding a triangle sort of instrument and receiving the spirit of Abel whose body is leaning back and away from them both....dead!

On this exact same spot there are multiple other 'sightings' that display on their own day of the year and time of day and from a select 'line of sight'! Is that not worthy of the Great God of creation? Prophesied twice
by the prophets Daniel and Isaiah. Far from Jerusalem in an age of Jet Travel to get here from far and NOT HAVE TO loosen your belt or remove your shoes before you arrive....that is today and this is all been manifested in the last twenty years. And that over the top of the blind guides of the LDS Church who have never been given the slightest notice of God's great art...hidden in plain sight.

DO not be damned no more. Repent and forsake the arrogance of apostate pretending prophets and apostles who lust only for money, and more money, and see that you stand up to their honor whenever they appear....FOOLS SLUGGARDS AND SLOW BELLIES generations of hypocrisy.

My latest publication account of the Revelation of God that I was called to discover by two dreams. It took me three or ...

My latest publication account of the Revelation of God that I was called to discover by two dreams. It took me three or four years before I discovered the FIRST. At Six AM walking out of the Smith's on the East end of 3300 South in Salt Lake county a ribbon of light traced across the face of the Mountain showing Abraham with two knives kneeling before an infant male having just circumcised the baby...(made obvious by the ten thousand times enlarged and circumcised p***s from between the baby's bent up knee with one eye bugging out from a blanket.....

That is great details and too much to be a chance Pareidolia! Since and for more than fifteen years I have discovered from being LED to the precise 'line of sight' at the precise 'time of day' and on one of the few 'days of the year' when each sighting as I now call them is manifesting.

I am the prophet of it. Sent and fulfilled. This even was foretold of by two Old Testament prophets: Isaiah and Daniel. It had to be in these last days of jet air travel so people could get here from far not having to loosen their belts or remove their shoes before they arrive. WHERE? RIGHT HERE IN UTAH! And it is GOD's purpose that the Queen of England SENT the renegade apostles of the LDS Church here BUT not for this event rather for the single richest hole (copper mine) on the planet still is today! And it is opposite the Salt Lake Valley from Mount Olympus which IS the Ensign to the Nations of the Last Days.

You think that makes for me being a true prophet of God. It is not the only thing. I have fifty years of it. You cannot believe the half of it.

Let me put something more up her in this space eh?Hmmm! Let me see....THERE! Front top and center we have Cain and Abel ...

Let me put something more up her in this space eh?
Hmmm! Let me see....THERE! Front top and center we have Cain and Abel with the Lord receiving the spirit of the Abel being dead and the Horror on the Face of Cain knowing the consequences of his act.


The eyes of Cain below his 'marked' forehead are on line to his left with the eyes of the Lord...who is holding a triangle sort of instrument and receiving the spirit of Abel whose body is leaning back and away from them both....dead!

On this exact same spot there are multiple other 'sightings' that display on their own day of the year and time of day and from a select 'line of sight'! Is that not worthy of the Great God of creation? Prophesied twice
by the prophets Daniel and Isaiah. Far from Jerusalem in an age of Jet Travel to get here from far and NOT HAVE TO loosen your belt or remove your shoes before you arrive....that is today and this is all been manifested in the last twenty years. And that over the top of the blind guides of the LDS Church who have never been given the slightest notice of God's great art...hidden in plain sight.

DO not be damned no more. Repent and forsake the arrogance of apostate pretending prophets and apostles who lust only for money, and more money, and see that you stand up to their honor whenever they appear....FOOLS SLUGGARDS AND SLOW BELLIES generations of hypocrisy.


No Present Site These Days. East Millcreek Interstate Where You Want To Be To See Most Of It In Person
Millcreek, UT





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