Did you know that approximately 85% of people who come to faith in Christianity do so through the influence or invitation of a friend, family member, or someone they know personally. That’s the power of connection, and we need your help to keep spreading that hope.
Can you take a few minutes to invite three friends to experience this evangelical event? Here’s how:
**Download our digital invite card and share it via text, email, AirDrop, Nearby Share, or your favorite apps.
**Invite others by sharing our Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hope-in-a-troubled-worldmusic-gifts-sharingfox-theater-redwood-city-tickets-951782365677?aff=oddtdtcreator
**Post or share on your social media, and tag us
Thank you for being a beacon of hope and for helping us invite others to be part of this incredible event!