I see so many questions on the fishing pages about fishing Lake Michigan! This class will answer all of them!
16 Annual Salmon School
When: Saturday, March 15th 9am-3pm
Please arrive early to get your handouts. Lunch will be served around noon.
R and R Fishin Hole
3048 E Layton Ave
St. Francis, WI 53235
Cost: $75 per person. Includes instruction, coffeeand doughnuts to start your day. Lunch will be provided!
R&R the Fishin’ Hole has moved into a much larger location with a dedicated classroom area so we are going back to our roots.
This class will cover everything from basic set ups to advanced trolling tactics to make you a better salmon and trout fisherman on Lake Michigan. We will begin with early spring Brown Trout fishing and take you through each separate species throughout the season covering how to target Coho, Chinook, Rainbow Trout, and Lake Trout. This is my 16th year doing these classes. I have had great feedback on how it helps cut the learning curve for fishing the big lake and how much money it saves in the long run. We will help you understand fish movements, water temperatures, using your electronics, bait choices and everything in between. I am also going to take the time to explain a little bit about how fish stocking affects our fishery from year to year and some other science stuff!
We again will have Captain Brent Narloch of Sunrise Charters join us! He is a local charter captain and great fisherman he will discuss his take on day-to-day tactics and trends we experienced last season! Truly an outside the box thinker with great info.
Prior reservations are recommended to secure your spot.
To reserve your spot please give me a call Jason @ 414-384-8096 or send an email to [email protected]
WE look forward to seeing you!!