Five Tickets To Roam

Five Tickets To Roam In June of 2024 we embarked on a World Schooling adventure with our 3 kids. Follow along!

We've settled into our home in Spain for the next month. We're living in a small village in mountains of Basque Country ...

We've settled into our home in Spain for the next month. We're living in a small village in mountains of Basque Country called Orduna, about 35 minutes outside of Bilbao, founded in 1229.

We're falling in love with Spain every day, from the vibrant town square, to the frequent music celebrations to the boundless green and nature. Oh and the seemingly all you can drink wine as part of the 3 course set menu!! 🍷🍷

We are also having fun trying to speak Euskara, the local Basque language that is not related to Spanish at all. And the cool fall weather is a delightful change from the intense heat of Crete, Bosnia and Slovenia.

The siesta is taking a bit of getting used to, the vibrant town square clears out completely from 2pm to 4pm and the 5 gringos are the only ones walking around look at all the closed store front windows. 😂😏

This is a great home base from which to explore other Basque favorites like Bilbao, San Sebastian and Vitoria-Gasteiz.

We just completed a work/stay and cultural exchange on Farm Narava, an organic farm in the mountains of Slovenia, that h...

We just completed a work/stay and cultural exchange on Farm Narava, an organic farm in the mountains of Slovenia, that had been all but destroyed in a flood last year.

Narava (which means "Nature" in Slovenian) is run by Jack Simic, a single father of 5 kids (all under 12) who established a foundation that would allow young people and families from other countries to participate in a culture program for no money, in exchange for doing work on the farm. The week before we arrived Jack had just hosted a large group of scouts, but during our stay we were the only visitors. Jack really incorporated us into his family and curated many cultural experiences for us, both sightseeing (including a trip to Croatia) and gatherings with other locals.

The work exchange was something we wanted to do to get our kids out of their comfort zones and to not only understand another culure better, but to understand the value of a hard day's work. Note: Jack and the Foundation do not permit young children to work, but they can do low risk tasks like weeding when supervised by a parent. Of course, we didn't tell the kids that it was not compulsory! :) Francesca and I tackled some bigger tasks like flattening a hillside for a future bike repair shop that Jack will build and demolishing an old coffee house.

It's been a while since we left Bosnia & Herzeogovina, but I wanted to continue with our cultural observations from each...

It's been a while since we left Bosnia & Herzeogovina, but I wanted to continue with our cultural observations from each country we live in for a month. Here are our observations from our time in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina (BNH).

Note: We undersand that many of these are not specific to Bosnia and are prevalent in other European Countries, but we observed them first in BNH. Also, these are supposed to be just some light observations and not meant to be offensive in any way.

- Ryan:
BNH has not gotten the word from the surgeon general that smoking is hazardous to your health. Smoking is EVERYWHERE in BNH including indoors. When we were in the mall we could barely breathe - it felt like New Jersey in the 80s. :)

- Austen:
They make you pay for ketchup packets here! Even in McDonalds. I get it though, in the US those things go to waste a lot. So if you have to pay, you'll think twice about wasting them. Maybe.

- Finley:
The pre sliced cheese industry does not seem to be active in BNH. We love buying turkey and cheese slices for our sandwhiches and while we could find some in the larger grocery stores, they were not as prevalent, nor was there much selection. That said, I think this says more about the US and our convenience over culinary experiences and freshness than it doesn about BNH.

- Francesca:
BNH is somewhat unique in the Balkan region with the mix of religions living in such close proximiy. Indeed this mix of religions was a central factor in the Bosnian War in the 1990s. While tourist blogs, and even other BNHers outside of Mostar, will say that tensions still run high among these religious groups, some Mostar locals we met (including our tour guide who is a Bosniak (aka Muslim)) said that the various religions live in harmony and it's only the politicans that stoke the tensions when they are running for office and try to appeal to a certain religious base.

- Dan:
For Bosnians, drinking coffee or tea is a social experience, not something to be rushed. I discovered that the hard way when I was looking for a replacement for my travel tea mug/tumbler and couldn't, for the life of me, find one. In the US they have these suckers in any pharmacy, grocery store, hardware store, 7-11, etc. But not in Bosnia. After a massive search I was finally able to find one in a mall, but there was only 1 model to choose.

We spent five hours in Venice before flying off to Spain. I know people say it's crowded and smelly and other negative t...

We spent five hours in Venice before flying off to Spain. I know people say it's crowded and smelly and other negative things, but it's still a pretty spectacular city and I can see why it's always among the top destinations in travel publications.

Fortunately it wasn't super crowded as we missed the high season (just barely), but if you don't like crowds or walking this city may not be for you. But otherwise it's fun to get lost in the labyrinthine alleyways, browse the shops, eat some food and watch tourists burn their scalps on the gondolas with no escape from the sun. :)

We did all that and more in our short little visit.

The most cost effective way to get from Slovenia to Spain, according to our travel agent (Francesca!), is via Italy. So ...

The most cost effective way to get from Slovenia to Spain, according to our travel agent (Francesca!), is via Italy. So we had one day in Trieste (by bus from Koper, Slovenia) and we'll have one day in Venice tomorrow (by train from Trieste) before flying to Spain.

Very exciting to be driving on a mountain road and pass through Austria, Italy and Slovenia within a span of 20 minutes!...

Very exciting to be driving on a mountain road and pass through Austria, Italy and Slovenia within a span of 20 minutes! They are all in the EU so no checkpoints. One minute you're in Austria, the next you're in Italy!

I have friends that swear by Slovenia and now I know why. Sandwiched between Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia this 8k...

I have friends that swear by Slovenia and now I know why. Sandwiched between Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia this 8k sq ft country with only 2.1 million people is absolutely stunning with over 90% forest, mountains or other green space.

Today we went to Lake Bled which is like a page from a fairy tale. Yes, is crowded with tourists, but I can definitely see why. We'll be heading to some of the less traveled places in the next few weeks, but I wanted to share some photos from this breathtaking place.

If you travel with young kids you know that you can spend A LOT of money on "fun" things like caves and tours and castle...

If you travel with young kids you know that you can spend A LOT of money on "fun" things like caves and tours and castles, but the kids always seem to have the MOST fun at a random free playground in a local park. And it helps if you find an amazing playground like the one at Tivoli Park in Ljubljana, Slovrnia.

Last night I took Ryan and Finley to see the local Mostar professional futbol (aka soccer) team HSK Zrinjski Ultras vs. ...

Last night I took Ryan and Finley to see the local Mostar professional futbol (aka soccer) team HSK Zrinjski Ultras vs. Botev Plovdiv of Bulgaria. The Ultras are 5th in their league out of 12 teams and Plovdiv is 6th out of 18th.

I was curious to see if there were any differences betweeen going to see, say, the San Jose Earthquakes in the US and a Bosnian team. Here are my observations.....

1) For one thing, we were super tense the entire time as there were about 100 police in full riot gear both inside and outside of the stadium (seemingly) to keep the die hard fans - all clad in black and chanting (seemingly) angrily throughout the match. We did leave before the game ended, but we did not encounter any hostility. Only one of the venders worriedly told me to stop filming the die hard fans (which I promptly did).

2) The quality of play was not very good at all for a professional league. I would say every team in the MLS would have handily defeated them and likely a few college teams could have beat them as well.

3) Due to the extreme heat in Mostar in the summer, they have 2 ref time outs for water breaks (in addition to half time). I have only seen that in the US for youth games.

The Ultras ended up as 2-0 victors and advanced in the tournament with a 3-2 aggregate over their Bulgarian opponent.

Took the train from Mostar to Sarajevo for the weekend. It was a fun weekend, an educational weekend, and an emotinonall...

Took the train from Mostar to Sarajevo for the weekend. It was a fun weekend, an educational weekend, and an emotinonally moving weekend. And the kids got to stay in a hotel (instead of an AirBnB) for the first time on our WorldSchooling adventure.

After each country on our WorldSchooling Adventure we are asking the kids, and ourselves, to name one cultural differenc...

After each country on our WorldSchooling Adventure we are asking the kids, and ourselves, to name one cultural difference that we observed, focusing, of course, on positive aspects of the culure. Here are the observations for Greece:

- Ryan:
Young kids stay up really late in Greece. Okay, it is true that, at least in our small, seaside village kiddos were out until 10pm-11pm sometimes later, but it was also summer so maybe they were operating under Summertime Rules? This is considereed a positive aspect by the kids so it gets included in our list. :)

- Austen:
Lots of Cats! This is true. Througout Crete there were cats everywhere! But I don't think Crete or Greece has a monopololy on this feline fascination. I think they are prevalent throguout at least parts of Europe - I think we saw even more in Dubrovnik. The kids thought this was a definite positive, although Francesca, who is highly alergic to cats, did not.

- Finley:
You can't throw ANYTHING in toilets in Greece, including toilet paper!! It's true and it's totally gross! Ya basically wipe and then drop the TP, p**p and all, into a trash can next to the toilet. This took a lot for us to get used to. We did run into a few friends who apparently had better plumbing and were able to toss TP down there, but that was rare, even for restaurants. This was not a positive cultural aspect for either us or the kids, but I had to put it in there as it fascinated me that in 2024 basic plumbing was a privilge, not a right in some places.

- Francesca:
Old Greek lady's serve as small town security guards. We saw this throughout Crete where older ladies, usually clad in a black dress, would sit in a chair in the center of town and people watch, chat with friends and generally observe the goings on. One local friend told us, only half joking, that this is the security system for the village, nothing happens without the matriarchy seeing who did it.

- Dan:
The screw caps on plastic bottles are attached to the bottle! When you unscrew a plastic bottle cap for the first time, one strand of the under-ring remains attached to the cap (see photo). This is both a blessing and a curse. At first, I thought "What a brilliant idea! Now no one will ever lose their bottle cap". But after living with this "feature" for a month, I also saw the downside. Which is, it's hard to get a swig with the cap sticking off the edge. This is true only for the single serving bottle, but even for the 1 liter bottles, the attached cap can sometimes cause problems, like getting in the way of the pour. For the record, we saw this feature on plastic bottles in Croatia and Bosnia so it is not a uniquely Greek phenomenon.

We hope you liked these cultural observations from our time in Greece. Please let us know if you noticed any of these or any others on your travels to Crete or Greece.

A post from our 3 days in Athens a few weeks back...trying to catch up. :)

A post from our 3 days in Athens a few weeks back...trying to catch up. :)

The Museum of Illusions in Athens was a definite highligth for the kids (and the parents!)

The Museum of Illusions in Athens was a definite highligth for the kids (and the parents!)

Today's Field Trip was to the Museum of War and Genocide Victims (1992-1995) in Mostar. Obviously this is a pretty advan...

Today's Field Trip was to the Museum of War and Genocide Victims (1992-1995) in Mostar. Obviously this is a pretty advanced topic for our kids' ages, but as it is a signficant part of the city and country we are living in for an extended period of time, we thought it was important to cover the topic somewhat.

The museum, while very impactful, strikes a nice balance of telling the stories of the atrocities that were committed on all sides while not overly glorifying the gore of these atrocoties. There were many kids there, and for the younger ones most of it goes over their heads anyway.

We just hope that Finley and Austen understand there was a conflict that involved different peoples who were unable to live peacefully together. Ryan, obviously, understands more about the conflict and the ethnicities invovled.

Before the museum, we had the kids watch a short video called "The Worst War You Never Learned About" that does a really good job of laying out the history of this horrible conflict in a very clear and concise way. If any of you are like me, and know very little of this conflict other than it was the end of Yugoslavia and resulted in many diffferent countries by the time the fighting stopped, you may find this video interesting as well.

Ryan, Finley and I tacked on a bonus field trip to the "Sniper Tower" which was a bank in 1991 that was bombed out during the Bosnian War and became a strategic position for Croat snipers to fire upon the Bosniak Muslim forces and civilians. It is technically not open to the public, but I read a blog that says a lot of people scale the wall and climb to the top so....of course, I did too.

It was definitely a thrilling adventure for Ryan, Finley (and Daddy) and while I was able to consider what it would have been like to be a sniper on the roof and feel some powerful emotions seeing the bullet holes in the nearby walls and some bombed out buildings reinforcing the images we saw in the museum, I think the kids just really liked clamboring around a forbidden, derelict building and seeing all of the graffiti (some really nice artwork by local and international artists).

There are a bunch of pics of the Sniper Tower below, but I also put together a short video of us going through the building if you want to feel the drama a bit more. :)

Our home for the next month.  Mostar, Bosnia: Stop 2 on our World Schooling adventure.

Our home for the next month. Mostar, Bosnia: Stop 2 on our World Schooling adventure.

Check out our latest Newsletter - and don't forget to sign up to get on our distribtion list via our website.

Check out our latest Newsletter - and don't forget to sign up to get on our distribtion list via our website.

Hi Fellow Travel Enthusiasts, Welcome to the 4th installment of our Newsletter with updates from our Worldschooling year abroad. Note that we have rebranded it as the "The Roamers Report" because, well, why not? Note: If you cannot load the pictures or wish to view previous newsletters, you can

Leaving Crete on the night ferry to Piraeus, Athens....

Leaving Crete on the night ferry to Piraeus, Athens....

This week's field trip was to the UNESCO Global Geopark of Sitia in eastern Crete on the Agean Sea. Highlights included ...

This week's field trip was to the UNESCO Global Geopark of Sitia in eastern Crete on the Agean Sea. Highlights included a hike to a 20m high waterfall at Richtis Gorge, a seaside lunch at a taverna in Sitia and a swim/snorkel at Hiona Beach.

This week's World School Field Trip: The Aquaworld Aquarium and Reptile Rescue Center and Hersonisis, Crete. All of the ...

This week's World School Field Trip: The Aquaworld Aquarium and Reptile Rescue Center and Hersonisis, Crete. All of the creatures here we're injured in the wild or unwanted pets that are now cared for by the centre.

Yesterday's gym class. A hike up the hill near our house to the local Minoan Settlement ruins.

Yesterday's gym class. A hike up the hill near our house to the local Minoan Settlement ruins.

Sink Hole Dive: Test video for our new Insta360 AcePro Camera.

Sink Hole Dive: Test video for our new Insta360 AcePro Camera.

Test video with new Insta360 Ace Pro

First World School Field Trip. It was a double bill, we visited Knossos Palace, a famous Minoan Civilization (3000 BCE -...

First World School Field Trip. It was a double bill, we visited Knossos Palace, a famous Minoan Civilization (3000 BCE - 1100 BCE) known for the mythical labyrinth where Theseus slayed the Minotaur and then visited the Heraklion Archeological Museum where many of the original artifacts found at Knossos are now safely displayed.

We arrived in Crete and spent two days in the lovely Venetian port town of Chania before driving to our first slow trave...

We arrived in Crete and spent two days in the lovely Venetian port town of Chania before driving to our first slow travel "home" on the south side of the island.

Two day layover in London before settling into our first slow travel destination. We were blessed with great weather, sa...

Two day layover in London before settling into our first slow travel destination. We were blessed with great weather, saw some fun sights and connected with some awesome friends!


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