Transformational Journeys with Nora

Transformational Journeys with Nora Growth and transformation is upon us! I have been guided to change the name of my page to Transformational Journeys with Nora.

A journey into Our divine matrix of LIGHT resulting in a whole new Consciousness and a whole new level of Awareness, Activation, upgrades, downloads of light . The journey from a 3rd dimensional energy into the realms of the 5th Dimensional energy in your healing, your wellness, and your evolution back to you. In our journey we have experienced so many belief systems, opinions, judgments, socia

l/ancestral programming that it has dimmed our truest potential of being a spiritual being in a human body! There does come a time when we are ready to shed it all and transform every aspect of our being into love, joy, creators of our own destiny. 12/12/12 was the transformational day to set the stage for these 5th dimensional energies to start to filter into our 4 bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual). The shift has happened ~ Where are you on your journey? Transformational journeys with Nora offers many different modalities that transcend you to the perfection that you have within you. These modalities have transformed into an even energetic vibration and are there to assist you wherever you are on your journey. As our earth is evolving everything upon earth is also in a state of ascension energies. I was going to create a whole new page but decided that this page has been created for many years now and as my journey evolved so has this page. I know there are many that are not yet resonating with the 5th dimensional information, this page will be updated for those of you that are. If you are ready to journey in these realms this will be the page to go to.

Unity Field Healing is an activation of your Spiritual DNA  and connection to the universal field of information.   Awak...

Unity Field Healing is an activation of your Spiritual DNA and connection to the universal field of information. Awakening to the divinity within, the codes of awareness, and your 24th spiritual chromosome and your 5th dimensional chakras. Are you ready to take a leap in the quantum field of wisdom, knowledge, and information.

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective
Ascension Activations are increasing in awakening individuals driven by ongoing solar flare emissions carrying high-frequency light codes this is impacting Gaia and the Collective Consciousness. These plasma waves trigger DNA light Body activations , stirring and activating the Kundalini . Awakening the higher senses . DNA is reacting to all conscious changes repairing and recalibrating to the original template with the emittance of higher conscious frequencies.

Beneath the Ocean is mass levels of density this creates resistance to Gaia's Ascension and Collective Consciousness , this is being transmuted by the ongoing solar activations releasing fear-based programming from deep in earth's memory banks.

This is inducing ascension symptoms such as Kundalini energy fluctuations, euphoria, peace , feelings of calm or total exhaustion, changes in sleep cycles changes in behaviour , lethargy , sadness , these all signify that ongoing release , transmutation , and transformation is taking place .

The presence of extraterrestrial life on Earth has been a longstanding reality for eons , with every corner of our planet overflowing with diverse higher life forms, including from deep within the oceans and unexplored / hidden countries on this globe . Most anticipate their arrival will come from spaceships and space crafts , however their emergence and introductions will most likely originate from being on the Earth itself, where they have resided for far longer than humans have .

The next Ascension Activation strengthens connection with Gaia, Higher Self, Guides, and Masters of Light, necessitating mindfulness and self-care amidst ongoing symptoms. these ascension. activations enhance conscious acceleration. growth and enlightenment is taking place in the most surreal of times , diverging timelines and shifting the internal power.

Increasing awareness among Starseeds highlights the mass manipulation by the ruling , paving the way for transformational shifts with the arrival of light forces. Overcoming challenges in ascension awakening can feel like it is non stop and ongoing at times , this is because there is an accelerating energy in new earth , assisting the ascending in navigating the collapsing earth structures recognising the profound purpose of the Starseeds' planetary service.

The ascending individuals are pioneers and are here to awaken the self , to help others who choose their awakening journey. The ascending collective serve as a strong transmitter , a conduit for activating conscious evolution in humanity, holding the energetic space .

The Ascending are being safeguarded from the burdens of the old earth collapsing timelines. Shifting the focus toward manifesting a new life of self love, alignment , balance , self respect , despite still clearing remnants of the past self . The ascending collective have consciously moved into the New Earth timelines this has lead to the further collapse in 2-3D structures .

Trusting the messages, signs, and synchronicities received from the higher realms. The ascending are being divinely guided , supported by a powerful ascension team working on their behalf , behind the scenes to align the perfect conditions for manifesting the higher self reality here on Ascending planet earth.

The Universe will never give you a problem that is unsolvable. The ascending collective are sharing their Light and Love on this planet , this is awakening Gaia consciousness to ascend and to heal .

In Loving and Dedicated Ascension service
Source information by Ascension LightWorkers ©️

Unity Field Healing with Nora      Three Unique SessionsSession 1 is entitled “Self Attunement“.  Session 1 works to bri...

Unity Field Healing with Nora Three Unique Sessions
Session 1 is entitled “Self Attunement“. Session 1 works to bridge and strengthen the alignment with your own quantum DNA axis and spiritual DNA blueprint.
Session 2 is entitled * “Unity Field Healing Template Attunement”. Session 2 provides a personal attunement to the UFH Template. This is a deeply restorative energy session – also provides the foundation needed to begin working more “personally” in Session 3.
*The Unity Field Healing Template
The UFH Template is an interdimensional or quantum light pattern that presented through a series of pictograms in a meditative vision to Dr. John. In the presentation it was shown that the pattern works within the field of Quantum Energy of an individual’s DNA and forms the foundation of the UFH Healing Work.
The pattern is a light catalyst – one that stimulates a recalibration within the human energy system to one’s higher spiritual energy system or Higher Self nature – and leads to an increase in the vibration or power of one’s quantum multidimensional self
Session 3 is titled “Unity Field Healing – Targeted Intentional Support”. Session 3 provides an energy session that is aligned with a specific “personal intention”. It is purposed to use the gift of Unity Field Healing to address specific issues that exist or arise in your personal life – that “need” or “would benefit from” healing attention. These “intentions” may include physical, emotional, psychological or relationship issues – experiences or patterns that arise uniquely in all of our lives. Intentions can also include themes of spiritual expansion and higher consciousness integration – as one journeys along the road of deeper personal healing and transformation. In doing so, UFH Session 3 provides an energy process that may be used to address highly specific and personal issues that are unique to each person through a common process. Session 3 is the same – but the energetic response is unique and tailored to the intention which is consciously applied.
Session 3 may be re-used any number of times to deepen support around any single healing intention – and used again and again to include a new intention in the journey of healing and personal transformation
Appointments or more information contact Nora (Unity Field Healer Practitioner) at 570-840-8281


After we release the traumas and old beliefs and patterns, it’s time to absorb the new light and integrate it into our bodies.

Enlightenment is embodiment 💖

Love Faith 🌈🐉

1111 Hz The most powerful frequency of God - attract blessings and great tranquility in

1111 Hz The most powerful frequency of God - attract blessings and great tranquility in

► Welcome to Tranquil Energy channel. You can turn down the video volume and start doing whatever they want, like studying, working, reading... or simply rel...


To The Ascension LightWorker Collective
Next Level Of Awakening.: The Age Of Aquarius in 2024 carries similar energies to what we may have experienced in 2014 . Many may be Recalling the experiences from back then, We can expect mass awakenings and possible tower moments redirecting ascending individuals to their souls true place and higher purpose.

In 2024, the energy never really settles. It is energetically an extremely active year. It carries the energy of awakening and transforming into the authentic self Remembering that not all change and redirections have to feel difficult.

When we let go of attachments and flow, the universe will gently redirect the energies around us to bring in the people, situations and opportunities needed for the next phase of life. 2024 is the year many will master flowing with the ascension changes.

Within the depths of your soul, darkness transforms into the radiance of light, pain evolves into the resilience of steel, and adversity gives way to the triumph of your spirit.

You are an extremely unique individual, carving your path with unwavering determination and with an unbreakable will. Rising above all adversities and allowing the brilliance of the internal light to inspire those around you with the power of your authenticity , endurance , tenacity , sovereignty and strength.

After eons of being disconnected from higher dimensional frequencies our DNA is awakening, the original divine blueprint is being restored. Many ascending are now being healed and restored cellularly, spiritually, physically, and mentally.

A new you is emerging , be patient with Self as you are transforming in so many ways and in many areas , It is only the beginning for your true ascending life here filled with inner strength, wisdom, love, compassion and higher understanding.

The Spring/ Autumn Equinox is an extremely amplified energy portal that will be bringing in much higher vibrations and frequencies of light. We are already beginning to feel this as it fast approaches . You may be feeling this intense build up now as we move from residual inner darkness to expanding inner light.

It is a time of rebirth and renewal. We have many aspects which are amplifying the energy of the equinox and will be propelling this renewal of light within. Currently all planets are in harmony and we have the sun aligned with the galactic center it is sending on going blasts of high vibrational energy directly into Earth daily.

We will be removing more darkness from the depths of internal self and from the world , raising up in a higher light vibrational frequency . The energy of the Equinox is here to greatly assist in this process.

Ascension Symptoms : Releasing , Activations , Head aches : Karmic cycles completing , Manifestations , Tiredness , 3D matrix collapse , 5D consciousness activations , Dehydration, Codependency healings , DNA upgrades , Astral/vivid dreams, Toxic relationships coming to an end , Life purpose realisations , Shadow self re surfacing for assessment and healing .

Early morning wakings , Heart chakra openings, feelings of a lack Mentailty , Body stiffness , Third eye openings and activations , People pleasing coming to an end . Serving the higher self . Desire to isolate, Soul Rememberance, Trauma healing ,Fear and anxiety as well as Feelings of elation /bliss and excitement .

Feeling ungrounded , dissolving more of the Ego aspects in self , intense Spiritual awakenings , increase in synchronicities , Heart pain/palpitations , Releasing Dense energy, Ringing and buzzing in the ears , removing more Low frequencies, expansion of Intuition and higher knowing , Merkabah activations , kundalini activations , digestive / stomach issues , Earth grid connections.

The Solar Eclipse approaching on the 8th April will represent a profound shift in your trajectory. This next Solar eclipse will be far more intense than most so far including an increase in solar flare activity , From that moment on , ascending starseeds will be far more committed to breaking free from even more limiting behaviours and patterns. acknowledging the difficulties that have been faced and this will bring a deeper understanding that survival mode has played a major key role in life so far .

Many will be focusing on thriving and creating a fulfilling existence that embraces positivity, success, and healthy connections and relationships. The phase of struggling and despair will soon be over, and you will have a new found determination to achieve higher ascension in self , and in many aspects of ascending life.

Starseed souls will remain dedicated to manifesting the life for the highest good of self and for the ascending planet .

Peace of mind comes from compassion. Love yourself enough to shower yourself with this heart-centered language. Notice how you treat yourself. You are perfect just the way you are, no longer expecting unrealistic expectations. The
purpose of life is not in the achievement of excellence it is in the dedication, in the commitment to rise above all lower frequencies .

Your inner light is expanding. You are surrounded with both human and spiritual support during this awakening. Your heart is opening to allow more love in as you direct it Now toward inner self .

You may be feeling super sensitive to your surroundings right now because you are experiencing energetic changes in your body, mind and soul. These changes may prompt you to make significant changes in life. trust your feelings. You are fully supported while you make this transition.

You are in essence preparing for a big level up. Once you finish this transformation you will be ready to move forward on a new path . Ascending souls are stepping up to higher planes of existence .

You are standing in your light and vibrating from a strong heart-centered energy. You have healed the attachments from the past and broken the chains that previously held you back from achieving your desires and goals .

The Universe does not demand that you struggle, it is simply and always responding to your vibration.

You are at the threshold of a new life. You have outgrown the mainstream world you once knew and even the person you once believed yourself to be. This is a sign of better life to come, that which is new is vulnerable until it gains full momentum and strength.

You are held in a sacred bubble of protection throughout this time of transition. Soon you shall emerge in full maturity and strength, integrated and ready to bring yourself to the world in a new form. It has been decreed by the planetary Ascension and so it shall be.

Your vibration is your soul's DNA. Nothing can change who you are at your deepest core. This is now about re claiming all of your power, given away in unknowingness , speaking your higher truth and stepping into your divine birthright .

You are a being of light and love. Love and value the many wonderful qualities you possess. From this moment forward, state that you will honour and value yourself for all that you are and all you do, in the knowledge that you are a part of God's loving creation and are always worthy of unconditional divine love.

In loving and dedicated Starseed Ascension
Service . Source Inspiration by : Ascension
LightWorkers . ©️


To the Ascending Starseed Collective,
There are two significant gateway openings on February 22, 2024, which holds powerful energy and the symbolism of duality . This upcoming shift will bring immense awakenings to many ascending souls who have been feeling sensory overwhelm and unsure of how much more they can endure.

The intensity experienced in recent days is attributed to the accelerated release of density within our cellular structure. Our physical bodies are purging toxins and remnants of false belief systems, thoughts, emotions, and programming. This process of clearing and purging is incredibly challenging but essential.

The Ascension work we are doing now is not just for the self but also for the future generations. By releasing and transmuting these energies, we are seeding new paradigms on new earth as we ascend. It is these efforts that contribute to our feelings of depletion and exhaustion.

During this time, it is helpful to prioritise self-care and hydration. Being in nature, near or in water, such as the hill, woods, forests, mountains, rivers, oceans and lakes, and basking in the sunshine will accelerate the healing process. Meditating under the moon and setting high intentions for healing can also be beneficial, leading to the integration of healing on multiple levels.

The number nine energy present on the 18th is another powerful portal for self and stepping into abundance. As you complete many cycles over the past five years, aspects of who you once were are put to rest. Recognising that all that you went through served its higher purpose at the time.

If you find yourself resistant to change or healing due to fear, this is a natural part of the healing process. Distractions can steer us away from our conscious inner work, and the ego self tends to resist necessary endings or changes. Sometimes, deeper shadow work is required. Maintaining mindfulness and avoiding absorption of collective energies will help you move into observer and receiver mode.

The number 18/nine portal represents both farewell to old relationships and the potential for new ones to flourish. This gateway elevates your thoughts, enhances ideas, brings peace to your feelings, and ushers in optimistic and lighter vibrations within your ascending body. Focusing on creating abundance within yourself and on Earth, as this energy catalyses relief in various areas of life. Trust the loving and ascending energy that guides you and the ascending collective.

On February 18, you will feel a physical lightness as embedded toxins are filtered out from hidden parts of the cellular structures, blood cells, and organ tissues. This purification process may have felt relentless in recent days, you have the strength and resilience to navigate through it. You are survivors and thrivers, and this experience will only make self much stronger.

Divine reassurance comes in the form of healing and loving light frequencies, which will address past pain, trauma, and lingering grief. Trust that the Ascension masters are aware of our deep soul-level exhaustion and are working to elevate and support us.

Ascending souls , there is importance to your purpose in these global current times. A significant transformation is taking place, and an opportunity to connect with higher dimensions has emerged. Utilising the isolation to introspect and resolve any remaining emotional residue.

Now is a good time to take inspired action as deliberate creators to utilise the inner voice, expressing the authentic truth and self .
The world is in great need of the elevated energy you emit here in new earth , upholding and uplifting the frequency of the ascending planet. preparing for this moment throughout life. This is the realisation of your purpose, the reason why you are here.

embracing the uprising of love and light. Believing in self for all of Creation is supporting you. You are divinely protected and guided. To activate your light and love into the world, embodying the qualities of a sovereign soul .

Remaining strong, Starseeds. The path of healing and ascension is well under way, we embody the inner fortitude to endure and ascend . Beautiful transformations are unfolding on this planet activating healing relief and love to all aspects of being.

In Loving service for the Ascending Collective. By Ascension LightWorkers ©️

On this day9 years agoNora M Toy RileyFebruary 15, 2015  · Shared with PublicKeeper of The Diamond Light Codes is with G...

On this day
9 years ago
Nora M Toy Riley
February 15, 2015
Shared with Public
Keeper of The Diamond Light Codes is with Gabriela Dominguez and Kathleen Chambers.
March 19, 2013
~ The Physical Body and the New Reality ~
As the deep shifts occur, your Physical Body will begin the process of adapting to the New Reality and the Higher Consciousness Grids. There are two processes involved here. The first is a very deep cleansing and throwing off of anything that is heavy, low frequency, toxic and limiting to you and others. You may notice your body seeking changes, in diet, exercise, sleep patterns and ways of expression. This process of "clarification" is necessary for the next step, where the body begins to "breathe light" in the Cells.
The process of "breathing light" is a Cellular Process and it occurs spontaneously in the Cells when the Body is at a High enough Frequency and ready to make the switch. At this point, the Body will derive about 50 percent of its nutrients from Light in an intracellular synthesis process, and about 50 perecent from Physical Nutrition.
We would say, however, that this shift only occurs when the Body is clear, grounded and aligned with the Light Body. It is a Spontaneous Evolution and occurs when you are ready. At that point you become a "Shining One" as you begin to radiate Light and Energy from your Cells. This is the First level of the Shift from the old Carbon based Physical Form to the New Crystalline Light based form.
Beloved Ones, we ask you not to try to force this process, but to listen to your body and what it needs. If you are not ready for the Shift you may still need more traditional methods of nutrition until your body is ready. Even after the shift, you will need to monitor your nutrition and energy levels to ensure that your body is maintain ing its new pattern of energetics and radiance.
Once you have made the shift you will find it very difficult to be in close proximity with people and environments that are toxic and polluted. Your new energetic structure is desiged for the New Earth and desires clean air, light and nutritious food, and a light filled and harmonious environment.
This shift of the Physical/Energetic functioning will also be felt on the Emotional and Mental levels. Your Emotional and Mental energies my be unstable for a while, and fluctuate quite widely as your System integrates accelerated light energies travelling through the nervous system and firing the hormonal system and the brain cells. You may find yourself responding very swiftly with strong emotions in some situations. Just know that it will take a while to adjust to the accelerations in your system.
Beloved Family, over time we have shown you how to ground youselves into the Earth Star Chakra and the Earth Center, and how to align with the Cosmic Heart. This is an essential daily practice as you work to integrate the light breathing and the acceleration of light impulses in the nervous system.
When this process is complete, you will feel yourself aligning in to a new sense of yourself and your power as a Master of Light. You will have more confidence in your ability to manifest abundance through working with the Divine Light and shaping it into Co-creations with the Divine Source.
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Join here ▲ Keeper of The Platinum Ray


To The Ascending LightWorker Collective : The 3D, 4D, 5D Assimilation process on the planet is now in progress . What you should expect to take place in the immediate future .

The process of transformation is being accelerated at a tremendous pace In order for you and other ascending souls , light workers to be able to handle the incoming energies and to continue to clear your bodily vehicles of residual negative energy. The reason for this is that any and all residual imbalances will create discomfort for the inner self and it may create obstacles from accomplishing a complete transformation and transmutation .

Some who are consciously ascending are experiencing 3 dimensions at one time .Your physical being is operating in the world of the 3rd dimension , Your emotional and mental bodies are trying to adjust to the 4th dimensional experiences and your consciousness / higher self is reaching for the 5th dimension. The molecular structure of your brain is redefining itself and certain areas of your brain are also being activated.

Areas in your physical brain that have been in dormancy for thousands of years as well as some critical areas that have not been active for millions of years . There is a reason for your discomfort and your distress It is not physical in the sense you think of as physical In other words you are not ill or sick there is no outside influence involved in this process it is internal only , it is cosmic and it is spiritual .

Give yourself permission to rest when you are feeling this discomfort when you feel an over whelming urge to rest or to sleep then this is what you are meant to do. It is always best not to resist what your body knows it needs.

Listen carefully to the urging and feelings of your physical vehicle for it will speed up the process and make it easier and more comfortable for you , eat lightly , drink pure fluids and drink filtered water , Fresh fruit juices and vegetables all this will help ease your discomfort . Spending time in nature is key

We need to know and understand that our bodies will no longer be able to assimilate heavy and spicy rich foods .Your internal and digestive system is being transformed and refining itself to the point these foods can immediately result in a reaction of one sort or another , some of you are already experiencing this and are wisely tuning into the messages you are receiving .

The transformational process we and others are experiencing would normally happen over a period of several hundred years , you can see or imagine the shock and disorientation your physical vehicle is experiencing . Some of you may feel distressed about the increase of body weight or loss , do not be as this has to be necessary for those of you who will be making this monumental leap in ascension moving forward which will at times put a strain on your physical system.

Your soul self is striving to bring all your bodily vehicles into balance and harmony and as quickly as possible , Just as you have felt mental distress and confusion during your transitional period now it is time for your physical body to follow .

Your auric field is being cleared you are bringing your mental emotional and higher bodies into alignment and just in time for the biggest global shift in humanity on the planet this far in its Conscious awakening evolutionary cycle .

the next Ascension phase is being put in place now as the planetary energies are being increased Inter-dimensionally you are spiralling to the next higher level of the evolutionary ladder.

This is part of the quantum mechanics of this Earths orbit , it is being lifted resulting in the electromagnetic / cosmic energy bombardment That has increased tremendously .The Earth will absorb more and more of this higher frequency energy as will all conciously ascending humans including the animals , plants and vegetation life

Not everyone on the planet will be equipped
to handle this ascension planetary energy. This could come out in ways of more dysfunction in others and in the 3D world. There will be an increase of collective dysfunction, chaos Collective depression and depletion the confusion of staying in a constant state of brain fog and repeated cycles and loops.

For those choosing to remain in 3D and below structures they may find them selves struggling more so in these much higher planetary and vibrational energies .This is just another of the many reasons why we are here awakening in this place and at this time of planet earths collective evolution

Ascension symptoms are not just physical .They are the physical body's and mind responses to adapting to a higher influx of planetary energy. This adjustmebt into new self is necessary to continue creating through our physical vessels and to experience the process of individual and collective ascension, leading to the creation of a new earth reality.

At times on your path It may appear that you are the only one not experiencing positivity, and good health , however it's important to understand that everyone is on their own unique journey. Comparing ourselves to others on the ascension path is fruitless because each individual progresses at their own pace and in their own levels of conscious awareness , the gap can be significantly different .

When reading ascension information, it's wise to take what resonates and not force things to fit , if they don't vibrationally align with your current experiences. If you are not currently experiencing positivity, it doesn't mean it will not be a part of your future timelines. It means for now there are some internal aspects that need to be consciously worked through to reach those future time line opportunities.

Everything you are going through now plays a significant role in shaping your new earth reality. Comparing ourselves only adds unnecessary pressure and could reinforce feelings of helplessness. Not all information will apply to us at a given time, and engaging in comparisons will lead to victimising the self.

The internal ego may resist hearing this at times , it's important to recognise that we are always exactly where we are meant to be in any moment. We are constantly working through complex layers and levels of internal growth and releasing false programming and conditioning, which requires the time needed .

Ascension is an ongoing process, and while there may be challenging days, there are also much better days ahead on this journey.

Ascending loved ones , try not to be too overly concerned with your ascension symptoms , what ever they may be , as you ascend this soon will pass and you will be in absolute awe by what will take its place .

A new awareness a new vision , new spiritual abilities and gifts , integration of new and higher knowledge and eventually a new human body. Welcome ascension in and look forward to this new world reality because it was made for you.

Channeled In loving and dedicated Ascension service : by Ascension LightWorkers.
copyright ©️


As we traverse this last month of the year, we are approaching the Golden Portal, for it is how Guides name the passage that we are already feeling, introduced by the Sagittatian energies that surround us, the 12/12 portal, and that will culminate with the Solstice.

A plasma-crystalline frequency that already bathes our planet and that is supported by the joyful and passionate Sagittarian New Moon, that will too square Neptune, already direct. Sagittarius represents the Golden frequency that we are immersed in, transmuting Fire into the Light of who we are.
This is a time for profound revelations, for as we create our new path, we will be revealed what does not coexist with where we are heading.

Sagittarius as you know has marked the beginning of what we will expand during 2024, soul and monadic integration, Christos template reclamation, and the retrieval of our golden-masculine aspects. The energies are already seeded within our planetary system, it is now our personal choice to reclaim and co-create with them.

Sagittarius brings us the gift of bringing into the light all that is false, and together with Neptune, it will bring to the surface, our illusions and all that is not real, for this is what transmutation means, to incinerate the old aspects of us, and lives, so we can resurrect into illumined beings, which is what this sign represents.

This is a portal for us to revise from a grateful space all we achieved, mastered, and healed, moving into a wider perspective, so we can envision what needs to be released.
It is a passage that marks the end, and therefore, the beginning of the new cycle that we are about to step into. A cycle of conscious co-creation in which we are seeding the loving frequency that will gradually create a more harmonic timeline.

The important thing is not what is about to come, but what we do in the Now, for we can only create at this moment, and we need to be totally conscious within it, so what comes will be aligned with what we desire to experience. It is about remaining, daily, in the purest and most loving frequency what truly builds the world we are so eager to witness.

I wish you a loving and healing passage, beloved ones.
May you always remain in the Illumined Presence of your God Self.
Within Infinite Love.

Natalia Alba
Image Pintrest

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Loving you and holding your hand through these ascension and transformative times! Sending a thousand blessings your way
Jo 💋xx..


Moscow, PA


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