To The Ascension LightWorker Collective
Next Level Of Awakening.: The Age Of Aquarius in 2024 carries similar energies to what we may have experienced in 2014 . Many may be Recalling the experiences from back then, We can expect mass awakenings and possible tower moments redirecting ascending individuals to their souls true place and higher purpose.
In 2024, the energy never really settles. It is energetically an extremely active year. It carries the energy of awakening and transforming into the authentic self Remembering that not all change and redirections have to feel difficult.
When we let go of attachments and flow, the universe will gently redirect the energies around us to bring in the people, situations and opportunities needed for the next phase of life. 2024 is the year many will master flowing with the ascension changes.
Within the depths of your soul, darkness transforms into the radiance of light, pain evolves into the resilience of steel, and adversity gives way to the triumph of your spirit.
You are an extremely unique individual, carving your path with unwavering determination and with an unbreakable will. Rising above all adversities and allowing the brilliance of the internal light to inspire those around you with the power of your authenticity , endurance , tenacity , sovereignty and strength.
After eons of being disconnected from higher dimensional frequencies our DNA is awakening, the original divine blueprint is being restored. Many ascending are now being healed and restored cellularly, spiritually, physically, and mentally.
A new you is emerging , be patient with Self as you are transforming in so many ways and in many areas , It is only the beginning for your true ascending life here filled with inner strength, wisdom, love, compassion and higher understanding.
The Spring/ Autumn Equinox is an extremely amplified energy portal that will be bringing in much higher vibrations and frequencies of light. We are already beginning to feel this as it fast approaches . You may be feeling this intense build up now as we move from residual inner darkness to expanding inner light.
It is a time of rebirth and renewal. We have many aspects which are amplifying the energy of the equinox and will be propelling this renewal of light within. Currently all planets are in harmony and we have the sun aligned with the galactic center it is sending on going blasts of high vibrational energy directly into Earth daily.
We will be removing more darkness from the depths of internal self and from the world , raising up in a higher light vibrational frequency . The energy of the Equinox is here to greatly assist in this process.
Ascension Symptoms : Releasing , Activations , Head aches : Karmic cycles completing , Manifestations , Tiredness , 3D matrix collapse , 5D consciousness activations , Dehydration, Codependency healings , DNA upgrades , Astral/vivid dreams, Toxic relationships coming to an end , Life purpose realisations , Shadow self re surfacing for assessment and healing .
Early morning wakings , Heart chakra openings, feelings of a lack Mentailty , Body stiffness , Third eye openings and activations , People pleasing coming to an end . Serving the higher self . Desire to isolate, Soul Rememberance, Trauma healing ,Fear and anxiety as well as Feelings of elation /bliss and excitement .
Feeling ungrounded , dissolving more of the Ego aspects in self , intense Spiritual awakenings , increase in synchronicities , Heart pain/palpitations , Releasing Dense energy, Ringing and buzzing in the ears , removing more Low frequencies, expansion of Intuition and higher knowing , Merkabah activations , kundalini activations , digestive / stomach issues , Earth grid connections.
The Solar Eclipse approaching on the 8th April will represent a profound shift in your trajectory. This next Solar eclipse will be far more intense than most so far including an increase in solar flare activity , From that moment on , ascending starseeds will be far more committed to breaking free from even more limiting behaviours and patterns. acknowledging the difficulties that have been faced and this will bring a deeper understanding that survival mode has played a major key role in life so far .
Many will be focusing on thriving and creating a fulfilling existence that embraces positivity, success, and healthy connections and relationships. The phase of struggling and despair will soon be over, and you will have a new found determination to achieve higher ascension in self , and in many aspects of ascending life.
Starseed souls will remain dedicated to manifesting the life for the highest good of self and for the ascending planet .
Peace of mind comes from compassion. Love yourself enough to shower yourself with this heart-centered language. Notice how you treat yourself. You are perfect just the way you are, no longer expecting unrealistic expectations. The
purpose of life is not in the achievement of excellence it is in the dedication, in the commitment to rise above all lower frequencies .
Your inner light is expanding. You are surrounded with both human and spiritual support during this awakening. Your heart is opening to allow more love in as you direct it Now toward inner self .
You may be feeling super sensitive to your surroundings right now because you are experiencing energetic changes in your body, mind and soul. These changes may prompt you to make significant changes in life. trust your feelings. You are fully supported while you make this transition.
You are in essence preparing for a big level up. Once you finish this transformation you will be ready to move forward on a new path . Ascending souls are stepping up to higher planes of existence .
You are standing in your light and vibrating from a strong heart-centered energy. You have healed the attachments from the past and broken the chains that previously held you back from achieving your desires and goals .
The Universe does not demand that you struggle, it is simply and always responding to your vibration.
You are at the threshold of a new life. You have outgrown the mainstream world you once knew and even the person you once believed yourself to be. This is a sign of better life to come, that which is new is vulnerable until it gains full momentum and strength.
You are held in a sacred bubble of protection throughout this time of transition. Soon you shall emerge in full maturity and strength, integrated and ready to bring yourself to the world in a new form. It has been decreed by the planetary Ascension and so it shall be.
Your vibration is your soul's DNA. Nothing can change who you are at your deepest core. This is now about re claiming all of your power, given away in unknowingness , speaking your higher truth and stepping into your divine birthright .
You are a being of light and love. Love and value the many wonderful qualities you possess. From this moment forward, state that you will honour and value yourself for all that you are and all you do, in the knowledge that you are a part of God's loving creation and are always worthy of unconditional divine love.
In loving and dedicated Starseed Ascension
Service . Source Inspiration by : Ascension
LightWorkers . ©️