Uinta Basin Directory is the place to go for all information regarding the Uinta Basin. You can search for any business and depending on how much information that business has chosen to share, you can find out phone number, address, details about the business, menus, etc., and get driving directions to the business. If you own a business and don't see it in the directory already, you can create an account and list your business. If your business is listed and you would like to claim it and edit the information, you can do that too.
You can also find information on upcoming events on the event calendar. If you would like to add an event, just log in and add one...it's free.
You can also find articles that others have posted about the Uinta Basin in the Articles section.
Businesses may create deals for their goods and services and you can find those in the Deals section.
If you have something to sell or are looking for something to sell, log in and add it to the Classified section...it is free to do also.
Our aim is to create a community resource for locals and travelers that is a simple-to-use interface both on the web and as an app for your phone that makes it easy to find anything to do with the Uinta Basin.
The apps are free to download from the Apple and Android app stores as Uinta Basin Directory. The web site is
Located at the gateway to the beautiful High Uinta Mountains, Mountain Home is a hot spot for fishing, hunting, hiking, off-roading, and much more. It is the gateway to three beautiful canyons: Rock Creek, Moon Lake, and Yellowstone.