Years ago, I watched holy men create a sand painting. They worked silently, absorbed in their task, gently tapping the sand into place with their simple tools. The serenity of their work was palpable and the crowd of people who wandered by, responded with hushed whispers and quiet movements of their own. I was mesmerized and equally stunned to learn that days later, when they finished their work, they planned to carry their painting to a river close by and brush the sand into the water, releasing the vibration of their good will and good wishes into the world.
I’ve seen this quality of intention in the people who built Homan Hearth-- our parents, so many wonderful tradesmen and women, and our dear neighbors who have helped us every step of the way. People here never seem to be too busy to remember that work can be a sacred act, and that how we affect those around us is equally important.
Like so many homes in the area, our beautiful Homan Hearth has been swept away. As we begin the slow process of rebuilding, we wish to extend our sincere gratitude to the people we have worked with along the way, and to those who will help us move forward in this amazing place we call Mountain Home.