As someone with a deep passion for Agriculture, your learning is NEVER done. It has been a long few days but day 1 in Alaska has been JAM PACKED with so much fun and laughter with amazing people, culture, and animals!
@Post Malone please #PourMeADrink but make it a #ChaiLatte because #ItsColdOutside
We are #IceIceBaby status here in #upstateny in tiny 'ol #NaplesNY but the #Reindeer are waiting for their grain. Nothing makes the #WinterWeather a little more tolerable than #Homemade #ChickenNoodleSoup
Props to #HarvestCreekFarm in #kokomoindiana for my favorite mug!
We are SOLD OUT of Fresh Cut Trees!!
We apologize for any inconveniences but unfortunately we are sold out of Fresh Cut trees For the 2024 season.
For the time being, the u-cut lot at the barn is still open but we will be reevaluated tonight.
Merry Christmas
Kristin, Kaelynn, and Cupid made a special trip out to @Charleesicecream to catch up with #Santa and get some amazing treats!
If you are traveling towards #syracuse stop in and support this #AMAZING family! Their shop is so cute and they are serving up some delicious #PerrysIceCream and other homemade treats!
#merrychristmas #TravelingReindeer #travelingwithkids #photographer #Reindeer #ReindeerFarm #NaplesNY #NaplesReindeer #FarmersDaughter #smallbusiness #familybusiness #CapCut
Christmas is in FULL swing now!!
#HanggisHill is OPEN TOMORROW from 9am - 4pm
#HanggisBarn #HanggisGiftShop #HanggisReindeerLanding are OPEN TOMORROW from 9am - 5pm
Come get your #RealChristmasTree grown #locally here in #NaplesNY and don't forget to leave some time to visit the #SantasReindeer and their #FarmFriends
#Christmas2024 #CTFANY #GrowNY
Look at these babies!
Born as we got home from the #RyanRectorYouthOppportunityFoundation 2nd annual #BootsBlingAndFlannelCountryGala so they had to #CountryLegend name!
Meet #RebaMcentire #AlanJackson and #RandyTravis
#homestead #americanguineahogs #kunekune #piglet #minipig #AspiringReindeerProducer #DareToBeDifferent
✨ #SomethingNew ✨
@archipelagofarms hooked us up with some amazing #ReindeerMeat from his farm in #FairbanksAlaska
For many northern cultures across the globe reindeer are a key resource to their survival. Traditionally, and still to this day, reindeer have been used as a means of travel, a source of fiber and pelts for clothing, as well as a hardy and reliable source of protein. These uses were well established long before Santa came along!
Due to the meat's High protein and low fat ratio it is surprisingly less gamey than our NY venison along with a smooth and tender texture. Reindeer meat is also packed with vitamins and minerals making it just as healthy as fish!
Do you want to try some?
A meat package will be available at the #2ndAnnual #BootsBlingAndFlannelCountryGala this #Saturday the 26th. All proceeds from the fundraiser will go to the #RyanRectorYouthOpportunyFoundation and it's efforts in supporting youth develop their skills and passion for the outdoors!
#DareToBeDifferent #FarmToFork #FarmToFedexToTable #ExoticMeat #AspiringReindeerProducer #Livestock #producer
✨ Special Opening for the 🍇 #NaplesGrapeFestival 🍇 ✨
Please Note :: It's breeding season so no Reindeer at this opening.
🎅🏼Opening Weekend is NOVEMBER 23rd 🦌
🦌REAL LIVE Reindeer
🐷 💥Baby💥 Piglets!
🫏 ✨NEW✨Danni Vee the Donkey
🐰The Rabbit Fluffle
🐔 The Crazy Clucking Chickens
🐴 The Nosy Horses
Bring back the nostalgia of your outdoor childhood memories this Christmas season!
#LiveAnimalEncounter #NaplesNYreindeer #pettingzoo
#FamilyTime #Nostalgia
Kaelynn participated in her #FirstEver #NewYorkStateFair . She spent 4 days competing in the #EmpireYouthSwineScholarship , #LivestockEvaluation , #LivestockJudging , and the #YouthSwineShow 🐷 We made some amazing friends who showed outstanding showmanship and helped Kae to complete her #BestEver #Showmanship class! I couldn't be anymore proud of this kid and her resilience!
#ForTheLoveOfAgriculture #ForTheFutureOfAgriculture #agriculturetiktok #hogshow #pigsoftiktok #pigshow #farmersdaughter
Day 2!!!
🐷 Kaelynn is competing in the #EmpireYouthSwineScholarsip sponsored by the #NewYorkPorkProducers. Today she will be competing in a #Showmanship class and a #MarketHog class with #Sophie starting at 10 am.
🤔 At 5 pm Kaelynn and a bunch of other #OntarioCounty4H members will be representing our county in the #LivestockSkillathon where they will rest there knowledge on all things #Livestock !
It's a #BigDay ! 🤞🏼🤞🏼 🍀🍀
#Rut is upon us! This #BigBoy is getting ready to #play
#Shedding #velvet #Reindeer #breeding #Fall #NaplesNY #NaplesNYReindeer
Now that we are back from the #OntarioCountyFair , it is back to work! All the reindeer have been working on some #PositiveReinforcement training and now we are beginning to work on a few #RestraintFree tasks! This is #Day2 of #HanggisCindyLou walking into the stanchion. We are working on #TouchSensitivity while she eats her grain!
#FunFact :: #Reindeer can feel a fly land on their back so For many heading can be #Overstimulating
#HanggisRiendderLanding #NaplesNY #NaplesNYreindeer #reindeerTraining #animaltraining