PhotoFluff was formed to provide world-class digital imaging services to anyone needing them, as well as help professional photographers build their businesses by offloading their post-processing burden, allowing them to focus on developing new client relationships. We know how it feels to shoot a 12-hour wedding, then have to sit at a computer on a beautiful day to cull, process, and retouch, whe
n all we really want to do is get out and shoot! We refer to that feeling as “I’m Gonna Die Here Syndrome,” and studies have shown it can cause depression, back problems, and a vitamin D deficiency. Ok, maybe we’re exaggerating a bit, but imagine how great it would feel not to have to worry about the post-production aspect of your workload! PhotoFluff is here to rid you of the agony (and subsequent chiropractic bills). Let us take care of the pixel pushing so you can get back to doing more of what you love!