Give him his flowers while he can smell them so when the saints of GOD ask about you he can tell them…Gfly Ifly2 Godschild
Lord knows I have missed my dad so much for the new followers that weren’t aware my dad has cancer. He has stage four prostate cancer in operable and not curable. My dad’s been with me for almost 7 years when I first got sick and I had my diagnosis my dad dropped everything to come and be with me and his only grandchildren. We have been strong together‼️ I love my father so much before we left Flordia. We went our separate ways. I understood though because he needed to continue his care in Florida, but it was hard dealing with the fact that my father wasn’t with me. I was missing the morning conversations.
The conversations will go like this “Ashley B” you’re gonna live a long time girlfriend I don’t know how you do it. You are so strong.I swear you are I’m not just saying that because I’m your father, but I’ve been a living witness. My dad has been my number one cheerleader I swear through every situation he has been my backbone.
Just when I thought, maybe my dad will never come back my way. God has a way of showing you that his will, will be done‼️ so today’s conversation my dad and I were talking and he’s like Ashley B you want me to come back to be with you and my grandchildren🥹 I literally muted the phone and tears were streaming down my face, and I was just thinking God so much because I was missing my father don’t get me wrong. We talked every single day, but it was nothing like having my father by my side because I love my father and my father loves me , as much as my father needs me I need home as well‼️

My response was like yes dad‼️and just like that my father is coming back to his daughter and grandchildren and we are so excited. I cannot wait to hug my father because I haven’t seen him in almost a year since I left Florida. God might not answer your prayers when you want them, but he is always on time.