Live a great story!
Live a great story! We love this saying almost as mush as we love a great story!If you’re a history enthusiastic but enjoy the darker side of life, we have some great stories for you! Wicked tales about voodoo, vampires, and ghost stories!Come experience New Orleans history in a way very few can provide! Do not just take our word for it! Check out all the GREAT stories, our guests leave in their reviews, all the time! 😉#LiveAGreatStory #WeTellGreatStories#TrueCrime #Voodoo #Vampires #GhostStories #FrenchQuater #NewOrleans#DarkHistory #AfterDark #AdultsOnly #WalkingTour #ExploreNola #WithUs
Tis the season for another great video! Have you ever heard of the ancient Roman god named Mithras? 😲 😯 😮 Thanks, Ken Bailey, for sharing this thought-provoking video! What do you think?#OldSchoolVsNewSchool#MithrasVsMessiah#SunGodOrSonOfGod#December25Coincidence#SacredSupperSquad#CrucifixionCopycats#MiracleMates#ResurrectionRemix#ChristmasMyths#KeepItClassical
Who doesn’t love a modern day folklore application? Some of our favorites combine Romanian vampire lore, modern psychology, and French Quarter history, but we sure are digging this special holiday edition by @piper_cj! So what do you think? Is Santa a god, or nah?#IsSantaAGod #GodOrGiftGiver#SantaDivineDelivery#SleighingDivinity#CookiesForChrist#HolyHoHoHo#GodLevelGiftGiving #FamilyTraditions #ChristmasMyths
Remember to dress for success! It’s gets a lot colder in New Orleans than most people think! #50DegreesIsCold #DressAppropriately #NewOrleans #FrenchQuarter #Outside #AfterDark #AdultsOnly #WalkingTour #DarkHistory #TrueCrime #GhostStories #Voodoo #Vampires #WarmFoodTasteBetter #HotChocolateNotIncluded
We have tours leaving every day from in front of the arch way for Armstrong Park located at 801 Rampart St. You cross the big street (Rampart St), and you have arrived!We meet in front of the archway and not in the park itself as sometimes the park is closed! Here is a funky, 3D rendering, from Google Earth showing exactly where we should meet! Tours departing daily!Book now at #3D #Funky #IWantMyMtvVibes #VisualAid #StartingPoint #MeetUpSpot #Rendezvous #LetsGetItStarted #InTheBeginning #HottestHell #WalkingTours #FrenchQuarter #GhostStories #Voodoo #Vampires #TrueCrime #BestOfTheBest
New Orleans Storyville Museum
The entire Hottest Hell team recently got to visit the brand new New Orleans Storyville Museum here in the French Quarter, and what a thrill it was to explore such an in-depth collection of some of our city’s most tantalizing history! As we like to say on our Hellvision tours, seeing is believing, and if you’re a history lover like us, then you’ve got to check out all of the sights (and sounds!) that the museum has expertly curated for locals and tourists alike. Thank you to the entire Storyville Museum team for inviting us in, and for working tirelessly to preserve our city’s unique history for generations to come! #Storyville #StoryvilleMuseum #FrenchQuarter #NolaHistory #NewOrleansHistory #WomensHistory #HistoryLovers #RedLightDistrict #Nola #NewOrleans
We have a HUGE announcement coming next week! You won’t want to miss it!
We have a HUGE announcement coming next week! You won’t want to miss it! #WhatsYourMO #ModusOperandiGames #LetsHaveSomeFun
GOT GAMES? 💥 #ComingSoon #Games #NolaCulture #NolaLife #WhatsYourMO
GOT GAMES? 💥 #ComingSoon #Games #NolaCulture #NolaLife #WhatsYourMO
Happy birthday Hottest Hell Tours! 🔥
Happy birthday to us! Hottest Hell Tours is 5 years old today! Shout out to our fearless leader Bond Ruggles who worked tirelessly to make this dream a reality, to all of our tour guides who are the heart and soul of our company, and to all of YOU, to our guests who over the past five years have taken our tours, supported our small female owned buisness, left us five star reviews, and shared us with your family and friends! We wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you! We’re so grateful for all of the history lovers, paranormal enthusiasts, witches, vampires, and lovers of all things New Orleans who have joined our Hottest Hell community. Here’s to many more years to come! #HottestHellTours #NolaCulture #NolaLife #NewOrleans #Nola #HistoryLovers #SmallBusiness #LocalBusiness #FemaleOwnedBusiness
What’s your MO?
Something big is coming to New Orleans. The city will need saving. Mysteries will need to be solved. Are you up to the task? What’s your MO? 🔎 #ComingSoon #NolaGames #Games #NolaCulture #BachelorParty #CorporateEvents #LetsHaveSomeFun
Hey New Orleans, want to play a game? 👀 #ComingSoon #NolaCulture #Games
French Quarter Bubbles
There’s always magic in the French Quarter. 🫧 #FrenchQuarter #FrenchQuarterNola #FrenchQuarterLife #NolaLife #NolaCulture