Happy new year, everyone! We're holding a seasonal EPA for Axelrod Performing Arts Center *this* Saturday, January 4th from 11 AM to 7 PM (lunch break from 2:30 to 3:30). The upcoming portion of the season includes BEAUTIFUL, ROCK OF AGES, HEDWIG, and STEEL MAGNOLIAS.
Non-AEA performers *will* be seen as time permits, though we anticipate strong turnout and there may be a bit of a wait. At the current time, it looks like the afternoon (starting around 3:30 PM) will be less busy than the earlier part of the day, but come whenever you're able and we'll make best efforts to get you in and out.
Please note: this is a *local* call, taking place at the theatre (Deal Park, NJ) - the closest public transit is the Elberon NJT station, which is about 2 miles from the theatre itself. In the interest of full disclosure, very limited housing is available -- we have a particular interest in performers who are local (central NJ) hires and/or who have access to their own transportation.
There are no curent plans to hold NYC/in-person auditions for this season. Know someone with ties to the Central NJ area? Feel free to tag them below!
The full notice follows below, and AEA members can sign-up in advance (see comments section for URL).
Please prepare a brief singing selection (about a minute long) in the style of any show in the season, and/or a brief monologue for consideration for Steel Magnolias. Bring sheet music in your key, an accompanist will be provided. Please bring a picture/resume, stapled together.