We connect you to real, amazing people that match your spirit, introduce you to wonderful adventures, and eject boredom for good. Over the past five months we have hosted several engaging and exciting corporate and local community strengthening events and we are currently developing an app designed to facilitate quality and lasting networking and connection. Based on your current mood and loc
ation, you will be guided to one of our vetted Tonesetter (our term for a terrific and trusted human being) that compliments or best serves your mood and needs. If you're feeling shy and want to stay solo, you can participate in any number of App based LoveMore challenges that integrate you and your community in a fun and adventurous way where ever you may be. These challenges are safe and designed to make it easier to simply say hi. The more you participate in your community and the more challenges you accomplish, the more points, free gifts, and discounted services you get. All you have to do is pick a mood and we'll take care of the rest. Triple the eye contact, double the hugs, and have fun getting to know your community right now. "You are your community"
Whatever the Mood