Hey everyone! In just a few weeks I'm offering a February Capoeira Break Camp on Marcus Garvey btwn Gates and Monroe from 8:30AM-3PM, ages 5-12. In addition to Capoeira we will have arts and crafts and special workshops from guest teachers in things like Afro Brazilian Dance and Maculélé. I have been training Capoeira for more than 20 years and working as a full time elementary teacher for 8 years+ and my wife is the Camp Director at the Co-op School.
If you have a child who loves Capoeira I know they will love this camp! We have an extremely limited number of spots (just 15 kids/day total) so sign up now!
You can register for a single day or for the full week of camp here:
PS - I also offer adult classes in Flatbush 3 nights/week from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Details on my website. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!
Join us for 5 amazing days of Capoeira, Samba, Maculélé and more at The Co-op School, 644 Gates Avenue in Brooklyn, NY (Entrance located on Marcus Garvey between Gates and Monroe).